Jason X. As part of yesterday, I watched the first 10 Friday the 13th movies. I'll watch Freddy vs. Jason and the remake, as I could've yesterday, but had no time.
Jason X was what I needed, because parts 8 and 9 were scraping the bottom of the barrel. Part 9, ugh, that was like watching Freddy's Dead, which was only 2 weeks before this. Both Friday and Nightmare are similar in that the first movie, starting already with a peak. Then plateau a bit, peak again in the middle. For Nightmare, it's part 3. For Friday, it's part 3 and 4. Going down and down from there, hitting rock bottom. Then end the franchise with a peak, New Nightmare, and Jason X. Not counting the crossover and remake stuff.
So Jason X was just stupid, but hilarious! It was well timed to follow these serious, boring Friday movies, that this was so necessary. They did it because it was probably a fanfiction thing, "What if we sent Jason to space?" Sounds stupid, it is stupid, but they ran with it, and it turned out to be a fun time. The CG is decent, though that monster bit is so horrible, but funny. The very first Jason kill with the interestingly named Adrienne made me go "fuck yeah!" Because the kills in 8 and 9 were so weak, fucking MPAA wanted to gut those films.
After that "fuck yeah," it just got wackier and funnier. It qualifies as "so bad, it's good," and looks like a total B-movie, but also very high budget. It's the odd blend of camp cult stuff and Hollywood popcorn flick. It worked so well, and Kane Hodder was badass. Just fun stuff, I loved that they were able to do the sleeping bag kill because the one in part 7 was butchered by the MPAA. I want to get the blu-ray collection because in the extras of some of the movies is the original footage of the kills. Like part 7, that film is fine, but it would've been better with those gorier bits.
Anyways, Jason X, stupid, over the top scenes, ridiculous acting that is halfway to being Troma like performances, but so great. Even on its own, it's a film to just chill and laugh.