True AMATEUR girls who have sex in PARTYHARDCORE !?

I'm sure you don't mean that literally of course, but do you have examples for scenes where his behaviour towards amateur girls kinda looked in a way that makes you say a thing like that?

Yes obviously not literally raping girls, it just seems like no does not mean no to him. Best example I can come up with on the spot is in original partyhardcore 38 amateur edit, at around 23mins. He offers his dick to get sucked by a girl. She clearly shakes her head no like five times, but in the end he just forces her head down on his dick. Looks like she ends up enjoying it, but at least these days something like that could probably get you in all kinds of trouble.
Good point....but you just made half the dicks on this thread go limp.

Haha it was not my wish. But i've always found it fascinating how he could convince some unknown women to put their tongues inside his stinky anus full of germs, that's all 😅
Party hardcore girls with cams, any guess?


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Give me her name or other video please, I found her on Party Hardcore Gone Crazy Volume 6 ( Dark purple dress) and 2 unknow PHs ( Green and White shirt)

Party Hardcore Gone Crazy Volume 6.

unknow PH1

unknow PH2
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In this instance I think it was the wrong guy, girl was so horny I am sure Dennis would have fucked her or Neo would just have raped her.

LOL at around 13mins in part 3 cam 3 Neo actually almost does. He even put the condom on and everything, hard to see, but it does not look like he succeeded this time.
Wow, the editors really went nuts on the part 3 cams of Party Hardcore 58. It's like they just kind of kept cutting and mixing up up the cams to create 5 different edits of the party instead of just like having the cams, which is the whole point, part 4 was the worst but 3 wasn't great. There's a chance cam 4 is actually mislabeled and is the main edit, it feels that way, but I can't be assed to look at the original version. I can't tell if Dennis and the semi amateur over in the corner was missed by the camera guys or if they cut it. They did cut the small fight and water throwing girls at around 13:30-13:53 in part 3 cam 3, just as it was getting heated.
Hi everyone, thanks for this great forum.

Anyone know where I can get PH Vol. 81 or the PH for the party 2006-05-22?

I have been searching long and hard all over and cannot find this for the life of me. :( BUT then I heard you guys were great at this so thought I would ask here. Please, if possible at all, help me out, I am going crazy!