U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terrorist

I think the airline did a good job actually. I think that it's terrible that innocent people have been caught up in this, but the situation is what it is. To be perfectly honest, I don't think I'd get on a plane with them after seeing them praying. Call me naive if you will, but there has to be a certain level of caution, or paranoia, or whatever you want to call it. But we are going to politically correct ourselves to death, litterally, if we don't show some kind of caution.

I've also heard on the news that these men moved to unoccupied seats that were not their assigned seats, and would not move back to their seats when asked, the all had one way tickets, and none of them had any checked baggage. All of those things together, to me, gives reasonable suspiscion for the airline to do what they did.

US Authorities have a duty to PROTECT their Citizens. Job well done:)
Too fuckin bad for them!! Let's all have a pity party for the poor Muslims. I agree with OilTech, job well done. The Muslims have no one to blame but themselves for being treated like this. The world remembers 9/11 and 7/7 and other events. The Muslims are the face of terrorism no matter what some of you believe about our occupation of Iraq. Of course they're going to be treated with hesitation and fear while in an airport. We'd all be fucking stupid not to give them a second glance. If they want to stop being treated like this then they have to work together as a religion to end this radical behavior and make a better name for themselves. I for one will NEVER trust any of them. Their not all bad but that self-inflicted label will have me and many others not only in the U.S. but around the globe will always second guess their intentions....especially in an airport.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Agreed with BNF too. France banned the tchador/burkah in schools as well. Also some firms refuse to employ musilm women wearing the burkah/tchador. When you live in a country that is not your native country you have the forcefulness to obey its rules and respect its customs and habits fully and blindly. It is not the matter of religion or race, it is more the matter that some people who were welcomed have not a single parcel of respect for the country that has welcomed them as well as gave them food and shelter. In that case, I say send these irrespectful disruptive fucktards to their native country and ban them from your country for ever as well as retire them all the privilege they have.
As usual our friend Fox devilizes the US government and blames of all what happens. Perhaps that I should remember our friend Fox that he was given his citizenship by the GWB administration he hates so much but by his feelings he can't be considered as an American but as Unamerican. Instead of being so ungrateful Fox, show some gratefulness to the country who gave you your citizenship and quit whinning all the time seriously. Insulting the country who gave you your citizenship is far to be a sign of respect but something you should be ashamed of.
Terrorists are people who support FATAH, Hamas, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Al Aksah Martyr brigades.

Sorry dbl post......I couldn't have said it any better. Well done.:thumbsup:
A California couple was arrested and charged with obstruction of airline employees just because they were compassionate and hugging and kissing each others during a Southwest flight.


I and my girlfriend would have not boarded a flight from Washington, D.C. to Buffalo a few weeks ago because the TSA refused to allow my girlfriend to carry a 5 1/2 oz Wal-mart suntan lotion (not liquid but gel like substance) on the plane. O M G, it is more than 3 oz and may looked like liquid.

Anyone can get kicked off the plane if they started a "Mile High Club" by compassionate kissing and hugging and attempted to have sex in the plane at Southwest Airline !

Another post-partum mother was harrassed because she breast-fed her baby on the plane from Maine. Jesus, is mother's milk also "liquid" too. Is it illegal to carry more than 3 oz of liquid onto the plane, or produce more than 3 oz of liquid including human breast milk !! :nanner: :glugglug: :fight:
I recommend the following link

I particularly liked the MOL (Muslim Offense Level), right now it's level orange.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Shit if I saw a group of Muslims praying in the terminal, I would have said something to the authorities as well. Not being prejudice or anything but think about it. Anyone of us here would have been nervous as hell seeing something like this in an airport. Just admit it!
i hate all this terrorist rubbish, i wish they would leave us alone... we want to leave them alone...


Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Wasn't it the naive Americans that killed all the native Americans? One letter missing, and the country changed so much.


How naive can this get?
Just to rebut all the history rewriters, Americans didn't wipe out the innocent native Americans, the VAST majority of the people who committed wholesale killing on any "Indians" they ran across were native Europeans... Swedes, Germans, Irish, English, Italians, etc.; people came to the New World looking for land and a fairly interference-free life, arrived in the middle of thousands of miles of unoccupied land and built homes and began farming.
Nomadic tribes who wandered thru the area when it suited them, found and killed, tortured, and robbed anyone they found unprotected enough to get to. This was their lifestyle, by and large. Many raiding parties wandered until they found a source of booty and fun, did what they wanted and went home, eventually. No one's territory was was a factor to a raiding party.
So, people saw any "Indians " as a threat...so would I, and anyone else who lost the means to survive from theft or destruction of food crops, or lost a wife, children, and friends to torture and casual slaughter.
Not that many tribes and settlers didn't co-exist peacefully...just what happened miles away affected the "whites" anywhere they settlrd in. Eventually, conflicts with different tribes became a big threat to all settlers, and for various reasons the conflict took on a countrywide inclusion.
Most tribes took their teritory from other smaller or weaker tribes, and killed, tortured, and enslaved their adversaries. A common lifestyle among the nomadic North American tribes. Some exceptions, of course.
There are still many Native Americans alive and well today, disease and warfare did not eradicate all the tribes, nowhere near.
And we Americans did indeed settle here, in the US, but we were not Americans until later, much as the German and Dutch settlers in Africa (and there the populations were purposely eradicated to clear the area for imigrants). There were precious few actual Americans in our early history.

Please spare us all the simple-minded blanket rewriting of history that seems to serve some people's need to sneer at others and claim a higher plane of existance for themselves.
i hate all this terrorist rubbish, i wish they would leave us alone... we want to leave them alone...

I agree this would be a solution, but I don’t know if it’s possible. One of the root causes of terrorism is the sense of cultural imperialisms by Muslims. Muslims from the Middle East feels that their culture and way of life is being degraded by western values. Rightly or wrongly they perceive a threat that Islam is under cultural attack by the west. I read a news report quoting a Muslims woman as saying “We don’t want no disco cultural”. She is hopelessly behind the times on western culture, but you get the picture. Another man was quoted as saying “An Islam woman can not go into a Christian church when there is a mostly naked man on a cross at the front of the church. She will be sexual aroused. ” I can understand this attitude; all you have to do is look at the religious right in America to see the same type of mentality. Remember when Attorney General Ashcroft had a topless statue covered and how many times has the religious right complained about the loss of “family values.”

Since the two cultural must interact for trade, it’s hard to see how we can leave each other alone. Where are we going to get Persians rugs and oil from? Where are the Muslims going to get weapons from? These cultural flash points will be with us a long time; at least as long religion is the driving force behind these societies. It has been famously said that religion is the opiate of the masses; today it’s more like religion is on speed.
hezbolla is a 'democratically' elected political party. I don't see how they follow the definition of terrorists. our voting hackers are all that is saving the republican party, you don't want them to get put on the other side of the red tape and lumped in with the terrorrist do you?
U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terrorist

We'll they could of been.

Sure is "better to be safe than sorry"
Shit if I saw a group of Muslims praying in the terminal, I would have said something to the authorities as well. Not being prejudice or anything but think about it. Anyone of us here would have been nervous as hell seeing something like this in an airport. Just admit it!

Why would you be nervous about muslims praying in an airport terminal....did any of the 9/11, 11/3, 7/7 bombers/hijackers pray before they carried out their attrocities?....I dont recall it...and did any of them look like so called "terrorists" (were they wearing religious clothing?) I THINK NOT!...so stop it with all this prejudice shit


Staff member
hezbolla is a 'democratically' elected political party. I don't see how they follow the definition of terrorists. our voting hackers are all that is saving the republican party, you don't want them to get put on the other side of the red tape and lumped in with the terrorrist do you?

All people who are members of the Hezbollah has participated in terrorist acts so don't try to pass them for angels or honest people. It is perhaps these same people from Hezbollah who helped to kill the libanese minister. Fact is that GWB was elected democratically with the majority, so he is your president, want it or not.
Well all Muslims arent terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims. This is just another phase that the world is going through. You got the world hating on Jews, then Germans, and Russians, the Chinese, some French folk being hated on, Black people, yeloow people, also hated, Commies and Nazis too. There are many others I probably left out like Hippies and "Rainbow people" Now it is the time for the Muslims to be the shit race or religion. When will the Brother Man, not the Other Man rise!!!!

Hopefully next week.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Why would you be nervous about muslims praying in an airport terminal....did any of the 9/11, 11/3, 7/7 bombers/hijackers pray before they carried out their attrocities?....I dont recall it...and did any of them look like so called "terrorists" (were they wearing religious clothing?) I THINK NOT!...so stop it with all this prejudice shit

i didnt know you were there to witness it. how did you make it out alive?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Ok perhaps I should stay out of any further discussion on this particular topic. I can see getting banned over something I might say here.
Why would you be nervous about muslims praying in an airport terminal....did any of the 9/11, 11/3, 7/7 bombers/hijackers pray before they carried out their attrocities?....I dont recall it...and did any of them look like so called "terrorists" (were they wearing religious clothing?) I THINK NOT!...so stop it with all this prejudice shit

Sounds like you were there. If thats the case why didn't you stop each incident, afterall your the -KING- (lol):fight:
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

And finally, you're all telling King "were you there?", "did you see it?"



You all believe Muslims flew planes into those buildings? You all believe Iraq had WMDs? You all think anything you see on US news is true? You all believe that they are all bad and we are good? You believe that the events as documented in "United 190-whatever" are the way it all went down? You really believe the US government had no knowledge... er... that they had nothing to do with the actual events?

Were you there?

Did you see it?

If you weren't there, and you didn't see it, why do you believe it?

It's well-documented that those "terrorists" didn't pray, didn't dress in Islamic gear, terrorists probably wouldn't want to attract attention to themselves. But you guys are RIGHT. How do we KNOW they didn't? How do we KNOW they were Muslim? How do we KNOW those buildings fell from the planes and the fire? How do we KNOW who the enemy is, or if there is one?

ASK YOURSELF HOW YOU KNOW THESE THINGS. It is very very important thay you understand how you know these things.

i know it was muslims in the tower attacks because they took credit for it. they were proud of their actions. but we do not know what they did before they boarded the planes or how they acted while on the plane before they siezed control of the planes.


It's good to be the king...
While I have a healthy distrust of our politicians and will try to give muslims the benefit of doubt, I am mindful that some muslims last July, wanted me dead, regardless of my opinions.

I believe there is right and wrong in all people, regardless of race, creed, religion. Those who would seek to do wrong to justify their extreme religious beliefs, deserve no sympathy, and no sanctuary.

And before I hear about the wrong we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan - two wrongs never made a right.....