This is really interesting. I might do this. I can think of at least one location off the top of my head in NY where I could hide something, but... what to hide, that is the question.
Just read the guidelines before hiding something...and get some caches under your belt so you can get an idea of how to do them.
I'm looking at the website and now I'm confused. You don't get to keep the things you find? I'm reading some of the ones that are hidden and the people who hid them say stuff about finders writing their names on the item, and some say to make sure you put it back where you found it so others can find it. I thought this was going to be like a giant world wide easter egg hunt where you get to keep your treasures
A lot of caches have little treasures in them. Some are just for the hunt, such as the micro caches. If you find one with swag in it, the rule is that if you take something you leave something of equal or greater value. For example, I generally leave little cthulhu figures or different sided dice.
The part you write on is the log inside the cache. You put your geocache username, the date and time of find. Then you go online and log it there as well. Once you're done logging and exchanging swag, you need to put the container back exactly how you found it.
So, like, what kind of stuff do you find? Do you get to keep it, or do you have to put it back for someone else to find? This looks like the perfect way to get rid of that stack of porn magazines I've had in storage from when I was a teenager.
Can you take some pics of your boobs while you're at it?

I see a lot of toys (happy meal toys, etc), hat pins, key chains, some people make a signature swag...I've been leaving little cthulhu figures and dice. Today I found a geocoin, which usually have some little mission (this one is to travel the world from cache to cache). So I'll drop it in another cache this weekend that's farther away from where I found it.
I'm about to go out for a jog, but I'll get pictures of today's cache(s) up when I get back and dried off.
And no boobs...