Watching paint dry....

Is there anything that you find soooo boring that it's just like watching paint dry?

Perhaps A sport, a TV programme, a band, etc..

I'd have to say:

Woody Allen films
Gordon Brown
The South Bank Show
The Antiques Roadshow

oh and Jordan's love-life :sleep:

Church! When I used to go!
I've been once so bored I actually have watched paint dry and I was actually amused watching the shadow move on the ground as time went by.
You mean like watching two anorexic Korean dudes jerk eachother off with purple Hello Kitty mittens that have been lubed with slightly melted chocolate chip ice cream while two golden retrievers are barking in the background?

It was a golden retriever and a black lab. And if you hadn't been over my shoulder with your input the whole time my artistic vision would have made millions. Oh well there is always the director's cut DVD.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
newbies posting "which pornstar would you bang?" followed by the obligatory "Jane B, oh she would remember me"-type comments