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Which democrat has the best chance against President Trump in 2020?

A Clinton-era centrist Democrat explains why it’s time to give democratic socialists a chance

Yet DeLong believes that the time of people like him running the Democratic Party has passed. “The baton rightly passes to our colleagues on our left,” DeLong wrote. “We are still here, but it is not our time to lead.”

It’s not often that someone in this policy debate — or, frankly, any policy debate — suggests that their side should lose. So I reached out to DeLong to dig into the reasons for his position: Why does he believe that neoliberals’ time in the sun has come to an end?

The core reason, DeLong argues, is political. The policies he supports depend on a responsible center-right partner to succeed. They’re premised on the understanding that at least a faction of the Republican Party would be willing to support market-friendly ideas like Obamacare or a cap-and-trade system for climate change. This is no longer the case, if it ever were.

“Barack Obama rolls into office with Mitt Romney’s health care policy, with John McCain’s climate policy, with Bill Clinton’s tax policy, and George H.W. Bush’s foreign policy,” DeLong notes. “And did George H.W. Bush, did Mitt Romney, did John McCain say a single good word about anything Barack Obama ever did over the course of eight solid years? No, they fucking did not.”

The result, he argues, is the nature of the Democratic Party needs to shift. Rather than being a center-left coalition dominated by market-friendly ideas designed to attract conservative support, the energy of the coalition should come from the left and its broad, sweeping ideas. Market-friendly neoliberals, rather than pushing their own ideology, should work to improve ideas on the left. This, he believes, is the most effective and sustainable basis for Democratic politics and policy for the foreseeable future.


These candy ass centrists are living in a different world if they think by tacking to the center they'll be able to get Republicans to cross the aisle. How fucking delusional are these people? I could at least understand it if there was a sizable number of GOP that voted for ACA, if there were a sizable number that voted for the stimulus package, etc. Those were not socialist policies. Those were centrist and market friendly policies! So what makes you think if we just try again that Republicans will finally jump onboard. These people are living in a different universe
She took that position because that is the liberal position.

Nope. It's because she lives in and represents Arizona. She wants to keep her job, and can't afford "storytime with Nancy and Chuck". Voters smell the stink of that shit quick. She's got to be real, her constituents know the immigration score better than at least 46 other states.

Trump (1) wanted to ram The Wall™ (2) up Democrat's asses

The one they voted for? "Here, I'm forcing you to accept this thing that you went on record and exercised your governing power to demand, just recently."

Sure, sugar.

'ramming' :) 'asses' ;) so dramatic, these libs.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Nope. It's because she lives in and represents Arizona. She wants to keep her job, and can't afford "storytime with Nancy and Chuck". Voters smell the stink of that shit quick. She's got to be real, her constituents know the immigration score better than at least 46 other states. The one they voted for? "Here, I'm forcing you to accept this thing that you went on record and exercised your governing power to demand, just recently." Sure, sugar. 'ramming' :) 'asses' ;) so dramatic, these libs.

Yup. Trump's the one that made it an issue because he ran on that shit, now he's declaring an emergency that isn't just to appease his base. Remind me how much Wall funding he got in exchange for keeping the government open.
Yup. Trump's the one that made it an issue because he ran on that shit, now he's declaring an emergency that isn't just to appease his base. Remind me how much Wall funding he got in exchange for keeping the government open.

Weird how the left is, like, "Yeah, we've got unguarded borders, such that it's universally called a crisis, with waves of who knows who, organizing to run through them, and we're doing everything we can to maintain that status quo - yee-haw, vote Democrat in 2020!".

Weirdly unprincipled, unproductive, and un-American. But we're a big country, with room for everyone. But dear? The adults will keep running it.

No matter how much the left works to foment hate and create suspicion, to undermine the sitting President because they're aghast, still, that they fucked up what should have been a slam dunk - because their candidates sucked so bad - still smarting, butthurt, confused and flailing... no matter how much, the adults in the country still see the wisdom of a controlled border, and the wall (that's already there, many a ninny seems unaware) will be expanded.

Please hate, dear haters. And continue to root for the status quo, or whatever losers preoccupy themselves with. You're entirely ineffectual when you fuss and fart and fume about that bad person who's in charge. Keep looking up at our asses, and resenting the view. Thereby, you cement yourself there.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Weird how the left is, like, "Yeah, we've got unguarded borders, such that it's universally called a crisis, with waves of who knows who, organizing to run through them, and we're doing everything we can to maintain that status quo - yee-haw, vote Democrat in 2020!".

Weirdly unprincipled, unproductive, and un-American. But we're a big country, with room for everyone. But dear? The adults will keep running it.

No matter how much the left works to foment hate and create suspicion, to undermine the sitting President because they're aghast, still, that they fucked up what should have been a slam dunk - because their candidates sucked so bad - still smarting, butthurt, confused and flailing... no matter how much, the adults in the country still see the wisdom of a controlled border, and the wall (that's already there, many a ninny seems unaware) will be expanded.

Please hate, dear haters. And continue to root for the status quo, or whatever losers preoccupy themselves with. You're entirely ineffectual when you fuss and fart and fume about that bad person who's in charge. Keep looking up at our asses, and resenting the view. Thereby, you cement yourself there.

The Republican Party traded it's soul to a two-bit con for a stack of I.D. Ten T forms and a bucket of steam, but do tell everyone how y'all the party of, "adults", Eagle Dick.
The Republican Party traded it's soul to a two-bit con for a stack of I.D. Ten T forms and a bucket of steam, but do tell everyone how y'all the party of, "adults", Eagle Dick.

That's so... what's the word... no, not indecipherable (after all, it makes sense to him - you just have to put the :tinhat: on).

Without answers or an argument, and unable to defend conviction-less, petty and adversarial hypocrisy from Democrats on border security - that's it! What do you call that? xfire!

(b t dubs, if you're taking your messaging pet name for me public, I'm going public with crotchfire) ;)



Take that, WaPo, NYT, CNN, etc.
Bernie Sanders struggled to win black voters. It could be even more difficult in 2020 : https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...e-even-more-difficult/?utm_term=.4d29199a5ce4
Bernie Sanders Stumbled With Black Voters in 2016. Can He Do Better in 2020? : https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/17/us/politics/bernie-sanders-black-voters-outreach.html
Sellers: Bernie 'has a long way to go' with black voters : https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/03/03/sotu-panel-full.cnn



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
That's so... what's the word... no, not indecipherable (after all, it makes sense to him - you just have to put the tin hat on). Without answers or an argument, and unable to defend conviction-less, petty and adversarial hypocrisy from Democrats on border security - that's it! What do you call that? xfire!

Idiot forms and a bucket of steam, you've never worked in a Union shop, have you?

"Without answers or an argument", I responded to that above, but to reiterate; Liberals support border security, just not a monument to Trump's ego, clear enough for you, buddy?

"Petty and adversarial hypocrisy", welcome to Trump Politics, perhaps you thought all that GOP gerrymandering would secure a permanent Republican majority in The House, if anything it should have your nutsack drawn up at Trump's 2020 ambitions.

You wanted a, "spirited debate on the issues", but I'm afraid you're not equipped to the task.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Dolphin, I am somewhat surprised by your posts. I had the impression you were a more rational and informed guy.

Your rant about "the left", with the trademark plattitudes that get hammered out chronically by Fox, Breitbart, and other rather ultra- than conservative outlets are more a joke than actual positions, and anyone except the stupiuder or / and extremist followers are using these talöking points. It pains me to learn you are one of them.

Just one point, the border security issue. Thinking that the other side of the aisle does not want border security, fullstop, is so blatantly dumb as an argument, it almost does not need to be argued against. You can easily just write to your democratic House representative in your state, and he/she can and will easily set you straight on this.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Dolphin, I am somewhat surprised by your posts. I had the impression you were a more rational and informed guy.

Yeah, he ain't, and he got mad when I busted him out on it out of the gate as, "Another satiated viewer of Fox News." If Republicans couldn't lie they wouldn't have much to say.
Idiot forms and a bucket of steam, you've never worked in a Union shop, have you?

"Without answers or an argument", I responded to that above, but to reiterate; Liberals support border security, just not a monument to Trump's ego, clear enough for you, buddy?

"Petty and adversarial hypocrisy", welcome to Trump Politics, perhaps you thought all that GOP gerrymandering would secure a permanent Republican majority in The House, if anything it should have your nutsack drawn up at Trump's 2020 ambitions.

You wanted a, "spirited debate on the issues", but I'm afraid you're not equipped to the task.

Well you're gibbering, and there's a lot hate to work through. Let's see, what's crotchfire trying to angrily sputter out? Use your words, honey. Where did the bad conservatives touch you?

They've touched you, because the fact that you don't believe in anything (in keeping with the American left) is on full display. You just hatehatehate that bad man. No solutions to offer, and you can't field a competent, competitive candidate. All of you know that if you would have just got off your couch and actually voted for that pathetic retread Hillary, you wouldn't have lost. But that's another feature of the American left: all talk, no action - stupid Democrat stays home, believing Hillary's friends at the papers have it right - DOH! The look on your idiotic faces = priceless. All these talking head stooges crying, for fuck's sake, and I'm laughing at their shock and dismay. Ahh, that was a beautiful night. Next time, actually vote, instead of typing in comments sections and putting the occasional bumper sticker on your Geo Metro. Precious dummies.

And now they're so fucking ANGRY! Because it's their fault that Trump's President. Keep stewing in unprincipled resentment and hate, and keep losing elections (because you won't be getting any better at it, and voters don't tend to back the, "but, it's our tuuurn" logic of losers). Precious dummies.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Well you're gibbering, and there's a lot hate to work through. Let's see, what's crotchfire trying to angrily sputter out? Use your words, honey. Where did the bad conservatives touch you?

They've touched you, because the fact that you don't believe in anything (in keeping with the American left) is on full display. You just hatehatehate that bad man. No solutions to offer, and you can't field a competent, competitive candidate. All of you know that if you would have just got off your couch and actually voted for that pathetic retread Hillary, you wouldn't have lost. But that's another feature of the American left: all talk, no action - stupid Democrat stays home, believing Hillary's friends at the papers have it right - DOH! The look on your idiotic faces = priceless. All these talking head stooges crying, for fuck's sake, and I'm laughing at their shock and dismay. Ahh, that was a beautiful night. Next time, actually vote, instead of typing in comments sections and putting the occasional bumper sticker on your Geo Metro. Precious dummies.

And now they're so fucking ANGRY! Because it's their fault that Trump's President. Keep stewing in unprincipled resentment and hate, and keep losing elections (because you won't be getting any better at it, and voters don't tend to back the, "but, it's our tuuurn" logic of losers). Precious dummies.

Projection is entertaining to watch.
Dolphin, I am somewhat surprised by your posts. I had the impression you were a more rational and informed guy.

Your rant about "the left", with the trademark plattitudes that get hammered out chronically by Fox, Breitbart, and other rather ultra- than conservative outlets are more a joke than actual positions, and anyone except the stupiuder or / and extremist followers are using these talöking points. It pains me to learn you are one of them.

Just one point, the border security issue. Thinking that the other side of the aisle does not want border security, fullstop, is so blatantly dumb as an argument, it almost does not need to be argued against. You can easily just write to your democratic House representative in your state, and he/she can and will easily set you straight on this.

Show me where any of you that line up left-of-center have shown any willingness to meaningfully engage (you just rail against FOX News, for some reason, as though that comprised all of right-of-center thought). You paint not with broad strokes, but the whole can. You label your opponent, splash, and stop listening. You don't know discourse.

Where's the counter-proposal put forth by Democrats for securing our southern border? The one they've been talking up for years? I'll give you some time to find it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Show me where any of you that line up left-of-center have shown any willingness to meaningfully engage (you just rail against FOX News, for some reason, as though that comprised all of right-of-center thought). You paint not with broad strokes, but the whole can. You label your opponent, splash, and stop listening. You don't know discourse.

Where's the counter-proposal put forth by Democrats for securing our southern border? The one they've been talking up for years? I'll give you some time to find it.

Why the fuck should anyone bother when you deign to define positions other than your own, declaring that Kyrsten Sinema took a, "moderate" position on border security. No. Sinema took the Liberal position on border security, Trump and his fluffer allies are the ones with the extreme, "build th-uh Wall!!11 zomg!1" position on border security, a position that failed both houses of congress. Fuck Fox News, the mouthpiece of the Trump administration, it's no mystery why those opposed to Trump trash that garbage network. Right-Of-Center thought consists of, "guns, Gawd, and 'bortion', there really isn't any substance.
Why the fuck should anyone bother when you deign to define positions other than your own, declaring that Kyrsten Sinema took a, "moderate" position on border security. No. Sinema took the Liberal position on border security, Trump and his fluffer allies are the ones with the extreme, "build th-uh Wall!!11 zomg!1" position on border security, a position that failed both houses of congress. Fuck Fox News, the mouthpiece of the Trump administration, it's no mystery why those opposed to Trump trash that garbage network. Right-Of-Center thought consists of, "guns, Gawd, and 'bortion', there really isn't any substance.

See what I mean? Inarticulately angry. Losing all control over his keyboard. Rage spaz.

So, anyway, getting back on point - crotchfire, did you have an answer to the OP's question? Not your Pelosi fantasy (kinky! - mommy issues?), but a real one.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
See what I mean? Inarticulately angry. Losing all control over his keyboard. Rage spaz. So, anyway, getting back on point - crotchfire, did you have an answer to the OP's question? Not your Pelosi fantasy (kinky! - mommy issues?), but a real one.

Thanks for another example of why no one is going to bother with you; you're not debating the issues, you're posting typical far right talking points, getting mad when it's pointed out, and making personal attacks as rebuttals. It's not like I'm alone in seeing this, just re-read Supa's comment in Post #51. And again, I'm sure you will gain some fans with your antics, but it won't be anyone I give a flying fuck about.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
(you just rail against FOX News, for some reason, as though that comprised all of right-of-center thought)

Hey, buddy, if Fox News doesn't comprise (it has certainly compromised), "right-of-center" thought, why don't you take a quick minute and articulate what you believe is, "right-of-center" thought. I proposed that right-of-center means, "god, guns, and abortion", which you just categorically ignored. Great, expound on your beliefs (or pound sand, you decide).

Democrat Strategist A: "You ask him."

Democrat Strategist B: "I asked the last one. Look, if we're going to win, we're going to have to give the people what they want, and WaPo tells me they want Bernie."

Democrat Strategist A: "But we already have a Bernie!"

Democrat Strategist B: "And with two, we can win!!!"

Democrat Strategist A: "Yeah, if we can get Dems to vote, and not just pontificate, sanctimoniously."

Democrat Strategist B: "One problem at a time."