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Virginia Tech Shooter

What is this supposed to be? You think this tragedy funny? I don't believe what I just read. :(

:dunno: I can't explain that

Conspiracy theories come with any large scale tragedy. I'm sure this will be no exception. I just think fact is Korean aside, student aside, liker of movies aside. The man was mentally disturbed and snapped. Plain and simple, sometimes a reason for things that happen in life are never clear. He could have been a white girl that worked at the WalMart, snap is snap. Blame is a act for those that feel guilty for not seeing it coming. If he didn't want help, most that need it don't NOBODY could make him get help.

I think the components are all in place in some people. Things like this just make it apparent after the fuse is already lit. As fast as anti gun supporters jumped on this as proof of the need for tougher laws, some feel it proves the need for unrestricted concealed carry of firearms. A woman in Texas is lobbying for easier gun carry laws. After she complied with someone's definition of safe and left her handgun in her car observing the law, her family was killed by a shooter in a restaurant.
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I haven't read the whole thread, but here is a conspiracy theory for you.

Certain people are pushing for gun control. That aim is easier to obtain if the public willing accepts it. If the public is frightened into thinking it would be a good thing, then the goal is almost achieved.
If, over a span of a decade or 2, you brainwash (program if you will) any joe six-pack to perform violence on the innocent using fire arms, then the public will start to demand gun control.

sorry if this doesn't make since, I'm kinda high right now...

I know! I totally know what you're saying!

Get ready man, cuz I got the real story about what's going on...seriously, cuz the shit I know is fuckin intense, man. It's gonna knock the shit out of your ass, into the toilet, and then it's gonna flush itself. That's how powerful... Cuz man, I was at home, I was on the Internet man. Fuckin gettin in there. Gettin that shit in, takin it, and takin it out. Going here, out, in, there. Ya know what I mean? Don't call me paranoid, man! I know you're about to call me paranoid and I gotta say it brother...How can I be paranoid if the paranoid motherfuckers who are making me paranoid are really out there? I saw that man, on one of those sticker things you put on the back of a bumper. Ya know, a car bumper? I can't remember what they're called, but they're like stickers that you put on the back of a bumper. The best one I ever saw man, seriously, the best one I ever saw, I seen this one a couple of times, and it's my favorite man. It just says "Who farted?" That's awesome man! If I see that I fuckin move right up and roll down the window and go, "Hey man! Me! I farted!" Ya know? And it brings people together, it's cool. So anyway... that's basically my story, my theory....And ya know, Print it up, ya know. Don't keep that shit to yourself.

I read both posts a couple of times just to make sure I wasn't missing something...I wasn't.

The most useless posts I have read here in my time on the board...and there has been some useless crap posted , God knows.
Neither of ya'll did yourselves proud, pretty much the opposite.
Da Hell wit it...Calpoon, you have done better.

"...mama told me there'd be days like this."


Closed Account
I heard about this as I was leaving from work. This must be the most to perish yet in a school shooting spree. I blame it on all of the violence on TV, in movies and the war.

I've been watching violent movies from about the age of 10 (hidden from my parents, obviously), played violent video games since i was old enough to be allowed. I love war films, anything with blood and guts. I sometimes think i also have a violent imagination.

Yet I've never shot up a school and no have intention of ever killing anyone or anything.

Infact, there are hundreds of violent movies out there which have done very well at the box office, which means millions of people watch them every year. And how many of those millions of people end up being influenced by them and start going on killing sprees?... Not very many.
Most would disagree with me about the Virginia Tech campus police handling of the shooting, it was the same Virginia Tech Police Chief who ordered lock-down of the entire campus on the first day of last Fall Semester when a prisoner shot two Sheriff and ran loose on campus.

The only difference is this time, there were no information available to the VT campus police. There were no State Police info. After the initial shooting, Cho was able to walk out of the dormitory with no eyewitness of what happened and back to his dormitory and prepared for the finale. It was 7:15 a.m. and no one would have paid any attention to an Asian kid walking on campus around that time.

Where did Cho go and do between 7:15 a.m. and 9:26 a.m.? Cho probably dressed up and loaded up his m.o.. Cho had prepared this finale for weeks or months because he had to know where the chains were and the locks inside the Engineering Building. No one would have paid any attention to him until he fired his first shot. But I certainly believe the upcoming Investigation ordered by the Governor of Virginia will prove the VT police was not doing a 100% job. The first two victims went to the hospital and they "assumed" it was a murder-suicide event. Come on, a 4.000 black Resident Assistant and a white girl whomhad lived there for almosts 4 years.

I bet within 1 year, both the President of VT and the campus police Chief will be fired or resigned.


Closed Account
How come the USA have such a big problem with guns and loners,where in Canada you hardly hear anything about this stuff?

Yet it's a bigger country and it's next door.

Half of Canada is total wilderness, and 75% of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of the USA anyway, so it's like the size means anything.

They all seem a lot more relaxed on that side of the border as well...


knows petras secret: she farted.
Half of Canada is total wilderness, and 75% of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of the USA anyway, so it's like the size means anything.

They all seem a lot more relaxed on that side of the border as well...

its the pot. seriously. it makes you peaceful. thats why i want to move there. its peaceful. and the pot is a very nice incentive.
i was watching his video on yahoo, as to why he did what he did...man, yup messed up in the head...it didn't scare me at all, actually felt like this was some kinda movie...his words were perfectly written (english major for ya)...then i saw his pics with the guns...no wonder this kid got so many...he was ready with his vest, ammo, automatics...fucking asswhipe...i dont even know what to feel right now...anger towards that dumb fuck...pitty for the dead and injured...or fear that this might happen at my school (no matter how small my school is)...i just wanna, i dont even know wat i want....
Clearly, Cho had the time to go to the post office and mailed the express package to NBC and returned to the dorm/Engineering Dept after 9:01 a.m.

There is a lot of explanation to do for the VTech campus police. Now we knew what he did in between this two critical, crucial hours, and we knew VTech has to answer to the lawyers who are going to line up for lawsuits for those killed.
Amen ...

So what if there were some gun carrying students who cut loose at the shooter...maybe worst case scenario, there may have been 15 deaths, including him.

Virtually no one talks about the little old lady in Atlanta who gunned down two men the same day Columbine happened. Two men walked into a restaurant, said everyone was going to die, and she killed them both before they could. Even worse were the people who thought it was wrong for her to carry a gun -- WTF, she just saved your lives!!!

But if there is anything that is constant and proved by all this, it's that people don't think when they are in fear for their lives. At least people who fear guns don't think. ;)
Just a reminder eight months ago, another college shooting at Dawson College, Montreal, there were security carrying guns where the shooting occured. Only one (1) student died, the shooter also committed sucide.

This proves if the resident assistant at Amber Hall at Virginia Tech did carried gun, he might have saved 32 lives !
On a sad note of coincidence, tomorrow marks the 8th anniversary of the "Columbine" tragedy. :( I myself will certainly take a few moments to remember them also.

It's a sad coincidence to be sure LL, but not in the mind of the VT shooter I'm saddened to say, as he called the two Columbine shooters "Martyrs", going so far as to name them, he knew not only what he was doing, but when he was doing it. The only good to come of all this was that the coward chicken shit shooter killed himself, which is what he should have done first instead of being a cowardly murdering fuck. I'd also like to know where was this psycho's family through all of this?
I'd also like to know where was this psycho's family through all of this?

Cho's father cut his wrist and attempted suicide. His mother took an overdose of medication also attempted to kill herself. She was hospitalized at N. Viriginia hospital. (This is the Korean culture how they compensate for the wrongs their son did)

Cho has one older sister who graduated from Princeton and worked for a company subcontracted for the reconstruction of the Iraqi War for the US Government. Apparently, the company shielded her off from the media.

Actually these kind of people are very easy to deal with, they don't need psychological counselling, voluntarily psychiatric hospitalization. They need sex, a lot of sex, a lot of girls, girlfriends, get laid, get drunk, parties, sex orgy. Remember in the 60's "MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR". Cho did tried to establish relationship with girls, tried many times but were rejected, he went to bed at 9 and got up at 7:30 a.m. Instead these kind of people need sex, if they don't get that on campus, the counsellor should refer Cho to the famous D.C. Madam, and some fine ladies !!!!! :nanner: :lovecoupl
Unfortunately, the US media is trying its best now to whip up frenzy and hysteria against odd acting college students. If you forced every odd acting college student to undergo a psychological evaluation our universities would turn into large mental health clinics with the vast majority of our college population undergoing evaluations.

On one side, you want to ensure that those who are a risk to themselves or others get a proper psychiatric evaluation and whatever mental health treatment they require. On the other hand, you also don't want to institute witch hunts on campus for strange students because you will infringe on rights, stigmatize mental health care, and many students won't seek help on their own for fear of adverse repercussions. Within the last year, for example, the US media ran an article on several students across the country who were expelled from school for mental illness or seeking mental health care. It is a fine line universities have to walk.

For further information see:


Media-driven, macrosopic epidemics ...

Unfortunately, the US media is trying its best now to whip up frenzy and hysteria against odd acting college students.
Just like after Columbine. Media hype turning an isolated event into a macroscopic epidemic.

You started to have more people taunting each other and people getting expelled as a result. So many people using different avenues as excuses, especially when they could turn around and say, "hey, this geek threatened me" regardless of what they actually did after being repeatedly prompted.

I was a jock in high school and nothing pissed me off more than other jocks picking on geeks. And those jocks got what they deserved sometimes, and I was there laughing when it happened, despite them being my teammates. Because I had far more respect for some geeks than some jocks.

Luckily, most people around me recognized that I took people at face value. I like to think that rubbed off after several years, although some never did "get it." Some of them hit college, and got a "wake up call." I guess this guy got the wrong one in reverse.

Because, regardless of circumstances, there is no excuse for taking life out of rage or anything but immediate defense. I don't care how you were treated, and this guy had no excuse. In fact, I'm tired of American society making excuse to judge and otherwise choose for others. If there is one thing that Americans are good at, it's accepting others.

So it's not only too bad these 1 in 10,000 ruin it for the rest of us, but the media focuses on it like it's commonplace. That's part of the continued problem, especially given the fact that school violence is nothing new, dozens have died in many other events over the years, and the countless, proper gun acts that go on daily that save lives are never reported.


Hiliary 2020
On one side, you want to ensure that those who are a risk to themselves or others get a proper psychiatric evaluation and whatever mental health treatment they require. On the other hand, you also don't want to institute witch hunts on campus for strange students because you will infringe on rights, stigmatize mental health care, and many students won't seek help on their own for fear of adverse repercussions. Within the last year, for example, the US media ran an article on several students across the country who were expelled from school for mental illness or seeking mental health care. It is a fine line universities have to walk.

Yes, that is a exactly correct Roughneck, and it is a very very fine line. That paragraph sums it up perfectly.
Its gonna be real tough to find a solution to help prevent this from happening again.We need a very well thought out system, I hope someone has an Idea, a real Idea, not just another feel good measure, but something that actually works. It is a tough one.
What is this supposed to be? You think this tragedy funny? I don't believe what I just read. :(


OK. sorry, that was in poor taste. I was just trying to make a humorous light of another post, I wasn't trying to make fun of this topic.