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Virginia Tech Shooter

I'm not sure the prospect of a bunch of nervous, inexperienced people practically indistinguishable from the shooter running around with drawn weapons is a good one. Friendly fire strikes me as a distinct possibility. Your best bet is probably to run.
I heard about this at work today, what goes on these people's heads to drive them to just go on killing spree? I just heard on CNN, it may have been a domestic disturbance?....WTF?
shit happens. there's nothing we can do about it. there's a million of you fucking NRA guys strapping and what have you ever done to make society safer or stop crime? just bitch about it when people try to stop gun violence by taking away the guns that failed to protect and only harmed.

We can put everyone under 24/7 survielance and control the citizens at all times, and all it will do is ensure that the psychos work a little bit harder to be the one's that are doing the survielance and control and then we're fucked. do you find releif in the fact that there were no school shootings in nazi germany?

this whole thing is utterly disgusting. Fuck the media vultures and their exploitation ratings grabs and the bloodthirsty public that is licking it up. It's really none of our business. let the investigators do thier job, and once they figure it out, then they'll release the information. It's asburd to demand that they give all the details while they are still in the middle of an investigation of a crime that happened today.
there's nothing we can do about it. there's a million of you fucking NRA guys strapping and what have you ever done to make society safer or stop crime? just bitch about it when people try to stop gun violence by taking away the guns that failed to protect and only harmed.


I've gotta agree with the sentiment here
It was a terrible thing to happen, and i know gun control is a sensitive issue for some people, but i don't think it would be a good idea ( in terms of preventing things like this happening again ) for everyone to constantly go about their daily business carrying a gun to protect themselves in case of a similar situation
- do more guns on the streets make a tragic scenario like Virginia Tech less likely to occur again ?
my answer would be no :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
This shooting would have less wounded and dead. Despite earlier shooting and bomb threat last week, no one heightened the alert because Virginia Tech is located in an open quiet peaceful campus in the western part of Virginia in which crime is very, very low.

Despite 911 call was made at around 7:00 a.m. in the female part of a mixed dormitory, the campus security failed in more than 2 hours to locate the shooter and resulted in 30 more death.

The campus security allowed the shooter to walk/drive from the largest dormitory which housed 895 students to the Engineering Building and the shooter locked/chained the main door and went classroom to classroom to shoot.

Someone is responsible for this and accountable for failure to capture and alert the campus students from 7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Where is the Virginia Tech Campus Security head at 7:00 a.m. despite multiple bomb threat last week and shooting last year? We have not learned much from previous school shooting.

Every school, college, university including high school must have a protocol for preparation of school shooting. The failure of Virginia Tech Campus Security showed we have lost our innocence.

The Virginia Tech shooting will prove a school shooter can be any race, color, ethnicity. Just look back at Montreal shooting a few month ago, he posed so many pictures on the web and he is an Asian Indian.

I do not know the details of the background of the shooter but once again, when news reporters asked if the students in the classroom the shooter is white or black. How stupid is the Foxs news reporter? The student answered he is an Asian. There is no profile on a school shooter except in most cases, the shooter is a male and in 20's age range.

WTF?. So Its the cops fault?Its their fault because they did'nt catch him in betwen 7-9 a.m.? It was the cops "actions" that "resulted" in this? Its the cops fault?
So it was the campus security that "allowed" this? As if the guy asked permission first. Its Campus securitys fault also?
What about the person who shot the people?. Is it his fault?

I also did'nt realize his "race, color, ethnicity" was relevant. Thanks for the info on that.

I don't want to start a debate, cause it ain't the time. I just hate the instant finger pointing, usually followed by lawsuits.


Heartbroker...I hear you.
Folks...this was done by ONE person...not a hundred gangbangers, not a group of NRA gun toters...one man.
He was able to take a few hours, after killing his ex-gf, and go somewhere else, close down a building with a chain on a door, and go into a room and shoot for several minutes 'til he had killed most of the dead victims.
If there were police there after the first shooting, they were there without a plan.
There was no campus-wide alert, no lockdown, no communication.
So what if there were some gun carrying students who cut loose at the shooter...maybe worst case scenario, there may have been 15 deaths, including him.
Not sitting ducks, waiting for him to decide who and when to shoot.
All these arguments are pointless...stopping a shooter is easier than pretending there aren't a few crazies who might one day start spraying rounds in a completely defenseless area.
When all is said and done, planning ahead for a worst case scenario is a neccessary part of high population modern life.
Maybe reality will slowly become an accepted thing even on college campuses like VT.
Wait until the facts are all compiled...there will be an obvious lack of preperation on the campus for a WCS, and no one will accept the blame for naive non-acceptance of reality.
I am so heartbroken thinking about the families who lost their children...there is nothing anyone can say to explain to them why they lost them.


Closed Account
Many questions are already arising by many outside authorities as to why two hours after the first shooting this thing happened. Saying that with police visible and locking down the campus how was he able to do this horrible thing?

I think its just to soon to call anything. Like anything in the limelight we will just have to wait till its all sifted out I guess. When the smoke clears, facts start to surface and evidence is all collected. Everyone is still running in circles and in shock. Even those giving "eyewitness" accounts. All IMHO of course.



I heard about this as I was leaving from work. This must be the most to perish yet in a school shooting spree. I blame it on all of the violence on TV, in movies and the war.


Actually, the shooter was Korean; so I blame it on Asian culture, lack of Blue-eyed Blonds, unbalanced brain chemistry, and certain unknown variables that made one Korean out of millions go completely off track and kill 31 non involved characters in his sad little story.


Closed Account
Actually, the shooter was Korean; so I blame it on Asian culture, lack of Blue-eyed Blonds, unbalanced brain chemistry, and certain unknown variables that made one Korean out of millions go completely off track and kill 31 non involved characters in his sad little story.

While I do get your point, everyone wants to blame something for what any "loose cannon" does. I myself don't think anyone will ever know what triggered it. I just can't believe you would pick this thread to abound with sarcasm. :( This is a serious tragedy that has no place for jokes or puns. At least in IMHO.

Of course they said he was Korean, nobody that I've heard has said he did what he did because he was Korean though. If he were an Italian student or a Canadian student they would have said so also I'm sure. We have students from all over the world at that school. Being a "melting pot" as we are our country uses "An African American", "A Caucasian" , "A Korean" or "A German" to describe people, its always been SOP and I'm sure will remain that way.

It is troubling that a person can go off the deep end like that. Its just a shame that these people can't just end their own misery if they must instead of taking innocents with them. Stress levels in people today IMHO is causing poor physical health as well as mental health in this the year 2007 more than ever. It will only get worse I fear. People need to slow down, say the hell with the Jones (stop trying to stay one up) and stop and smell the roses. The best things in life truly are free, to kill yourself working to hard seeking material things is such a waste.



Closed Account
I neither am not-shocked, nor appalled that the ‘College-'scumbags: see a strictly ‘racial’ basis for this (some on Facebook). This man below was involved in one of the most, if not the most, fatal college-shooting in history, until now. He also looks like someone straight of Heinrich Himmler’s, ‘SS:’


I know that 'racism' deals with a natural, biological, aversion: but I believe that some of the students are just looking to insult the perpetrator, and well, 'race,' always works.
It's sad.

Race, color doesn't really matter when the blood is spilled. Its red.

There will be lots of arguments, fault-finding etc.

But, I think of the parents, relatives & the friends of those who died an untimely death. The distress, the sorrow they are going through.

Let God give them strength to overcome this day of trial, let Him give them peace.


Staff member
If it was a crime involving a prejudice based on race then blame it on the kid's education and his environment. I am pretty sure the weapon was a stolen weapon perhaps a full auto submachine gun.


Closed Account
If it was a crime involving a prejudice based on race then blame it on the kid's education and his environment. I am pretty sure the weapon was a stolen weapon perhaps a full auto submachine gun.

It wasn't racial at all. People just tend to get stupid in times like this. Many are being asses on blogs and MySpace and the other sites like it. Putting emphasis on him being Korean. He was simply a human being with problems that went unnoticed, someone in need of help. Often people just snap. It was a 9mm and another handgun georges. No a oozy or any other type weapon.



Closed Account
I want to share this with everyone. This man is a hero, he blocked and held a door with his body allowing students to jump from the window to safety. He lost his life when the shooter shot through the door killing him. He was a Holocaust survivor and a cancer survivor here on sabbatical.



While I'm sure many others did wonderful things to help during the ordeal. I'm looking forward to other stories as well. It was reported that this man had to have known he was going to die, but chose to help in his last moments. What a wonderful gift he gave so many others. Not just those he helped save, but a gift their parents, friends and any person that any one of them may touch in the future to make a difference. :)

I heard somewhere that the freep (freak+creep) was looking for his girlfriend, in the dorms and shot two kids up, cops get this news and sit and eat DD glazed jelly donuts. After the sick fuck shoots everybody else up execution style and luckily for himself blows his fuckin head off then the coppers come. 30+ dead 30+ wounded. Welp thats the American way take a wait and see attitude, and take action after the whole debacle is over and done with. Turns out he was a loner with a sick and demented mind who had nothing better to do. Well the American public will blame music, tv, and video games like always. Thoughts and prayers got out to everybody involved with this tragedy.


Closed Account
I heard somewhere that the freep (freak+creep) was looking for his girlfriend, in the dorms and shot two kids up, cops get this news and sit and eat DD glazed jelly donuts. After the sick fuck shoots everybody else up execution style and luckily for himself blows his fuckin head off then the coppers come. 30+ dead 30+ wounded. Welp thats the American way take a wait and see attitude, and take action after the whole debacle is over and done with. Turns out he was a loner with a sick and demented mind who had nothing better to do. Well the American public will blame music, tv, and video games like always. Thoughts and prayers got out to everybody involved with this tragedy.

Not all the American people blame the "entertainment" industry for everything. Nobody can speak for me but me, or speak for you but you. Why does everyone want to say something is written in gold because it happens once or twice? Different situations call for different thoughts. If anyone boxes all their opinions on various issues based on what happen in a similar situation 3 years ago, they are doomed to never see things for what they are. The two hours have been looked into and continue to be looked into as I said in another post. Let the smoke clear before starting to stone people.

See, a whole point without "f" this "f " that too. :thumbsup:

This is a tragedy of the highest order. As a college grad, I can say how difficult it was to go through the schooling. Now those who have to go back to thier lives after the fact have that one additional burden on thier shoulders. I kinda wonder how many people there will not graduate or will transfer schools due to this?

One other thing... if you read the news on any online site, you will see shootings and many other death/tragic related stories on a daily basis, hell, just in this country alone we have our share of this shit. Mall shootings, school shootings, etc. Cant call it going postal anymore....