So according to you chef, people should be extreme fanatics about their beliefs even if it means abandoning all of their possessions, their homes, their friends and family and putting their own safety and life at risk, as well as everyone else's, so that they have no compromises or contradictions, or else they should not have any convictions about them at all.
Nice to know that you are the world's first perfect person that has never committed any hypocrisy and thus are qualified to condemn everyone else.
Everybody is a hypocrite; the extent to which they take their hypocrisy is the only thing that differs.
Do people have different reasons for becoming vegan? Yes. Some do it out of love for animals, some do it for dietary purposes, some just follow the fad. But, no matter what their reasoning is, most of them don't follow through with their so-called beliefs or reasons as to why they eat vegan. They just do what they're comfortable with; not necessarily what they believe in. And, that is one of the biggest issues I have with people who eat vegan (and people who choose to live their lives in other means).
People completely ignore the reality of the situation when they choose to live their lives as vegans. Like I said, everybody has their own reasons as to why they choose to live such a life, but most of them are completely blind to what
really goes on in the world.
People who eat vegan and don't wear leather or other clothing made from animals because they don't condone the harming of animals don't realize that there are factories that make all of this "animal friendly" shit; factories that were built on land that was once inhabited by animals. People don't realize that there are animal products in thousands upon thousands of regularly used, everyday items, many of which they use themselves. The houses they live in, the cars they drive, the TV they watch, the clothes on their back, the food that they
all harms animals.
So, if people claim that they are vegan out of the respect for animals, then why don't they actually follow through with their beliefs and convictions instead of just doing it as long as it's convenient for them to be doing it?
And Just to name one group of people, they are called Jainists. There are ten million of them, and while not all of them are vegan (some use dairy), they all follow the criteria that I mentioned before.
Jainism is an ancient Indian religion which is practiced mostly over in India. Their whole philosophy on life is that every living thing has a soul, which is why they try to live their lives in peace, without bringing harm to anything that is around them. They even go to the lengths of not eating root vegetables, because they feel as though they would be "killing" it by pulling it out of the ground. Yet, they build temples and destroy the land around them, killing plant life and destroying a natural habitat for animals and insects in the process? :dunno:
"What? You want me to pull that potato out of the ground and eat it? No way! That would mean I would have to kill it and I refuse to kill a living thing, as it has a soul."
"Oh, you want me to construct an elaborately large temple over there, where the animals graze on the grass, just so we can pray inside of it? Yeah, of course I'll do that!"
Maybe vegans aren't perfect people, but they actually try to live their lives according to their beliefs of refraining from harm and respecting life, as opposed to the majority of people on here that don't give a shit.
I don't see how people have any grounds to criticize them for not doing better to care for animals when they don't do a goddamn thing themselves. I'd like to see you do better.
To be fair, nobody is a perfect person. Not me, not you, not meateaters, not vegans; nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws, no matter how big or how small.
And, I've never killed an animal in my life. The meat that I eat? It's already dead when I buy it. The house I live in? It was already built when I moved in here. The clothes I wear? They were already made before I bought them. I'm not harming animals anymore than vegans are. Whether I use these products or not, they're already being made and animals are already being killed because of it. So, exactly what kind of better care for animals would you like me to be demonstrating?