Micro militarism. The decline of all empires. You really need to take a small bout of semi isolation to lick your wounds and address your problems.
Looks like it's gonna have to be the US Bloodshot, bring back conscription!
'We'll set our sights on Washington': Chavez and Iran's Ahmadinejad JOKE about attacking U.S. with 'a big atomic bomb'
* 'That hill will open up and a big atomic bomb will come out'
* Meeting in Caracas comes on day Iran sentenced a man to death for allegedly spying on the country for the U.S.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...e-attacking-US-atomic-bomb.html#ixzz1j35nVmje
guys, iran said they did not have any intention on producing nuclear weapons, but israel already has a lot of nuclear weapons.
Iran only said they want to destroy Israel so let them kill each other, iran vs israel...
they both have dirty history, we should not sacrifice any other's soldiers for those two countries...
I think we should take all the money we would spend on bombs and put it toward finding an alternative source of energy to fossil fuels. This will then make the entire middle east completely irrelevant once again. We can then take all of our troops out of the region as well. If we have ANY problem whatsoever with those worthless pieces of camel dung, we can just nuke the entire area.
More of less, I think this is ideal, my MN comrade, but is it realistically feasible? :dunno:
I think we should take all the money we would spend on bombs and put it toward finding an alternative source of energy to fossil fuels. This will then make the entire middle east completely irrelevant once again. We can then take all of our troops out of the region as well. If we have ANY problem whatsoever with those worthless pieces of camel dung, we can just nuke the entire area.
More of less, I think this is ideal, my MN comrade, but is it realistically feasible? :dunno:
It might take some time, but if I were the President, I would offer the private sector huge financial incentives for finding the solution. Offer a billion dollar reward for finding an engine that doesn't run on fossil fuels, and meets certain requirements. The free enterprise system can do great things if the government will just step aside and get out of their way.