1)First of all, many Muslim nations don't display anywhere near the amounts of "cultural imperialism" shown by places like America and parts of Europe. There are few Muslim capital cities that don't have nightclubs, short skirts, western burger joints floating around.
2)Next, Hezbollah are democratically elected, if you remove them, you destroy the very meaning of democracy. If you say Hezbollah has commited acts of terrorism, well so has the American government many times, so shall we remove them as well.
3)Next, GWB was elected despite having a few million less votes than Al Gore. That is not a democracy. You can come up with any excuse you want for the American voting system, but when a man becomes President when MORE Americans have voted for another man, that is NOT democracy, and there aren't many countries in the world that would be so ignorant as to claim that is democracy; that is representative democracy. Selective democracy. Assez democracy. Semi democracy. A fucking farce is what it is. If Gore had won having millions less votes, I'd be fucking relieved, but no less disgusted that a man with millions less votes than the other guy can "win" the Presidency.
4)And finally, you're all telling King "were you there?", "did you see it?"
5)You all believe Muslims flew planes into those buildings? You all believe Iraq had WMDs? You all think anything you see on US news is true? You all believe that they are all bad and we are good? You believe that the events as documented in "United 190-whatever" are the way it all went down? You really believe the US government had no knowledge... er... that they had nothing to do with the actual events?
Were you there?
Did you see it?
If you weren't there, and you didn't see it, why do you believe it?
It's well-documented that those "terrorists" didn't pray, didn't dress in Islamic gear, terrorists probably wouldn't want to attract attention to themselves. But you guys are RIGHT. How do we KNOW they didn't? How do we KNOW they were Muslim? How do we KNOW those buildings fell from the planes and the fire? How do we KNOW who the enemy is, or if there is one?
5)ASK YOURSELF HOW YOU KNOW THESE THINGS. It is very very important thay you understand how you know these things.