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Views Of Muslims

I'm going to assume you know how the reproductive system works, explain to me how an egg can become fertilised without any hint of semen anywhere in the facinity and if the "God" excuse is used I am going to be very dissapointed.

How can anyone believe in a virgin birth, it actually makes me laugh that anyone can. Do you believe a dead person could miraculously come back to life aswell?

I think Joseph just blew his load on her and the sperm found their way inside by the magical will of God.

Will E Worm

Please tell me how Will, because this and the resurrection with all we now know are two of the main points that I cannot see how anyone can still believe this crap.

I'm going to assume you know how the reproductive system works, explain to me how an egg can become fertilised without any hint of semen anywhere in the facinity and if the "God" excuse is used I am going to be very dissapointed.

How can anyone believe in a virgin birth, it actually makes me laugh that anyone can. Do you believe a dead person could miraculously come back to life aswell?

It's based on faith. Just like evolution.

The Christian belief that Jesus was miraculously conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary without sexual union with man (Matt 1:18-25; Luke 1:34-35).

Virgin birth of Jesus

I think you've done enough for the both of us.

If you did research you could answer your own questions. :hatsoff:
My big beef with Islam: according to the Qu'ran, if you refuse to convert, you must be killed. That's not very nice.
Muslims allowed jews and Christians
to worship
but made them pay higher taxes.
wrote for
Muslim readers
on the ability to have faith
and use reason.
If you did research you could answer your own questions. :hatsoff:

Could I? Are you sure about that?

Wouldnt I just be answering my own questions with statements such as;

Jesus was miraculously conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit

That really doesnt answer any of my questions, all it does is give me hollow answers and treats me like a child who still believes in fairy tales.

Biology? What are you some type of Communist?! Oh, I bet you believe in that Satan worshipping Darwin nut too? :1orglaugh

Communist? Not yet :D
Darwin nut? His theory and subsequent scienific findings have given us a lot more proof of what we all are than religion ever did.

Anyway I'm tired so goodnight one and all :hatsoff:
The issue regarding 'the veil', is not an islamic issue, its a pre-islamic athiest arabia issue. Prior to Islam, the veil was forced upon women because pre the prophet time, women were treated as second class citizens. For anyone who has read the quran will appreciate, that whenever there is a reference to a male, the word 'female' is directly alongside it. i.e any rule/right that applies to a man, applies to a woman.

Re the knife issue mentioned above. I think my friend may be mistaken to the religion 'sikhism'. This is the first time I have heard of muslim culture where a boy has to wear a knife. I know for certain it is a Sikh tradition (part of the 5 k's). This I guess sums up alot, alot of people, not that its anyones fault, do not know what islam is, some take what they see too literally or start mixing culture with religion.

In short, Islam, when it was revealed introduced many rights in that era and taught peace. Unfortunately, many muslims this era forget the advances the religion made, the education and science which it spread and now take the religion too literally and get irratated when they are constantly provoked.

Unfortunately, every era has a group that are villified - jewish community, black community, now its the muslims turn, granted because of the messed up actions of a few. Im pretty certain, in a 100 years time it will be another group.

Many Muslim practices
are actually
local practices.
Veil and Burkha
are local.
Paul said
women must cover their heads
in Church;
this, and more Muslim practices,
are based on Jewish and Christian teachings.
Muslims consider Jews and Christians to be
People of the Book;
same God dictating
from above.
did I think
I would be talking about
a porn board.
Jesus Camp is a 2006 American documentary/ Pentecostal/charismatic

It has been shut down and it wasn't a Christian camp.
They were Pentecostal/charismatic/ Evangelicals
Evangelicals have different beliefs.
Look at Ted Haggard.

Christian includes
the tounge speaking, and
All those beliefs
were based
on a reading of a
I am a Pagan
who worked
for a Christian Radio Syndication
listened to two years of sermons.
Wondering why any peepz who
believed lust in their hearts
was bad
would be on here?:rofl:

Will E Worm

Biology? What are you some type of Communist?! Oh, I bet you believe in that Satan worshipping Darwin nut too? :1orglaugh

Communist? Not yet :D
Darwin nut? His theory and subsequent scienific findings have given us a lot more proof of what we all are than religion ever did.

Darwin never proved anything. He doubted his own "work."

No Transitional Forms | Fossils Refute Evolution
“ If there are no transitional forms found in the fossil record then my theory is false” – Charles Darwin

"When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed; nor can we prove that the supposed changes are beneficial, which is the groundwork of the theory [of evolution]." Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 2, editor Francis Darwin (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1898), p. 210

Charles Darwin assumed that transitional forms would be discovered in the future but they do not exist. An example of a transitional form would be the discovery of a mermaid’s skeleton. Half human and half fish which shows a transitional stage or process. A common house cat and a Bengal tiger vary greatly in size but they are both members of the cat species. Scientists that try to use size variances as an example of a transitional form are only deceiving themselves by ignoring the obvious missing links.

“What is missing are the many intermediate forms hypothesized by Darwin”
- Robert Carroll (Paleontologist and Professor of Zoology McGill University)

“There is no fossil of the stages through which the remarkable change from reptile to bird was achieved”
- A. J. Marshall (PHD Anthropology Harvard University)

Science isn't a leap of faith, it is mathematical map of reality as we know it.

If science was based on mathematics and facts, they wouldn't need to change things all the time. The belief in evolution is faith based.

Christian includes
the tounge speaking, and
All those beliefs
were based
on a reading of a
I am a Pagan
who worked
for a Christian Radio Syndication
listened to two years of sermons.
Wondering why any peepz who
believed lust in their hearts
was bad
would be on here?:rofl:

You are thinking of another faith or many faiths amalgamated into one.
Six posts and you're talking to me? :dunno:
You need to look up my other comments. It might take a bit of work.
But, you don't know enough about me and what I believe to even be talking to me about this. :tongue:


If you did research you could answer your own questions. :hatsoff:

Research hasen't seemed to help you too much:

I have to agree with him about Zionism. It's not what we are told it is.

There are a lot of Jewish people against Zionism.
Israel was created by America and the UN.

(Hosea 1:10) "Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, *'You are not my people,' they will be called 'sons of the living God.' (*Lo-ammi)

The star on Israel's flag is not connected to the Jews. It is connected to Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, In other words Lucifarianism.

Terrorism and the Illuminati: A three thousand year history by David Livingstone

The Holy Grail is associate more with blood or a bloodline than with a simple cup.
The royal blood of the Grail is a Lucifarian bloodline, which stems from the unholy conspiracy against the life of Jesus.

British Israelism/ Freemasonry
Anglo-Israelism (Also known as British Israelism is the unscriptural theory that Britain and the United States
constitutes the ten lost tribes of Israel who were carried away as Captives by the Assyrians in 722BC.

Because of this dispersal, it is believed that the Queen of England now sits on the throne of David.

your opinions on zionism?

"If the American People knew what we have done, the would string us up from the lamp posts.
George H.W. Bush (Urban Legend quote...never actually said)

I can't wait 'til you share your research into the nefarious Easter Bunny/Santa Claus Christian/Lucifarian Mind Control Conspiracy with us.

I read somewhere the Easter Bunny was actually one of 8 coneys from a Nazerean clutch, the result of a virgin birth; and was one of the young Jesus's pets and early disciples; and he is also resurected each Easter...
Let me know...I could be wrong.

Will E Worm

Research hasen't seemed to help you too much:

So, you say, but you're wrong. As always. :hatsoff:

I read somewhere the Easter Bunny was actually one of 8 coneys from a Nazerean clutch, the result of a virgin birth; and was one of the young Jesus's pets and early disciples; and he is also resurected each Easter...

:rolleyes: Go back to bed.


So, you say, but you're wrong. As always. :hatsoff:

:rolleyes: Go back to bed.
As always? A little hopeful there, aren't you? Even you get something right on occasion, it's the law of averages.

And I only sleep at night, as I work during the day. Ya know...at a J-O-B.
I'm afraid I'll never have as many posts as you. Or as much sleep...:rofl:
Qur’an 9:123 "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you."

Qur’an 9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Hey no spoiler alert?? I have not got there yet...
If science was based on mathematics and facts, they wouldn't need to change things all the time. The belief in evolution is faith based.

You're right it's not entirely based on mathematics but it has been proven. There have been oh, just a few advances in evolutionary biology since Darwin first arrived at his conclusions.

"In evolutionary biology, macroevolution is used to refer to any evolutionary change at or above the level of species. It means at least the splitting of a species into two or the change of a species over time into another."


"A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, more precise or differing measures are often used, such as based on similarity of DNA or morphology."

And voila. The evolution of non-interbreeding species:

Observed Instances of Speciation

Ring Species: Salamanders

Key Insights Into How New Species Emerge

The evolution of new DNA (in humans and animals as well):

Connecticut Fishermen Catch Blue Lobster

New Zealand's 'Living Dinosaur' -- The Tuatara -- Is Surprisingly The Fastest Evolving Animal


Examples of Beneficial Mutations and Natural Selection

Portulaca grandiflora mutant

The evolution of drastically different morphology, even to the extent of new organs:

Lizards Rapidly Evolve After Introduction to Island

Still just a lizard

So what exactly do you mean when you say that there is "no evidence" for evolution?
You're right it's not entirely based on mathematics but it has been proven. There have been oh, just a few advances in evolutionary biology since Darwin first arrived at his conclusions.

"In evolutionary biology, macroevolution is used to refer to any evolutionary change at or above the level of species. It means at least the splitting of a species into two or the change of a species over time into another."


"A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, more precise or differing measures are often used, such as based on similarity of DNA or morphology."

And voila. The evolution of non-interbreeding species:

Observed Instances of Speciation

Ring Species: Salamanders

Key Insights Into How New Species Emerge

The evolution of new DNA (in humans and animals as well):

Connecticut Fishermen Catch Blue Lobster

New Zealand's 'Living Dinosaur' -- The Tuatara -- Is Surprisingly The Fastest Evolving Animal


Examples of Beneficial Mutations and Natural Selection

Portulaca grandiflora mutant

The evolution of drastically different morphology, even to the extent of new organs:

Lizards Rapidly Evolve After Introduction to Island

Still just a lizard

So what exactly do you mean when you say that there is "no evidence" for evolution?

Wonders how's this part of the subject of this thread.:sleep::sleep:

Will E Worm

You're right it's not entirely based on mathematics but it has been proven. There have been oh, just a few advances in evolutionary biology since Darwin first arrived at his conclusions.

Evolution has never been proven and there has never been any transitional fossils found. Darwin ever said his theory was false if no transitional fossils were found. They will never be found either.

Evolution. :rolleyes: :sleep:

Wonders how's this part of the subject of this thread.:sleep::sleep:

Nothing to do with the thread or sanity. :sleep: