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White supremacists, demonstrators square off in LA

The link lost me at graffiti and intimidation. A twelve year old kid is capable of these "hate" crimes. Therefore it's bogus. Do yourself a favor and google color of crime. At this point, I have no more time to waste on you. :wave:

If someone graffitied something like "wetback" on my house I think that would be considered a hate crime, also as for intimidation, that is racial intimidation, meaning is instilling fear of injury or harm or threatening a person based on their race, Ill look up your little google link when you get enough knowledege of the criminal law system and can actually have a decent debate using critical analysis of statistics and stop using an ethos/pathos way of trying to prove your point.
but protect you from them?
spend some time looking up crime stats in the usa, then seriously ask yourself if these
are the guys you need protecting from.
(keep in mind that mexicans are considered white in most crime stats)
or just take a walk in any poorer or even middle class city neighborhood in the usa after dark.
see how many white supremacists bother you.
consider it an experiment.

and tits you really want people charged with crimes and fined for using words?

If we want to get rid of "race" as a consideration in our American society, and truly be "the melting pot" that we sentimentally teach ourselves and rationalize to "the world" than we need to stop racial segregation in this country. We need to do away with the concept of the ghetto, the barrio and the white suburb and bring people together...to live in the same areas, as AMERICANS. The idea that property taxes build "the community" only pits one family against the other and limits over half our population from ever doing anything with their lives. The reason that nobody from "the ghetto" goes to college is because the high school, funded by minimal taxes from residents and state/federal grants, can't compete with the white suburbia school. When the minority family actually "rose up" economically and in education and tried to buy a house "the American dream" the white real estate agent or white banker said "Nope" on that mortgage application.

The point of racist groups to march and "demonstrate" is to get in a fight and to bait people into attacking them. It is not to present one's views. And, these views are garbage views and not worth our protection.

Again, society is much more complex than the wig-wearing and flint-lock days of yesteryear. When we see garbage, we dispose of it. I don't see why some group's garbage opinion should be protected. It is not an open organization, it is a closed-to-whites-only organization. That has to stop.

at this point i believe that in the united states, blacks, whites, and mexicans can not live together and function as a society.
the proof is everywhere.

and i truly do not believe at this point it is the faults of the white people.
for the most part, they do everything thing they can to get along with other races, or cultures or whatever word makes you feel comfortable.

mexicans, they just dont assimilate at all, most in the usa are illegal and many of them are criminals, many more are just there to milk the system.

blacks, well since the 60's theyve had their oppurtunity, and it started off well............but this new generation, way too many have no intentions of leading a straight life.
too many have no respect, no values, no social education.
too many are punks, degenerates, thugs, irresponsible and criminals.
too many are flat out racist.
and i don't give anybody a pass because of their skin color.
to me there is simply no excuse for this kind of behavior.

It's hard to keep all the contradictions straight in this post. It's hard to take you seriously when you make no sense. Mexicans are more "American" than most Americans. They work hard to assimilate. They buy more American cars, drink more shitty American beer than most white people today.

The passage I've quoted makes me wonder if you really care about America's problems or just enjoy broadly scape-goating people.

I guess you think that nonwhites choose to have no "values," by which I believe you probably mean Ronny Reagan Values, huh? I guess you don't think there's any way that the misery and seemingly entrenched crime might have an actual broader societal cause, huh?
"Hate crimes" are bogus, this is a fringe group, and unfortunately it's the price we pay to have a free society. Hell, I heard a black homeless man ranting while I was walking in downtown DC going to work Friday morning about how all the white people should "Get the hell outta my town." He even called one guy "The white devil." People just ignored him.... people should do the same to the white racists as well.
"Hate crimes" are bogus, this is a fringe group, and unfortunately it's the price we pay to have a free society. Hell, I heard a black homeless man ranting while I was walking in downtown DC going to work Friday morning about how all the white people should "Get the hell outta my town." He even called one guy "The white devil." People just ignored him.... people should do the same to the white racists as well.

Some likely deranged, homeless guy babbling even registered on your radar??:confused:

"Hate crimes" statutes are no more bogus than a similar multiplier like special circumstance sentencing IMO.:2 cents:
Some likely deranged, homeless guy babbling even registered on your radar??:confused:

"Hate crimes" statutes are no more bogus than a similar multiplier like special circumstance sentencing IMO.:2 cents:

Agree and agree. But aren't all of these people deranged? And why should the color of a person matter when it comes to violent crime? IMHO, all violent criminals should be taken out of society forever, and I don't care what the race/nationality/gender/religion/sexual preference is of the victim. :2 cents:
Agree and agree. But aren't all of these people deranged? And why should the color of a person matter when it comes to violent crime? IMHO, all violent criminals should be taken out of society forever, and I don't care what the race/nationality/gender/religion/sexual preference is of the victim. :2 cents:

Didn't say it mattered by color. I merely addressed your example of a homeless, likely clinically deranged man who should probably be in a hospital actually registering on your radar.

IOW..bad example.
Didn't say it mattered by color. I merely addressed your example of a homeless, likely clinically deranged man who should probably be in a hospital actually registering on your radar.

IOW..bad example.

I bet a lot of those so-called "white supremacists" are probably homeless and deranged as well... Crazy people are crazy people in my book. :dunno:
Here's the strategy : After today, anytime someone has an objection toward ILLEGAL immigration, they're automatically associated with white supremacy, get it ?

yes if you speak about illegal immigrants, the crimes they commit, black neighborhoods where murder and violent crime happens everyday, black on white crime statistics, ect ect you are automatically a hater and a racist.


...this, and...


It's from page one but I think it needs to be highlighted that the following members apparently think that the National Socialist AKA. Nazi Party are not racists and are merely opposed to illegal immigration. :eek: :crash:

Also see the post above where Cunning Stunts implies that they are not white supremacist, but mentally imbalanced homeless people. I can agree with the first part, but I don't think that 500 homeless people got together waving Nazi flags and banners. Seems a little fishy.
It's from page one but I think it needs to be highlighted that the following members apparently think that the National Socialist AKA. Nazi Party are not racists and are merely opposed to illegal immigration. :eek: :crash:

Also see the post above where Cunning Stunts implies that they are not white supremacist, but mentally imbalanced homeless people. I can agree with the first part, but I don't think that 500 homeless people got together waving Nazi flags and banners. Seems a little fishy.

They certainly don't look like people who have seen a bar of soap in a while... ;)
I bet a lot of those so-called "white supremacists" are probably homeless and deranged as well... Crazy people are crazy people in my book. :dunno:
:cool: Your homeless guy isn't loading up the Ford, driving out to L.A. and organizing a rally.
Why not just let them have their rally and let it be over? It is their right...the fuck are they physically attacking them for??? Don't like their message? Stay the fuck home and don't listen.:dunno:

Well, that would assume that all people are rational, intelligent human beings, which is immediately disproved by the existence of this "rally" in the first place.
You guys still talking about this shit? Its old news now. I say everyone forget about it. The actions of a few idiots in no way reflect that of the majority. Most white people think these guys are full of shit just like most black people think the Black Panthers are full of shit. I say we just sit back, relax, grab a brew ski and await the punishment that is gonna be dished out on Ben Rapenburger's ass by Commissioner Goodell after the draft is over and done with.
crime within citys is higher than ever and just getting worse.

More horse manure.

"Crime fell 4.4 percent nationwide in the first half of 2009 with the murder rate dropping a startling 10 percent, according to statistics released Monday by the FBI."

"The homicide rate dropped 10 percent in the first half of this year as crime rates reached their lowest point nationally since the 1960s."

"According to the FBI figures, reports of violent crime fell about 7 percent in cities with 1 million or more people."



Hiliary 2020
The right being protected is free speech in this case t/R.:2 cents:

The overwhelming majority of people victimized by crimes are so based on opportunity. To the degree that a crime occurs solely based on racial animus for one person of another, historically it's been overwhelmingly white anglo/(identify as) Christian against some other race, religion or ethnicity.

From what I have seen of various other non white, race based organizations like Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, ADL, La Raza, etc....they don't go fly across the country, go into some places in Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia or Florida where pockets of other extremist live to antagonize or instigate.

Certainly in those circumstances the response locally might have been far worse.

what a controversial topic!
addressing paragraph 1.
which history is that?
regarding the USA, sure in the past, in certain parts of the country blacks were victimized criminally by whites on occasion.
but, and deny this if you want, blacks have been committing crimes on whites all that while too.
it just doesnt feed our white guilt mentalitys to talk about that.
but today is what matters, and tomorrow matters even more.
black on white violent crime is about 500+ times more higher than vice versa in the country, and its been that way for years now.
in the schools and in the real world.
I'm not saying that if a white walks through a black neighborhood he/she will surley get victimized, but the chances, based on statistics and just basic reality, are much higher than vice versa.

so the only point i can see by saying "historically whites have victimized blacks" is basically so twisted mentality " well now its payback time white folks".

it is what it is.

and you say black groups don't go places and try to instigate?
sure they do, the only difference is that whites take it, they don't go getting all violent and starting riots, they just listen, take it, and keep theyre fucking mouths shut..or else.

If we want to get rid of "race" as a consideration in our American society, and truly be "the melting pot" that we sentimentally teach ourselves and rationalize to "the world" than we need to stop racial segregation in this country. We need to do away with the concept of the ghetto, the barrio and the white suburb and bring people together...to live in the same areas, as AMERICANS. The idea that property taxes build "the community" only pits one family against the other and limits over half our population from ever doing anything with their lives. The reason that nobody from "the ghetto" goes to college is because the high school, funded by minimal taxes from residents and state/federal grants, can't compete with the white suburbia school. When the minority family actually "rose up" economically and in education and tried to buy a house "the American dream" the white real estate agent or white banker said "Nope" on that mortgage application.

The point of racist groups to march and "demonstrate" is to get in a fight and to bait people into attacking them. It is not to present one's views. And, these views are garbage views and not worth our protection.

Again, society is much more complex than the wig-wearing and flint-lock days of yesteryear. When we see garbage, we dispose of it. I don't see why some group's garbage opinion should be protected. It is not an open organization, it is a closed-to-whites-only organization. That has to stop.

nice post indeed.
well, you want to get rid of racial considerations in the country?
who are the ones always bringing up race?
its blacks and white liberal types......and the news media.
you cant go a day without reading a story about blacks bitching about some injustice they feel is happening, or some isolated crime against a black,
theres always some story which is only intended to create racial diviseness by making blacks more pissed and whites feeling more guilty about being white!
its the ones that are always talking about it who are actually creating it!
Hell half THE PRESIDENTS inauguration speech was about race.

racial segregatiion?
what racial segregation?
last i heard you can live wherever you want, just gotta be able to afford it.

get rid of the ghettos and white suburbs?
who's fault is it that one group reproduced so fast?
that they have a very very high rate of teenage pregnancy and are and have been having kids they can't afford for 40+ years now?
So what do you want? forced intergration?
the GOV telling people where they can live?
the GOV forcing people to live in certain areas.
And paying for it for the blacks?

you say blacks can't go to college because of the white man.
they can't buy a house because of the white man and his racist policys.
thats bullshit.
total bullshit.
did you know almost any poor black can go to college free of charge?
all they gotta do is graduate high school.
whats so fucking hard about that?
jesus! youre practically saying that blacks are too stupid to graduate high school.
no, you are saying that.

It's hard to keep all the contradictions straight in this post. It's hard to take you seriously when you make no sense. Mexicans are more "American" than most Americans. They work hard to assimilate. They buy more American cars, drink more shitty American beer than most white people today.

The passage I've quoted makes me wonder if you really care about America's problems or just enjoy broadly scape-goating people.

I guess you think that nonwhites choose to have no "values," by which I believe you probably mean Ronny Reagan Values, huh? I guess you don't think there's any way that the misery and seemingly entrenched crime might have an actual broader societal cause, huh?

yeah most mexicans try hard to assimilate, ok keep dreaming.
and i live in the real world tits, and i'm not saying that all blacks today have no values, no class, and a basic degenerate mentality.........but i will say without doubt in my mind that in this current young generation too many do.
we all know, we all see it.
like i said all that their grandparents worked for down the toilet.
and if i was black, that's the thing i'd be most pissed about.
Even Bill Cosby said the same, but he was orsticised over that of course, i guess the truth hurts.

So you want forced intergration paid for by the taxpayers and i think segragation may be the only chance of not seeing the country become 3rd world.

I hate to feel as I do about that, but based on the current situation that is the opinion I've formed.

Good day.


Hiliary 2020
More horse manure.

"Crime fell 4.4 percent nationwide in the first half of 2009 with the murder rate dropping a startling 10 percent, according to statistics released Monday by the FBI."

"The homicide rate dropped 10 percent in the first half of this year as crime rates reached their lowest point nationally since the 1960s."

"According to the FBI figures, reports of violent crime fell about 7 percent in cities with 1 million or more people."


dude you don't need to give your post a title.
more horse manure?...don't be so hard on yourself bodes.
its better to say more twisted perception on what reality really is.

those are national stats first off.
and if you think citys are getting safer in the usa then you are simply in a state of denial.
luckily most of the violent crimes however are just criminals killing other criminals.
what a controversial topic!
addressing paragraph 1.
which history is that?
regarding the USA, sure in the past, in certain parts of the country blacks were victimized criminally by whites on occasion.
but, and deny this if you want, blacks have been committing crimes on whites all that while too.
it just doesnt feed our white guilt mentalitys to talk about that.
but today is what matters, and tomorrow matters even more.
black on white violent crime is about 500+ times more higher than vice versa in the country, and its been that way for years now.
in the schools and in the real world.
I'm not saying that if a white walks through a black neighborhood he/she will surley get victimized, but the chances, based on statistics and just basic reality, are much higher than vice versa.

so the only point i can see by saying "historically whites have victimized blacks" is basically so twisted mentality " well now its payback time white folks".

it is what it is.

and you say black groups don't go places and try to instigate?
sure they do, the only difference is that whites take it, they don't go getting all violent and starting riots, they just listen, take it, and keep theyre fucking mouths shut..or else.

yeah most mexicans try hard to assimilate, ok keep dreaming.
and i live in the real world tits, and i'm not saying that all blacks today have no values, no class, and a basic degenerate mentality.........but i will say without doubt in my mind that in this current young generation too many do.
we all know, we all see it.
like i said all that their grandparents worked for down the toilet.
and if i was black, that's the thing i'd be most pissed about.
Even Bill Cosby said the same, but he was orsticised over that of course, i guess the truth hurts.

So you want forced intergration paid for by the taxpayers and i think segragation may be the only chance of not seeing the country become 3rd world.

I hate to feel as I do about that, but based on the current situation that is the opinion I've formed.

Good day.

Segregation won't do anything but make the situation worse by just avoiding the problem. Also, lets not forget the financial strain that this would cause. You seem to forget that the reason integration happened in the first place wasn't because Blacks wanted to be in the same school as whites, but because they wanted equality. If everything in Jim Crow was equal, then I doubt that they would have had such a problem with it. However, the government figured making everything equal would be too expensive so they decided to integrate everything. You see, in the end, the only color that matters is green.


Hiliary 2020
Segregation won't do anything but make the situation worse by just avoiding the problem. Also, lets not forget the financial strain that this would cause. You seem to forget that the reason integration happened in the first place wasn't because Blacks wanted to be in the same school as whites, but because they wanted equality. If everything in Jim Crow was equal, then I doubt that they would have had such a problem with it. However, the government figured making everything equal would be too expensive so they decided to integrate everything. You see, in the end, the only color that matters is green.

yeah youre right.
they'd probably starve like they do in africa then just break out of their area and go on a murder rampage.

nobody integrated anything, they stopped segregation.
big difference there.

so tell me expert, exactly what isn't equal or what hasn't been equal since the mid sixties in the usa?

are you another one of these " its all whiteys fault" pea brains.

i'd also like to thank all who have given me neg rep on this topic.
keep it coming pussys.

see no evil right?
yeah youre right.
they'd probably starve like they do in africa then just break out of their area and go on a murder rampage.

nobody integrated anything, they stopped segregation.
big difference there.

so tell me expert, exactly what isn't equal or what hasn't been equal since the mid sixties in the usa?

are you another one of these " its all whiteys fault" pea brains.

i'd also like to thank all who have given me neg rep on this topic.
keep it coming pussys.

see no evil right?

First of all, before you go jumping to conclusions, I am not black(I'll give you a cookie if you can guess correctly my racial makeup, okay sport?:rofl:). Secondly, I never mentioned anything about placing the blame on any one group in particular. Third, why don't you do a little research and realize that not all African countries are anything like the images you may see on TV. While some countries would probably starve, others would probably be fine more or less. Lets remember, some groups of these people have been around for over 100,000 years. I honestly don't believe that they would be going anywhere anytime soon. Lastly, if you honestly believe that things were just peachy over night because the government passed a few laws, then let me give you some advice; Take your head out of the shitter. Things have been pretty chaotic. It's like a damn sea saw battle. Somethings minorities have the upper hand at while whites receive the short straw, others are flip flopped and continue to be business as usual as far as the white power structure goes.

I am not naive enough to go on believing that everything is one groups fault while the other is totally innocent of any charge. That is 100% bullshit. Unlike you, however, I do believe that eventually everything will balance out in the end. Reverting back to how things used to be isn't gonna do anything but delay the inevitable. I take solace in knowing that one day, our descendants will look back at us and laugh at how simple minded we were.
yeah youre right.
they'd probably starve like they do in africa then just break out of their area and go on a murder rampage.

nobody integrated anything, they stopped segregation.
big difference there.

so tell me expert, exactly what isn't equal or what hasn't been equal since the mid sixties in the usa?

are you another one of these " its all whiteys fault" pea brains.

i'd also like to thank all who have given me neg rep on this topic.
keep it coming pussys.

see no evil right?

I find myself again asking after suffering through another flurry of your ...(well I'll leave out my personal description in the interests of civility) posts, what on earth is your point???

Even though these people advocate illegality and acts in contravention to the constitution..the constitution they trample on grants them that right. It ought to be defended.

These people, like you have no real point. They just know or believe a set of glorified and cherry picked myths and live in a bubble of idiocy. Which again, is their right.

They're not intellectuals. They are a band of thugs advocating criminal activity...nothing more nothing less. Even a such, they should not be attacked by angry, thin skinned mobs too stupid to ignore the ramblings of ignorant thugs.

Blacks who commit crimes that happen to be against whites isn't pay back to "whitey" as you seem to keep harping on. In the overwhelming majority of cases involving that scenario, race is inconsequential as the victim is more likely targeted for opportunity than race.

I.e...some hoodlum who happens to be Asian, carjacks some guy for his BMW who happens to be Hispanic....the crime didn't happen because the Asian was engaging in bigotry of Hispanics. The Asian criminal wanted the car no matter who happened to be driving it.


Hiliary 2020
yeah i agree, theyre not too smart and they don't represent me.

but we disagree on the crime part.
when one group commits violent crimes against another at a rate of hundreds of times more than vice versa, i'd say its a little beyond "crimes of oppurtunity"

the white guilt that they taught me in school is not gonna make me make excuses for anyone.
face it, blacks, especially youths, have a giant problem with crime in the usa.
a lot of mexicans too.
whites have a small crime problem, very small.
(and i'm talking percentages here, not about individuals.
so thats not stereotyping, scapegoating or labeling.)
even if you concede to that fact we will disagree as to why i'm sure.
you'd say its societys fault ( meaning white peoples), and i'd say its what has become of their culture.And the reason i even bring this up is because i care about the country and want to see things get better, not worse.
but if people and society can't even admit to a problem, it ain't gonna get better.