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Views Of Muslims

the dumbest thing about Islam (and Christianity, and Mormonism, etc.) is that people believe that some guy talked to God 1,000 years ago. well you know what? God talked to me last night and he said that Islam is full of shit and that the real messiah is that japanese guy that ate like 75 hotdogs in one minute.

how do you know which one is true? Hey, at least you know that I really made that statement, whereas no one today even knows whether Mohammad even said any of those things in the first place. think about it.
Yep, coz everyone who believes in god is dumb! :rolleyes:

Will E Worm

My big beef with Islam: according to the Qu'ran, if you refuse to convert, you must be killed. That's not very nice.

I was going to bring that up. If Muslims want to follow their book they have to kill in the name of Allah. It is a requirement to appease your god. :angels:

Just like many so-called Christians they pick and choose what they follow.

kaalpan, one question:

what's the sense in using and following a book (no matter koran, bible or any other OUTDATED instruction) if it was written for the society and conceptions which are irredeemable obsolete and overaged?!

you say it was written in the times where there were no human rights, and islam revealed and introduced many rights in that era and taught peace.


to make it actual for modern society? the idea of following some thought that were written thousand of years ago is ridiculous and crazy IMO. how can you apply the same rules and theories in 21 century?! Everything have changed. Relations between people. Sexual revolution. Human rights.

Where is the "Koran. Reload" version!? Where is "Bible. Update." version? Nothing good can come out from attempts to live in 21 century like some guys write about 1600 years ago. These are just there vision, their thoughts and ideas based on what they see in their era, but. Or, wait, do you really believe that it (koran, bible etc) were not written by people? If you don't, I am out of the discussion, sorry ;)

PS: calpoon put it well!
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A guy goes into a sex shop, looking to buy a sex doll. The sex shop owner asks the man if he would like a Christian sex doll or a Muslim sex doll.

"What's the difference", asks the man.

"The Christian one comes with a pump", says the owner, "but the Muslim one blows itself up."
There are bad muslims, bad christians and bad jews, as in a percentage, the worst are jews because there arnt many, and most of em are crazy ass religous people that support the strike on gazza.
i have never read or heard that someone who does not convert to be killed. The prophets most loved uncle 'Abu Talib' was as good as a father to the prophet, and 'Abu Talib' never converted from Atheism. 'Abu Talib' died a natural death when he was old. Again, one of the repeated messages in Islam is to invite people, never preach, Muslims according the Quran are not allowed to criticise other peoples faiths but respect it. If we have issues with it, we are suppose to invite people to raise awareness. nothing more.

When the Quran was revealed, the muslims there had a problem with Atheists, or atleast the bad bunch of the atheist that were dictators in the area, similarly to how the western countries have a problem with alot of the muslim countries now.

What the religion became once the prophet died, according to the strict definition of Islam, cannot be considered as Islam.

Just like the crusades had nothing to do with Jesus' or Gods command. similarly, the wars and spreading by the sword after the prophet died was not correlative to the originating texts, it is merely human desire to go one up then another culture and secure what you think is beswt for your society. again, no different, to how the british came to rule over the celts land, how the americans got their land and how israel is getting its land. Its something that has happened, is happening and will continue to happen. not because of religion, but because of our deep rooted thurst to survive.

Having read the Quran in context from start to finish and having read the different conotations of old arabic speech, I personally have come to my own conclusion that it is the most peaceful text ever, once you actually see past the stigma of todays islam. i apprecaite, everyone has their own interpretations to it, which according to Islam youre allowed to and I may not have to agree with it but have to I respect it.

Jamrak, I dont contest an idea to evolve at all and that these texts are indeed old. I think one of the major flaws with Islam post 1950 is that it has not kept up with modern times. Whilst many cultures continued evolving, Islam, because of the oil money in Saudi Arabia got complacent and went back to its pre-quran days.

I believe in the underlying values and principles of the quran. Having read it, I feel it has made me a more patient man, a more law abiding man (lets face it majority of the big laws are derived from religion i.e thou shall not kill and steal etc). I still dont feel I am hindered by religion, to me, every thing in the quran makes sense once i apply it to todays context.

Many of the greatest nations/empires ever were created based on religions. todays laws, in england, america are predominantly based on religion. religion imo keeps todays capitalism and our human greed in check. I think there are positives to thinking out side the box at times and i also think religion benefits more people in society then it harms. I personally feel safe because killing is a crime, that no man has a right to my house other than me. I like the fact that I should make an effort with my neighbour to get along. to me that outweighs being discriminated against for my faith. people preaching religion or atheism both need to appreciate that there will never be a perfect society, be it all atheist, all agnostic, all muslim, all christian etc. we have to make the best with what we have. well at least thats how i choose to look at it.
my colleague told me this story one joke.....i actually still laugh about it.

A blue-chip company director was sacked after announcing at a board meeting
"this years quarterlys were like muslims, some were good, some were shi-ite"


Your going to have good and bad in every way of life. All you can do is stay positive and live your life. In the military if one person out of that squad screws up it's everyone's fault. You can't look at that as real life though. You have to use your own beliefs and opinions to form a positive view on someone. Don't let the media think for you.
lets face it majority of the big laws are derived from religion i.e thou shall not kill and steal etc

well, I was ready for this turn! not the first time in a discussion about religion, so I have what to reply.

I do not like when any religion pretend to have exclusive right for common sense. what you said - do not kill, do not steal, or even epic "treat other people like you want to be treated" is not something that they invent! this is ridiculous, how impudent boldly religion pretend to have monopoly and exclusive patent for the thoughts and ideas that belong to the whole humanity, and which are not strange to atheists either!

I am sure that religion just absorbed and lap up some good point from what you can call collective mind. the base for these laws (do not kill, do not still etc) are 100% secular: these are just the rules you need to obey in a society to prevent chaos. these are the things that are necessary for the big groups of people living together! why are these basic rules so similar in different religions? because they were created by people, and later just set forth in the different books. but those who write these books were not the inventors! even compelete atheists won't let you steal. you be punished, and become a non-person in any kind of society if you will act like an ass!

So my answer is: all the laws are dictated by common sense, and by life itself. Religion just use this common sense (non-religious) ideas to mix them with their crazy theories and fairy tailes about god, paradise, hell, resurrection, serve god, praise your lord (what a fucking slavery-influenced approach by the way? like you are a slave of a god and you need to kiss his ass or you will be punished in hell... crap!) and whatever else bullshit.

PS: do not eat pork... do not create images of human beings... do not kiss in public... do not use condoms (wave to pope)... do not eat during Ramadan, only in night... pray 5 times a day... what the hell is that? I know it is a mixture of different religions, but I repeat - they all are the same, they impose a lot of IDIOTIC rituals, a lot of procedures, a lot of ceremonies, and fucking large amount of no-no's! do not do this, this is a sin, this is bad... and I am not talking about murder. I am talking about a movie where girl shows her boobies, and about an advertisment with a chick in bikini. Or about drinking wine. Is lust bad? Allah doesn't like? WTF? It doesn't make any sense! just a pure absurd. And what does Koran say about PORN? you consider yourself to be kinda muslim... I can't understand why are you at freeones board, no offense, but really - how can you join it? There are so many taboo's violated!


It's good to be the king...
There are good and bad, same as Christians, Jews, Hindu, and so on
Hi..Hmmm..All my childhood/teen years i was living in one of
the most muslim dominated areas in Denmark..Gellerup-Aarhus-DK.

Already then (in the 70-80's) it was controlled with violence and fear
by the muslims..Not so much the religion, but just an totally disrespect
for everything danish.
They got free homes, social money every month (one of the largest
in the world), childsupport money, free education - if they want.
Denmark payed for their moskee's, muslim schools and plain tickets
to their home countrys on holidays.

We did everything to please our guests.

All we got back was assult on our olders and daugthers.
Robbery, drug dealers, murder, yes.u name it.

U problely now about the danish cartoons.
That was their excuse to set Denmark on fire.

Not just some small riots, but read this.

In the 2 weeks, after an muslim deligation had travelled
to their home lands and spread lies and selfmade cartoons, there
was 240 schools, almost 1000 cars and many christen church's set
on fire...And i mean real fire.

There was big riots in the 4 biggest towns..(they got support
from the autonom/anarkist).

And i could go on..But i simply don't give a damm or got more to say
about muslims.They are so "unpopular" and the danish people have so much
angry and hate to all muslims now, that it's just a question of time, before
it's all going grazy.

Today my parents still are living in the area.(they payed and build their
home by them self in the 60's..Like most danes out there).

In their 70's, they must have bodyguards (me and friends) just to
go down and get some milk or cigarrets.
They (and all neighboors) have fire arms in their homes now.
(got them on the black market) to defend them selfs.

My 16yo daugther wouldn't visit them, unless she got picked up somewhere els and driving to the front door and i must be there to..

(she was attacked twice by young muslim fu...rs).

And that was when i say STOP.

Nobody touch my family..And if they do, they die..

Thats the thing i never can get in my beer brain.
How can they say thanks in that way and how does
their brains work, when the mean, that Denmark is their
country and the "real" danes must follow the rules, they
makes and be slaves to islam (thats actuelly is written
in the koran)..

U can't say that they all are like that..I know.
But they have pissed on Denmark and the danes, so much..
We don't think like that anymore..

How's to blame for it..I can only see one :mad:
Instead of uniting people, Big 3 religions divide people.

I'm afraid even mild muslims slowly go to extreme edges of fanatism. Hamas and Hezbullah get approved in Middle East. There are extremist muslims in Chechenia who killed 400 people in Beslan, Russia in 2004. Muslims are not just Arabs. Malaysians go to Islamic Law System which is pretty shit.

Best muslims are those who are from Bosnia. They are respectful to other people who have different religious stuffs. Turkish muslims are ok for now. But they tend to go to extremes.

Personally, i was/am a non-muslim Turk. I'm proud of myself for not being a muslim. I'm a tengriist. Tengriism is the main religion of Turkic people. I went to my roots.
Let's face it a unusually large (compared to other religions) percentage of the Muslim faith hold extreme positions. And, I think you'd find a large percent of the moderate majority actually approves of alot of the things the extremists do, even if they would not think about accomplishing it themselves for.

In the U.S., though, large portion extreme are all hard working, country respecting, law-abiding moderates. LIke it's probably very very very very low extremism.

Are the truly moderate muslim left still a majority? Probably. Are they still misguided? Of course.

This is opinion for sure. I cannot see into the hearts of men.
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They are a very large group of people just like any other large group of people in the world. All groups like that have good and bad people in it. They just happen to have a substantially larger portion of those people that are more messed up, fundamentalist, tyrannical, totalitarian, and evil or some combination of those than pretty much any other very large grouping of people. I’m just calling it as I see it while being as objective as I can while doing it.
I Just wanted to know what peoples views are on muslims are they all good or do they look bad cuz of some bad people

Look they are generall nice people. Like people think of lebanese people as those wh think they're all 'king-shit' and all...but the truth is that there are a handful of people who give their nationality or religion whatever a bad name.
Wait 'till Iran passes on their enriched creations to fringe elements within the radical moslem hierarchy, we won't even see it coming !

Blammo !

Haha, not only is the U.S. the biggest arms dealer in history, but the only country to have ever detonated a nuclear weapon against people. If anything look for the U.S. to accidentally drop a nuke on itself and blame the 'terrorists'. :rofl: