Who should deal with Iran?


  • America

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Europe

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Surounding countries

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • No one

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
Ohhhhh snap. I know I'm getting drafted. Within 6 year, huh folks, there will be a draft. It's a done deal. Oh well, the job front isn't exactly a winner 'round these parts. The Gov't gon' put us all to work... :cool:
Iran and the Middle East will keep China and Russia in Check from expanding. And vice versa. They're surrounding each other:1orglaugh. 1.8 Billion angry Koran thumping Muslims doesn't bode well for Asia's future. They're going to 'take care' of each other, clean their backyard so to speak :D And lets not even think about the 1.5 Indians. Meanwhile America is surrounded by Canada :D It's not fair.
Iran and the Middle East will keep China and Russia in Check from expanding. And vice versa. They're surrounding each other:1orglaugh. 1.8 Billion angry Koran thumping Muslims doesn't bode well for Asia's future. They're going to 'take care' of each other, clean their backyard so to speak :D And lets not even think about the 1.5 Indians. Meanwhile America is surrounded by Canada :D It's not fair.



You're towing the line, aren't you Rey?

Erika Red

Official Checked Star Member
Well if anyone does it will have to be the USA, I don't want the USA to go back over there for war, but the only country that can complete a task is the US, all other countries are only good for criticizing and complaining. Sorry but coming from Military families if you want it done right send in the US, without NATO lead. Now don't hate a lady for her opinion :rolleyes:


Staff member
Israel and Saudi Arabia

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Saudi Arabia is the country that springs to my mind. I remember hearing that the Saudi royal family secretly urged the United States to invade Iran, and it was revealed through wikileaks. I have also heard that they are thinking about starting a nuclear weapons program of their own.

That sounds like a great idea. Lets nuclify the Saudis. :facepalm:
Saudi Arabia is the country that springs to my mind. I remember hearing that the Saudi royal family secretly urged the United States to invade Iran, and it was revealed through wikileaks. I have also heard that they are thinking about starting a nuclear weapons program of their own.
Saudi Arabia use islam as a weapon for colonizing other countries.
Nowadays people from Indonesia who changed their names and cultures consider themselves as arab or from arabic mixed descent of some kind.

Let Zarathustra deal with Iran.
It's all kicking off!

West blamed by Iran as YET ANOTHER nuclear scientist is assassinated by magnetic car bomb in the street

* Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan was a director of Natanz uranium enrichment facility
* Fourth nuclear scientist killed in Iran in the past two years
* Nuclear plants in country have also experienced two 'mystery' explosions
* Tehran accuses Israel of assassinating chemistry expert to halt its nuclear programme
* Israeli military warns Iran to expect more 'unnatural events' in 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...illed-magnetic-bomb-Tehran.html#ixzz1jBySULKi

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You're towing the line, aren't you Rey?

:confused: :dunno:

Here's another case where Ron Paul and I are in agreement. Sooner or later, the American sheeple will realize that not everything that concerns Israel (actually) concerns us... just because the military industrial complex and the international bankers say it concerns us. With that said, is Iran having nuclear weapons a good thing? No. But does that mean that the American taxpayers should have to fork out $3-$5 trillion for yet another Middle East crusade? Hell to the no! The U.S. isn't the only nation in the world that would be affected by Iran having nukes. In fact, most every developed nation in the world would be affected... many more than the U.S. So IMO (and that of most small "l" libertarians), it's time for these other nations to step up to the plate.

If it gets bad enough, we can glass the place over. But this bullshit that the neo-cons and Zionists are always pushing us into, where we send our kids to die and spend money that we don't have for other people's causes, needs to stop! While China, Japan, South Korea and Western Europe have their primary focus on domestic issues and infrastructure, we continue to put too much of our focus on foreign affairs and nation building. Even though we're damn near broke, we continue to account for roughly HALF of the global spending on military goods. And yet, at the same time, our infrastructure continues to crumble.

IMO, the United States is a nation in decline, or headed for decline. It didn't start with the election of Obama (as many "new to the game of thinking" GOP'ers seem to think) or the last recession. It didn't start with any particular event. But over time, as we see the infrastructure of the United States crumbling, and money being spent on nation building exercises, that do not benefit this nation or its citizens, we are on the path to decline.

Here is an historical fact: there has never been a (major) nation in the history of the world which has prospered once its infrastructure began to crumble. Not Egypt, not the city-states of Greece, not Rome, not the Ottoman Empire. Pick any nation you like. That is the one factor which has a 100% prediction rate as to the future success of a nation.

Kicking ass and taking names might feel good for awhile - kinda like watching sports or getting a sugar high from gulping down candy bars. But it has to be paid for. And if paying THAT bill means that you can't build roads, bridges, schools, water works, etc. in your own nation, you're done. IMO, we either turn it around... or we're done.

Ron Paul would be a total nightmare for the domestic economy. But in the area of foreign policy, I fully believe that he'd do it "Roman style". We'd mind our own damn business for a change. We'd no longer pay these little beggar nations (like Israel) to be our "friends". And if a country was too pacifist to fund their own military, sure, we'd send some troops over (upon their formal request). The total cost (labor & burden) of one American soldier is approximately $100K per year. How much protection should you have? Well, how much money have you got??? And payment would be due when the boots stepped off the plane. What happens if you don't pay? That's really not a question that you'd want to ask. Roman style, baby... Roman style. :nanner:
Yeah, these are "small countries" and apparently our CIC doesn't think we need to focus on them.

I'll put Iran on my list and take care of them when I get around to it.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
:confused: :dunno:

Here's another case where Ron Paul and I are in agreement. Sooner or later, the American sheeple will realize that not everything that concerns Israel (actually) concerns us... just because the military industrial complex and the international bankers say it concerns us. With that said, is Iran having nuclear weapons a good thing? No. But does that mean that the American taxpayers should have to fork out $3-$5 trillion for yet another Middle East crusade? Hell to the no! The U.S. isn't the only nation in the world that would be affected by Iran having nukes. In fact, most every developed nation in the world would be affected... many more than the U.S. So IMO (and that of most small "l" libertarians), it's time for these other nations to step up to the plate.

If it gets bad enough, we can glass the place over. But this bullshit that the neo-cons and Zionists are always pushing us into, where we send our kids to die and spend money that we don't have for other people's causes, needs to stop! While China, Japan, South Korea and Western Europe have their primary focus on domestic issues and infrastructure, we continue to put too much of our focus on foreign affairs and nation building. Even though we're damn near broke, we continue to account for roughly HALF of the global spending on military goods. And yet, at the same time, our infrastructure continues to crumble.

IMO, the United States is a nation in decline, or headed for decline. It didn't start with the election of Obama (as many "new to the game of thinking" GOP'ers seem to think) or the last recession. It didn't start with any particular event. But over time, as we see the infrastructure of the United States crumbling, and money being spent on nation building exercises, that do not benefit this nation or its citizens, we are on the path to decline.

Here is an historical fact: there has never been a (major) nation in the history of the world which has prospered once its infrastructure began to crumble. Not Egypt, not the city-states of Greece, not Rome, not the Ottoman Empire. Pick any nation you like. That is the one factor which has a 100% prediction rate as to the future success of a nation.

Kicking ass and taking names might feel good for awhile - kinda like watching sports or getting a sugar high from gulping down candy bars. But it has to be paid for. And if paying THAT bill means that you can't build roads, bridges, schools, water works, etc. in your own nation, you're done. IMO, we either turn it around... or we're done.

Ron Paul would be a total nightmare for the domestic economy. But in the area of foreign policy, I fully believe that he'd do it "Roman style". We'd mind our own damn business for a change. We'd no longer pay these little beggar nations (like Israel) to be our "friends". And if a country was too pacifist to fund their own military, sure, we'd send some troops over (upon their formal request). The total cost (labor & burden) of one American soldier is approximately $100K per year. How much protection should you have? Well, how much money have you got??? And payment would be due when the boots stepped off the plane. What happens if you don't pay? That's really not a question that you'd want to ask. Roman style, baby... Roman style. :nanner:
I see sense in a lot of what you say, but I invite you to inspect the value for money of your nations' military.
I'll take my billion dollar reward now, thank you. Industrial hemp. There's your alternative energy source, right there in our pocket, the entire time.

how do you make an engine that runs on industrial hemp? like, shovel it in every time you wanna take a drive? or do you mean some sort of refining process? and would it be a clean engine?i mean burning hemp still creates noxious fumes