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What passes as conservative these days is bullshit.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Can anyone explain to me why they follow the bullshit brand of phony ass conservative politics that currently dominates the Republican party? Trump has destroyed any claim to the moral high ground, which is what I most frequently hear cited from the deluded Christians that hate the Democratic Party as to why they just can't vote for Democrats. For Fuck Sake, how do you stand on the mountain of morality and nominate then elect The Pussy Grabber President? God Damn, these fake moral conservatives have to be the stupidest, most gullible fucking cunts to ever cast a vote in the history of the Republic. These dumb motherfuckers believe every lie that Fox News and the rest of their alt-right/far-right Muppet Masters utter to them, got their hands right up their asses, a clown car marionette of dumb fuckery, too stupid to see the fire for the smoke, too naive to care. Not to say that the Democratic Party is without flaw, naw, I wouldn't suggest as much, but at least we're self-aware, unlike the deluded clowns on the other side. When your party holds up fucksticks like Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Mark Meadows, and the like without batting an eye, you know your ship is sinking, but it must really feel good, thinking you're sticking it to them Dem's, gotta be great knowing you hate 70% of your fellow citizens more than you love the country.

(Mostly in re: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.60a328fb724f mostly. but if the shoe fit, wear the motherfucker.)


Staff member
Because the liberals have morals? Please give me a break.
Hahaha @ "we're not going to turn on our own," repubs have been cannibalising and backstabbing each other at least since the tea party took over.

It's party before country in that crowd, has been for quite a while. Facts and truth don't matter, as long as you're toeing the party line.

They also need to stop claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility, as history clearly shows it's always been republicans who jack up debts and deficits and democrats who try to clean up the mess.

1) It's wrong. Conservatives aren't fascists. I believe most of the Republican politicians who support Trump and his policies are just doint if because they fear that if they don't, there voters are gonn turn against them and pick a more radical candidate on the ext preimaries.
As for the voters, most of those who support Trump are just ill informed. And the blame fr that falls on the conservatives, who have lied to them, on Fox News and other conservative news outlets who have, purposely either gave them false information or real facts but in a very deceptive way, on these voters for not having fact-checked what they were told and on Democrats, for not having fought back against these lies.

2) Remember the 2016 campaign ? the medias have accused Trump of being a racist and a fascist, 24/7. Now look at what happened. Accusing conservatives of being fascist is totally counter-productive. This election is gonna be about policies Just like the previous one, which Trump won because he did had some policies and Hillary didn't. Hillary's campaign speeches were like "Trump is a nazi. I'm not Trump. Vote for me", while Trump was talking about his wall, his muslim ban, repealing Obamacare, etc.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
How fucking dumb do you have to be to still be a Trumptard Muppet? Pretty fucking stupid. What you got to be proud of; a president that's a pussy grabber, a serial fucking liar, consistently sides with our enemies, only concerned about his own financial interests, and keeping that idiot fucking 30% base appeased. What do Trumptard Muppets stand for? Not fucking much, other than a blind hatred of, "Th-uh Democrat Party". At least the tide has turned with historic pickups in The House in the 2018 mid-terms, prelude to what's to come for Cheeto Benito in 2020, assuming he doesn't resign before then. God damn, I want that motherfucker charged with espionage and hung, along with everyone that conspired with him.


Hiliary 2020
Under Obama , or with Obama as puppet the USA bombed and killed and caused the death of 100's of thousands of Libyan civilians in an unauthorized War. Just bombed them for months. Civilians, children.
The 1st supposed Black PREZ attacks an African country which did nothing to us.
We just slaughtered them and gave their country to our supposed enemy.

And your talking about how the current puppet said the word PUSSY 20 years ago?

I get it, you've been sucked into the reality show. The scripted show.
Its all about portrayal and perception. They tell you he's bad everyday and it sinks in.
They tell us OBAMA GOOD......so we see him as good.
They tell us TRUMP BAD.......and we buy it.
But its all a Hollywood Picture Show.
Surprised you fall for it. It a scripted show. Every Little Bit of it. Every word, every action, all of it.

And they are doing a wonderful job. Sheeeet, they got most of the People fighting each other over TRUMP.
Which is clearly why they chose him. He's perfect.
Meanwhile its business as usual nothing has changed..............except for our perception of it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Under Obama , or with Obama as puppet the USA bombed and killed and caused the death of 100's of thousands of Libyan civilians in an unauthorized War. Just bombed them for months. Civilians, children.The 1st supposed Black PREZ attacks an African country which did nothing to us. We just slaughtered them and gave their country to our supposed enemy. And your talking about how the current puppet said the word PUSSY 20 years ago? I get it, you've been sucked into the reality show. The scripted show. Its all about portrayal and perception. They tell you he's bad everyday and it sinks in. They tell us OBAMA GOOD......so we see him as good. They tell us TRUMP BAD.......and we buy it. But its all a Hollywood Picture Show. Surprised you fall for it. It a scripted show. Every Little Bit of it. Every word, every action, all of it. And they are doing a wonderful job. Sheeeet, they got most of the People fighting each other over TRUMP. Which is clearly why they chose him. He's perfect. Meanwhile its business as usual nothing has changed..............except for our perception of it.

If you think it's just Trump saying, "pussy", then you're as naive as you claim everyone else is.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Trumptarded Muppets are fucking incoherent and full of shit. They think they're, "conservative", but really they're just clinging to the, "good old days", that weren't so great unless you were at least middle class, white, and male. Certainly ain't nothing moral about these, "conservative" motherfuckers, but they like to pretend, by gawd, they like to pretend.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What is the one glue that binds together all Trumptarded Muppets? 'Bortion. That's their fucking bedrock, and the platform from which they launch all the rest of their bullshit, the only issue they almost get right, but have failed upon miserably and on purpose for over forty fucking years because if the Muppet Masters in the Conservatard party gave the sheep what they wanted, they would have nothing left to dangle over their heads to get their pathetic votes. Fuck these motherfuckers.


Hiliary 2020
If you think it's just Trump saying, "pussy", then you're as naive as you claim everyone else is.

What else is it besides stupid comments he's made?
Like a few days ago he wrote something sarcastic and demeaning toward Hiliary when she supposedly said she wasn't running in 2020.
No grown adult actually does stuff like that, especially in his position. He's playing a role. Its a show and I call people naive who think it isn't.

I mean has he done anything other than speak to make people hate him so much? Please tell me because I like learning new things.

And thats my point about the election in 2020. Any big name DEM can beat him because he is now so hated (Just like people hated Mr. Potter in Its A Wonderful Life). Hiliary for sure could take him And Sanders would destroy him. If she got more votes than him in 2016 then she'd destroy him today.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What else is it besides stupid comments he's made?I mean has he done anything other than speak to make people hate him so much? Please tell me because I like learning new things.

Same thing could be said of your hatred of Obama, "he just says stuff you don't liek", and using your metrics I would chalk any Obama misdeeds you bothered to bring up to, "Fake News".


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So the Bullshit Party thinks the Mueller Report is going to exonerate Trump, fucking hilarious. It never was Mueller and, "Collusion", never mind how fucking hilarious it's been to watch Trump shit his pants daily because of Mueller Anxiety, it's always been Trump's financials that are going to land him and his corrupt ass family in prison, shit's just getting good.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'm still waiting for any conservative on this forum to articulate why they aren't fucking retarded. Not gonna happen, I know; 'Murica! Gawd! Guns! Bortion! GOP, just fucking die, already.


Hiliary 2020
So the Bullshit Party thinks the Mueller Report is going to exonerate Trump, fucking hilarious. It never was Mueller and, "Collusion", never mind how fucking hilarious it's been to watch Trump shit his pants daily because of Mueller Anxiety, it's always been Trump's financials that are going to land him and his corrupt ass family in prison, shit's just getting good.

First what your country did to the civilians of Libya is not fake news. It was a slaughter of defenseless people who didn't even fight back.
In fact in all the post 9/11 attacks and invasions that what is pretty much was. Killing, beating, bullying and destroying the lives of civilians.
Did it under Bush, did it under Soetoro.
2 different parties, same shit. Doesn't that tell you anything about the Republican VS Democrat lie?

And this mueller show you like to talk about.
You really think Trump or any of these US politicians could ever possibly even come close to being put in jail?
If you think Trump might get charged with any crime then your as naive as the Trump fools chanting "Lock Her Up".
Ain't gonna happen. Itsa show, a production.
Same as putting the actor Bryan Cranston in jail for cooking meth in Breaking Bad.
Na Ga Happen


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
First what your country did to the civilians of Libya is not fake news.
2 different parties, same shit. Doesn't that tell you anything about the Republican VS Democrat lie? etc., blah.

What our country has done since the end of World War II, world hegemony in the name of 'Murican Interests, how's Donald doing keeping it great? Not to say there aren't real differences in the direction the twin parties wish to take us, most, "conservatives" I know don't even consider Democrats Americans, far be it from me not to return their fucking ire.