What is the latest BAD film you watched?


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About Cherry (2012)

One of the worst films I have ever watched about the porn industry. Well it's really about a girl who is pretty clueless imo, becomes a porn star and has no idea what's going on with her surroundings. Overall I was pretty depressed with this film.
Tamara (2005). I didn't expect much going in and I'm one who enjoys "good" bad movies. That being said, this is a bad bad movie.
Worst movie I've seen in a long long time. Throughout the whole movie Sigourney Weaver looks on some sort of drugs, zombieing through her scenes. Of course the fuck awful dialogues play their part, but she can do a lot better (see 'Red Lights').

SPOILER ALERT! Hahahahaha...yeah right...Bruce Willis obviously had his family held hostage for real, because otherwise he wouldn't have taken this part, no way, at least he gets killed off ten-fifteen minutes into the movie. Good for him!

The only good...oh...wait...there's no such thing. This movie is bad from start to finish, well, not exactly, becasue at it moves forward it even gets worse, especially when the "plot" thickens...hahaha.

I will say this though, the guy/s who is/are responsible for putting together the original trailer should get an Oscar for cutting, because he/they actually made this shit look interesting.
