Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
By his continued silence on the matter after a tepid and ambiguous statement about the sickening and tragic events that took place in Charlottesville on Saturday, President Trump and anyone who continues to support his policies can be considered to be tolerant of racism and hate and they are being called out for it. The republican party is in real danger of being reduced to insignificance if it doesn't unite and reject Trump's implied tolerance for the white supremacist movement . The fact he continues to have a known white nationalist as his chief strategist is a clear indication of how the president intends to steer policy on this subject. There's no defense for it and it's time to call it for what it is. That's not just my opinion either, it's Nazi leader Andrew Anglin's as well.

Excerpt from

Several prominent white nationalists and neo-Nazis, however, praised Trump's comments....

....The founder of the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi and white supremacist website that considers itself a part of the alt-right, celebrated the fact that Trump "outright refused to disavow" the white nationalist rally and movement.

"People saying he cucked are shills and kikes," wrote the founder, Andrew Anglin. "He did the opposite of cuck. He refused to even mention anything to do with us. When reporters were screaming at him about White Nationalism he just walked out of the room."

"Cuck" is short for "cuckservative" — a portmanteau of "cuckold" and "conservative" used by the alt-right to describe white Republicans "who are participating in the displacement of European Americans," according to white nationalist Richard Spencer.

When Trump tweeted earlier on Saturday that "we ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for," Spencer, who attended both days of protests, replied: "Did Trump just denounce antifa?"

Antifa is short for antifascist organizations.

charlottesville Members of the Ku Klux Klan rally in opposition to city proposals to remove or make changes to Confederate monuments in Charlottesville. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

"Clearly President Trump is condemning the real haters: the SJW/Marxists who've attacked our guys," said one commenters on the far-right, pro-Trump subreddit called r/The_Donald.

"Marxist" and "SJW," or social justice warrior, are terms frequently used by the far-right to describe liberals.

"So glad GEOTUS called this bulls--t out for what it really is," said another commenter, using an acronym to refer to Trump that stands for "God Emperor of the United States.'"

"Trump comments were good," said another Daily Stormer commenter. "He didn't attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. He said that we need to study why people are so angry, and implied that there was hate... on both sides! So he implied the antifa are haters."

The commenter continued: "There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all. Also refused to answer a question about white nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him."

The White House did not respond to request for comment about whether Trump condemns white supremacy. But a ProPublica reporter asking the same question on Saturday was told only that the president "condemns all acts of violence."

A commenter on the white nationalist website Stormfront, which describes itself as "the voice of the new, embattled White minority," wrote that "some republicans want Trump to single out White Nationalists and put the blame on them for the violence of Antifa/blm."

"Trump rejected that notion and talked about violence 'from many sides,'" another Stormfront commenter replied.

Not all white supremacists celebrated Trump's remarks, however. One Stormfront user said that "Trump has reached full-on cuck status," and David Duke, the former "grand wizard" of the Klu Klux Klan, implied that Trump had betrayed his supporters.

"I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror," Duke tweeted, "& remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists."

Protest all you want but perception is reality as the saying goes. This is what it is and, in the end, it doesn't matter until or unless President Trump is willing to turn on his base (i.e. the alt-right), condemn the white supremacists and denounce their actions as domestic terrorism. He currently is and will continue to be labelled as being tolerant of racism and hate unless this takes place. This includes, by association, all who continue to support him even though they may speak out and condemn the actions of the alt-right. Those words ring hollow. This is a seminal moment for the GOP and they really need to decide who they are and what they stand for if they want to remain relevant as a political party. They will be spit-roasted in the mid-terms if Trump does not come out and specifically condemn the white supremacist movement.

I wouldn't hold my breath....he's probably teeing it up on the 9th hole about now.
This explains everything



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Wow! He must have read my post! :1orglaugh

Note that he still did not refer to what happened as domestic terrorism but the fact that he specifically referred to the KKK, Nazis and white supremacists was a huge step toward establishing himself as being intolerant of racism and hate from these specific sources. Bravo, Mr. President! Now, he needs to rid his administration of Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller. Likewise, we'll see if his policies reflect his statement or if it will be business as usual. He needs to back up his words with action but, for now, he gets the benefit of the doubt by taking this step in favor of human decency. Why it took him 3 days to do this is puzzling. :confused::confused::confused: He must have been taking a shitload of heat from the party leadership. Good for them if they pushed him to take this stance.

That said, I wonder how his base reacts to this. Doesn't this make him a "cuck"?? The alt-right white nationalists certainly can't be happy with this. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Clinton’s Disturbing Connections To Racists And Tyrants Remains Unexplained
Hillary Clinton may have just accused Donald Trump of the same type of bigotry she is guilty of.

In a remarkable speech on Thursday in Reno, Nevada, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton devoted a surprisingly significant amount of time attempting to link Donald Trump to the “alternative right.” The Southern Poverty Law Center defines the alt-right as “a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that ‘white identity’ is under attack by multicultural forces using ‘political correctness’ and ‘social justice’ to undermine white people and ‘their’ civilization.”

After Trump attacked Clinton at a rally in Mississippi where he called her a “bigot” who “sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings,” Clinton told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Trump is “taking a hate movement mainstream” and suggested Trump has “courted” white supremacists.

Regardless of who Trump is and who he has associated himself with, two facts remain crystal clear: First, Hillary Clinton has a long history of being connected to or saying she admires bigots, racists, and tyrants who do not support individual liberty or equality under the law for minorities, and second, the mainstream media has largely ignored all of this as part of its effort to help Clinton win the White House in November.

Her ‘Admiration’ for Margaret Sanger, a Racist Population-Control Advocate

In March 2009, Clinton accepted the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood, which was founded by Sanger as the American Birth Control League in 1921. During her acceptance, Clinton stated, “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision … And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.”

Sanger has long been championed as a hero of the left for her role in promoting birth control, but few in the media have reported how Sanger was also a champion of a far more sinister belief: the use of eugenics to limit minority populations, including African-Americans and those with disabilities.

Sanger wrote in Woman and the New Race, “Birth control itself … is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.”

In 1932, Sanger requested Congress create a “Parliament of Population” to “control the population through birth rates and immigration, and direct its distribution over the country according to national needs consistent with taste, fitness, and interest of the individuals.” In 1939, she wrote in a private letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population …”

Sanger even delivered a presentation at a Ku Klux Klan meeting in Silver Lake, New Jersey, which she recounted fondly in her autobiography, calling the group “good” and “passionate.”

Despite Sanger’s objectionable and abhorrent past, Clinton has never distanced herself from Sanger. In fact, when asked about her support for Sanger at a congressional hearing by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), Clinton defended her and related her admiration for Sanger to her respect of the slave-owning Thomas Jefferson.

Top Aide Connected to Bigoted Islamic Journal

Clinton’s praise for the population-control queen Sanger isn’t her only questionable connection to bigotry. The New York Post recently reported Clinton’s top aide and close advisor Huma Abedin previously worked under her mother at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. In 1996, Abedin, then the assistant editor, published an article in the journal titled “Women’s Rights Are Islamic Rights,” which argued in the words of Post reporter Paul Sperry, “single moms, working moms and gay couples with children should not be recognized as families. It also states that more revealing dress ushered in by women’s liberation “directly translates into unwanted results of sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility and indirectly promote violence against women.” In other words, sexually liberated women are just asking to be raped.

After a week of reporting on the story, Clinton still refuses to comment in detail about Abedin’s relationship to the controversial and bigoted journal, which is still being run by Abedin’s mother.

Clinton Foundation Does Business with Anti-Gay, Anti-Women’s Rights Nations

According to numerous reports, the multi-million-dollar Clinton Foundation—which has recently come under much media scrutiny for possibly selling access to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state—has taken millions upon millions of dollars from countries and world leaders that restrict women’s rights and persecute people who are gay.

For instance, the Clinton Foundation has received $5 million to $10 million from Kuwait, where men can be imprisoned for up to seven years for engaging in a same-sex relationship. Saudi Arabia has given the foundation $10 million to $25 million, and it addresses same-sex relationships using a wide array of barbaric punishments, including flogging, execution, and in the case of non-Muslims, stoning.

In some of the nations that have donated to Clinton Foundation, women aren’t allowed to travel without a man’s permission, and in many places, women must remain covered at all times in public.

Where’s the Outrage?

Despite these disturbing connections to racists, bigots, human-rights violators, and tyrants who oppose individual liberty, much of the media has remained relatively quiet and refuses to ask Clinton about her record.

Hillary Clinton says she supports freedom and minority rights, but her past suggests she only does so when it’s convenient. Clinton needs to explain why she’s maintained these relationships and why voters should trust her stated commitment to liberty.
9 monthes after they WON the election, Trump supporters are still using Hillary to answer criticism. Sad

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Instead of decrying BLM and the murders it inspired, Obama honored them in the White House. Is that equally despicable?
9 monthes after they WON the election, Trump supporters are still using Hillary to answer criticism. Sad

no you losers are still bitching about Trump and whining like losers and won't accept that the american people rejected Hillary. for the past 7 months you constantly cry Russia Russia despite the fact there is no evidence of any Russian collusion. you constsntly cry racism because so white supremacists support him. so what? all Americans have the right to vote for any body running for office. that does not make him a racist. many of the the same race baiters that claim Trump is racists supported an admitted white supremacist Ron Paul back in 2012. Unlike Donald Trump. Ron Paul regularly hangs out with white supremacists attend and speak on their conference, is friends with the man who started the Storm Front website, suspected of knowing the plot to invade the Island of Dominica, started a news letter business with his name on ever page the ron paul report where he preach racist hatred and try to fool the people that he is not responsible for them. etc
Instead of decrying BLM and the murders it inspired, Obama honored them in the White House. Is that equally despicable?

Of course not.

President Trump condemns the KKK and Nazis (you know, to prove he's not a nazi, and because we're children) and of course it's too little too late for his detractors. If he had immediately condemned them by name from the start before all the facts have come out he would've got an eye roll and a "of course he's going to say that." from the same. That was the reaction Rubio got when he issued condemnation.

Everyone knows Republicans like Rubio are white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers. So they're damned either way.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
no you losers are still bitching about Trump and whining like losers and won't accept that the american people rejected Hillary. for the past 7 months you constantly cry Russia Russia despite the fact there is no evidence of any Russian collusion. you constsntly cry racism because so white supremacists support him. so what? all Americans have the right to vote for any body running for office. that does not make him a racist. many of the the same race baiters that claim Trump is racists supported an admitted white supremacist Ron Paul back in 2012. Unlike Donald Trump. Ron Paul regularly hangs out with white supremacists attend and speak on their conference, is friends with the man who started the Storm Front website, suspected of knowing the plot to invade the Island of Dominica, started a news letter business with his name on ever page the ron paul report where he preach racist hatred and try to fool the people that he is not responsible for them. etc

Wah wah, shut the fuck up, crybaby, this shit coming from a party that nominated and elected the king of the birthers. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Re: Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

the birther movement started by the Hillary Campaign in 2008 by racist Hillary who called blacks super predators and her racist KKK supporters

Don't give a fuck who started it. Trump and the GOP ran with it and owned it, and that, son, is the epitome of losers bitching about losing.

*This board is dildos.
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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Re: Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

the Republicans are the not the ones that are losing the house, senate and the white house

That doesn't change the fact that they lost twice, bigly, to Barack Obama, whined and cried about it for eight years, and resorted to having to nominate numb nuts Trump. Hey, the Demos gifted their asses with Hillary Clinton, so they can't take all the fucking credit. And again, you can shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.
Re: Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

That doesn't change the fact that they lost twice, bigly, to Barack Obama, whined and cried about it for eight years, and resorted to having to nominate numb nuts Trump. Hey, the Demos gifted their asses with Hillary Clinton, so they can't take all the fucking credit. And again, you can shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

i don't take orders from the likes of you


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Clinton’s Disturbing Connections To Racists And Tyrants Remains Unexplained
Hillary Clinton may have just accused Donald Trump of the same type of bigotry she is guilty of.

the birther movement started by the Hillary Campaign in 2008 by racist Hillary who called blacks super predators and her racist KKK supporters

Ah yes, the ever present deflections. Can we take your lack of rebuttals regarding Trump as a tacit concession to the points made?
no you losers are still bitching about Trump and whining like losers and won't accept that the american people rejected Hillary

Oh please ! For 8 years Reublicans have been bitching ans whining about Obama, accused him of being a muslim communist (which would be impossible since communists reject religions), claimed he was not born in the US, etc. All that because they could not accept the fact that the american people endorsed Obama. Twice.

The american people rejected Hillary. But they rejected Trump even more : Hillary won the popular vote.

The only reason why Trump won the election is that your electoral system is fucked up : the election is won in a bunch of swing states, the other states dont count.
Casting a Republican vote in California or Democratic vote in Texas is pointless, it's just a waste of time.

I'm sure more Democratic votes were casted in Texas than Republican votes in Wisconsin. Still, Democratic votes in Texas were pointless but Republican votes in Wisconsin were crucial. WTF ?!
Surprised the board conservaturds haven't displayed what-about-ism by mentioning the Dixiecrats. Usually their go to move when liberals bring up racism and the GOP