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Why Atheism.

I can certainly understand how, for a variety of different reasons, people can have problems with some of the different organized religions of the world, however, I don't know too many people who aren't spiritual (believing in God in some form), if they've been through enough hardships ...esp. if they've been close to death...

In any event, Science and Philosophy are not contrary to a belief in God...Some of the greatest scientists and philosophers are very religious as well.
It's not a matter of belief or disbelief in God, but a matter of whether existence has meaning on human terms when human intelligence is in it's present embryonic state. We as humans have not had enough time to even answer the most basic questions regarding consciousness, and even the greatest scientists are more concerned with where, when, and how (which changes with time) than why. Maybe much more advanced civilizations, if they exist, have that deeper understanding we presently lack.
I can certainly understand how, for a variety of different reasons, people can have problems with some of the different organized religions of the world, however, I don't know too many people who aren't spiritual (believing in God in some form), if they've been through enough hardships ...esp. if they've been close to death...

In any event, Science and Philosophy are not contrary to a belief in God...Some of the greatest scientists and philosophers are very religious as well.

Clearly religion wasn't enough and thre are plenty of very smart men that fear death and find comfort in fairy tales. People are smart in some cases and dumb or intellectually dishonest in others. Their investigations were not religiousy based because if they were, you wouldn't need science to do the job. A fighter might believe in god but he had to work out and train to make sure he'd win and if faith in a god mattered, you wouldn't need to study things or even practice.


Official Checked Star Member
Being an aethiest is really just being realistic.

You take the wasted energy and effort lost in believing and pursuing the ficticious and can apply it to more healthy pursuits like -

Being able to walk down the street with your head held high knowing that you answer to only yourself and that some high and mighty know it all isnt judging you based on their archaic rule system

You can stand on your own two feet, unlike some brainwashed sheep who follow the herd because they lack the self awareness to get by without the crutch that is religion.

Live without the persecution of others who claim their fictitious beardie man or six armed elephant is better, superior blah blah blah

Pretty much my take as well. There might have been something/ someone that created everything but I don't think any religion has come up with a believable explanation. especially not one worth living my life a certain way for.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "But for the Grace of God"

The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "A Blessed Struggle"

At atrociously high energy states, the properties of matter change subtly and new miracles become possible. The Plasma Accretion process is now dangerous and difficult to control, but its products will soon become commonplace in our society.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Lord Works"

As distances vanish and the people can flow freely from place to place, society will cross a psychological specific heat boundary and enter a new state. No longer a solid or liquid, we have become as a vapor and will expand to fill all available space. And like a gas, we shall not be easily contained.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "But for the Grace of God"
Accompanies the Secret Project "The Planetary Transit System"

Beware, you who seek first and final principles, for you are trampling the garden of an angry God and he awaits you just beyond the last theorem.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "But for the Grace of God"

The Morgans fear what may not be purchased, for a trader cannot comprehend a thing that is priceless.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Collected Sermons"

And so we return again to the holy void. Some say this is simply our destiny, but I would have you remember always that the void EXISTS, just as surely as you or I. Is nothingness any less a miracle than substance?
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We must Dissent"

Men in their arrogance claim to understand the nature of creation, and devise elaborate theories to describe its behavior. But always they discover in the end that God was quite a bit more clever than they thought.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We must Dissent"

Will we next create false gods to rule over us? How proud we have become, and how blind.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We must Dissent"
Accompanies the Secret Project "Self-Aware Colony"

And what of the immortal soul in such transactions? Can this machine transmit and reattach it as well? Or is it lost forever, leaving a soulless body to wander the world in despair?
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We must Dissent"
Accompanies the Secret Project "Bulk Matter Transmitter"

Already we have turned all of our critical industries, all of our material resources, over to these...things...these lumps of silver and paste we call nanorobots. And now we propose to teach them intelligence? What, pray tell, will we do when these little homunculi awaken one day announce that they have no further need for us?
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We must Dissent"

Go through, my children! The time of miracles is upon us. Let us cast off sin and walk together to the Garden of the Lord. With God's mercy we shall meet again on the other side.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "Last Testament"
Clearly religion wasn't enough and thre are plenty of very smart men that fear death and find comfort in fairy tales. People are smart in some cases and dumb or intellectually dishonest in others. Their investigations were not religiousy based because if they were, you wouldn't need science to do the job. A fighter might believe in god but he had to work out and train to make sure he'd win and if faith in a god mattered, you wouldn't need to study things or even practice.

I'm not quite sure what your point is, faith in God or some form of sprirtual wisdom has nothing to do with how hard you work to achieve your goals in life,,,On the contrary, many people get inspiration from their faith to find the strength to pursue their goals...especially if their goals lay at the end of a road less traveled...

In any event, it doesn't really matter what you think...what matters is the ideology and epistemology of those whom you serve...i.e ...if you serve a corporate/military industrial structure that controls your means to livelihood...your ability to get money and purchase food, housing, transportation etc...If the principals of that aforesaid entity whorship the Devil... then you will do their bidding regardless of what you think your personal philosophy is...
To have the upper hand they would have to have some proof that backs up their case, but when it gets down to it they don't. I see it more as a philosophy that's believed in than anything. Truth encompasses more than what people can know or prove and probably always will. That even goes for scientific things. While lack of evidence scientific evidence of it's existence might be a good basis to not believe in say, unicorns, which should have left logically left something around, and thus itโ€™s absence is itself evidence, it's not a good basis to disbelieve something, the concept of God, that by it's nature can't be disproved.
Ever heard of Russell's Teapot of The Flying Spaghetti Monster,because that's what your nonsensical argument is.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Honestly, I respect everyone's right to believe as they choose. But DON'T try and convert me or try and shove it down my throat. I am an atheist and I have friends who are Christians...one who is pretty religious. We don't discuss religion although I am pretty sure she looks "down" on me for not believing. Well not down on me, but she probably thinks I am going to hell b/c I do not accept Jesus. To each their own.
I'm not quite sure what your point is, faith in God or some form of sprirtual wisdom has nothing to do with how hard you work to achieve your goals in life,,,On the contrary, many people get inspiration from their faith to find the strength to pursue their goals...especially if their goals lay at the end of a road less traveled...

In any event, it doesn't really matter what you think...what matters is the ideology and epistemology of those whom you serve...i.e ...if you serve a corporate/military industrial structure that controls your means to livelihood...your ability to get money and purchase food, housing, transportation etc...If the principals of that aforesaid entity whorship the Devil... then you will do their bidding regardless of what you think your personal philosophy is...

If faith in god is so important, you wouldn't need to put in the hard work which is clearly based on faith in yourself. If you believe a magically force is gonna help you, why the hell would you practice? It should be in the bag, right? Talented people are inspired by other talented people.

Then faith in god or any other made up being, is pointless which was my point to begin with. Thanks for proving it.
If faith in god is so important, you wouldn't need to put in the hard work which is clearly based on faith in yourself. If you believe a magically force is gonna help you, why the hell would you practice? It should be in the bag, right? Talented people are inspired by other talented people.

Then faith in god or any other made up being, is pointless which was my point to begin with. Thanks for proving it.

ehhhh ...That's DEFINATELY not true... the majority of talented hard-working people DON'T make it...especially Musicians and Artists.. The ones who do recogize the struggle between God and the Devil and also recognize that they had to make a concious choice which direction to take..

Athiests in general are just pawn minions of Satanists...they use your cowardly apathy as a tool to fulfill their goals...read
Pawns In The Game http://www.michaeljournal.org/pawns.asp...one of the most important goals of Satanists is "Abolition of ALL religions established and existing so that the Luciferian ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind".

Understand that Satanic control is pervasive in every facet of your life from private industry to especially the Military...research Micheal Aquino (High Priest of Satanic Temple Of Set AND a MK-Ultra Mind Control Progammer at Fort Bragg, NC) http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/mindcontrol2/appendix01.htm http://www.whale.to/b/aq1.html http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2005/03/michael-aquino-alleged-child-sex-abuse.html http://www.franklinfiles.net/mobile.spark?p=topic&topic=47574058.... research Ronald Gray and The countless SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) murders at Fort Bragg over the past 25 years...http://abcnews.go.com/2020/slideshow/photos-ft-bragg-murders-11634909

You're only allowed to believe you're an Athiest beause mentally, it works to the advantage of those whom you serve...in reality you're just a slave...a drop of sweat on some Satan-worshipping sellout's balls...

ehhhh ...That's DEFINATELY not true... the majority of talented hard-working people DON'T make it...especially Musicians and Artists.. The ones who do recogize the struggle between God and the Devil and also recognize that they had to make a concious choice which direction to take..

Athiests in general are just pawn minions of Satanists...they use your cowardly apathy as a tool to fulfill their goals...read
Pawns In The Game http://www.michaeljournal.org/pawns.asp...one of the most important goals of Satanists is "Abolition of ALL religions established and existing so that the Luciferian ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind".

Understand that Satanic control is pervasive in every facet of your life from private industry to especially the Military...research Micheal Aquino (High Priest of Satanic Temple Of Set AND a MK-Ultra Mind Control Progammer at Fort Bragg, NC) http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/mindcontrol2/appendix01.htm http://www.whale.to/b/aq1.html http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2005/03/michael-aquino-alleged-child-sex-abuse.html http://www.franklinfiles.net/mobile.spark?p=topic&topic=47574058.... research Ronald Gray and The countless SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) murders at Fort Bragg over the past 25 years...http://abcnews.go.com/2020/slideshow/photos-ft-bragg-murders-11634909

You're only allowed to believe you're an Athiest beause mentally, it works to the advantage of those whom you serve...in reality you're just a slave...a drop of sweat on some Satan-worshipping sellout's balls...

I thought satan was punished. The hell is he doing influencing people that don't believe in him or any mythological characters? god's one lazy bastard and I'm curious what your "his" opinion is about you being on a porn site. If your god is all knowing and perfect, satan's just doing what god already set in place and therefore, makes god satan. If anything other than god is responsible for something this god doesn't approve of, god isn't all knowing nor all powerful and therefore, doesn't exist. No religious gods exist and if anything is god, it's the universe. I'm an atheist because I finally investigated the truth behind the religion I once fallowed and the religions that came before and after it. Satan worshipping sellouts? Unlike the christian/catholic/baptist etc churches, satanists don't get paid.
Re: Why Atheism?

Compromise. Agnosticism.

Agnosticism has to do with knowledge. Atheism has to do with belief. If you don't believe in god, you're an agnostic atheist. You're thinking of deism.
I thought satan was punished. The hell is he doing influencing people that don't believe in him or any mythological characters? god's one lazy bastard and I'm curious what your "his" opinion is about you being on a porn site. If your god is all knowing and perfect, satan's just doing what god already set in place and therefore, makes god satan. If anything other than god is responsible for something this god doesn't approve of, god isn't all knowing nor all powerful and therefore, doesn't exist. No religious gods exist and if anything is god, it's the universe. I'm an atheist because I finally investigated the truth behind the religion I once fallowed and the religions that came before and after it. Satan worshipping sellouts? Unlike the christian/catholic/baptist etc churches, satanists don't get paid.

Satanists like Micheal Aquino "get paid"... They are filthy rich, and have an ever increasingly large amount of influence on your life ...the reason why they have so much control is because people confuse the treachery of the hypocrites of organized religion, with their own personal relationship with God...as I originally stated in post #61 of this thread...

666 is not rightly the sign of the Devil, but rather the identifying numerology corresponding to the Sun and Nature...Organized religions in general, especially Christianity, stress a war against nature and a hatred of natural things and ways...As opposed to the TRUE wicca traditions that embrace such concepts...

The reason for this is because in large civilizations/ large industrialized societies of man, religion is used as a tool to control and dominate the masses of humans. For religions such as Christianity to able to do this, man must act in contrary to his natural instincts and highest natural perrogatives.

Natural means free...Thus there is nothing unnatural about being naked or having sex (i.e. porn), it is the context of organized religion that causes the perception of guilt and evil...so in rebellion against this and the many other hypocritical contradictions of organized religion, people worship what they consider to be the Devil because they think it will be more fun, and more in accordance with their natural desires to be free...

But Christianity and Satanism are two side of the same wrong coin...both religions are ultimately only concerned in controlling man, with the only real purpose being its own totalitarian perpetuation,,,Satanism gains popularity because it uses the lure of freedom, free sex, free love as an attraction, but in reality Satanists use the concept of freedom and "no God or moral laws (Atheisim)" as justification to do whatever they want, and commit unspeakable attrocities against man and nature.

The real truth of freedom is that of the existence of man and his goals of survival, balanced with respect for nature and his fellow man... an intellectual and naturalistic spiritual positivism based on a synthesis of the greater unifying aspects of all the religions of man ...

99% of the activities of man are pointless and only have relevance to other men... Diamonds and Gold are just rocks, money is just paper or bits of metal...Merely the archaic tools of mans self-induced enslavement and oppression..

A natural educational enlightenment to free the minds of man is the answer ...but that is not the goal of any organized societal religion, especially not Satanisim...all of their goals are to divide and conquer all men for the purpose of their exploitation....(culturally, racially, ethnically, intellectually, religously, etc.)

But make no mistake,,,America is the Kingdom of the Beast....The greatest amount of wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of Satanists (Republicans / Skull and Crossbone / MK-Ultra Secret societies)..because money is the root of all evil...And their only goal is to gain more power at all costs...

Remember, the Christian religion of man is not the truth..."Jesus" was the truth and he was persecuted and tortured to death because his supernatural existence defied the power and authority of the church AND state...

In this world, the enemy of all hypocrites is the truth...you think you're an athiest, but if you start telling people about MK-Ultra, and the Satan worshippers in the military / gov't and private industry, then you will be persecuted and disenfranchised, and I garauntee by the end of that ordeal, you will either have a STRONG beleif in God, or you'll be dead...
Satanists like Micheal Aquino "get paid"... They are filthy rich, and have an ever increasingly large amount of influence on your life ...the reason why they have so much control is because people confuse the treachery of the hypocrites of organized religion, with their own personal relationship with God...as I originally stated in post #61 of this thread...

666 is not rightly the sign of the Devil, but rather the identifying numerology corresponding to the Sun and Nature...Organized religions in general, especially Christianity, stress a war against nature and a hatred of natural things and ways...As opposed to the TRUE wicca traditions that embrace such concepts...

The reason for this is because in large civilizations/ large industrialized societies of man, religion is used as a tool to control and dominate the masses of humans. For religions such as Christianity to able to do this, man must act in contrary to his natural instincts and highest natural perrogatives.

Natural means free...Thus there is nothing unnatural about being naked or having sex (i.e. porn), it is the context of organized religion that causes the perception of guilt and evil...so in rebellion against this and the many other hypocritical contradictions of organized religion, people worship what they consider to be the Devil because they think it will be more fun, and more in accordance with their natural desires to be free...

But Christianity and Satanism are two side of the same wrong coin...both religions are ultimately only concerned in controlling man, with the only real purpose being its own totalitarian perpetuation,,,Satanism gains popularity because it uses the lure of freedom, free sex, free love as an attraction, but in reality Satanists use the concept of freedom and "no God or moral laws (Atheisim)" as justification to do whatever they want, and commit unspeakable attrocities against man and nature.

The real truth of freedom is that of the existence of man and his goals of survival, balanced with respect for nature and his fellow man... an intellectual and naturalistic spiritual positivism based on a synthesis of the greater unifying aspects of all the religions of man ...

99% of the activities of man are pointless and only have relevance to other men... Diamonds and Gold are just rocks, money is just paper or bits of metal...Merely the archaic tools of mans self-induced enslavement and oppression..

A natural educational enlightenment to free the minds of man is the answer ...but that is not the goal of any organized societal religion, especially not Satanisim...all of their goals are to divide and conquer all men for the purpose of their exploitation....(culturally, racially, ethnically, intellectually, religously, etc.)

But make no mistake,,,America is the Kingdom of the Beast....The greatest amount of wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of Satanists (Republicans / Skull and Crossbone / MK-Ultra Secret societies)..because money is the root of all evil...And their only goal is to gain more power at all costs...

Remember, the Christian religion of man is not the truth..."Jesus" was the truth and he was persecuted and tortured to death because his supernatural existence defied the power and authority of the church AND state...

In this world, the enemy of all hypocrites is the truth...you think you're an athiest, but if you start telling people about MK-Ultra, and the Satan worshippers in the military / gov't and private industry, then you will be persecuted and disenfranchised, and I garauntee by the end of that ordeal, you will either have a STRONG beleif in God, or you'll be dead...

I didn't ask for a fucking theology lesson. I made some very simple points and the only thing you adressed is satanists getting paid. You're wrong. Satanism isn't about just doing hat you want. It's about not feeling guilty about doing harmless things the bible condemns. Atheism is only a rejection of deistic claims. That doesn't mean atheists don't respect the laws of their specific land. If your claiming that Jesus isn't apart of religion, you're insane and a personal relationship is nothing more than applying your own views but claiming they deserve more respect for them because they come from a non-personal source (religion). You didn't answer my question of what your god thinks of you being on a porn site. I know I'm an atheist. There's no way I can have a strong belief in a made up being. Sorry.