Truck plows into Bastille Day crowd in Nice 30 dead


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
In New York, terrorism used an airplane. In Boston, terrorism used a bomb. In Orlando, terrorism used a gun. In nice, terrorism used a truck. The problem isn't the choice of weapon, it's the ideology. This time helpless and unarmed Frenchmen and women were crushed, gunned-down, and mutilated by yet another armed, suicidal terrorist. Sure he was ultimately killed by police, but only after he murdered in excess of 84 innocent lives, plus another hundred or so more injured. So yes, as pro-gun people have been saying all along, this is what happens when you ban guns; bad guys will just move on to the next weapon du jour, the only difference being, the population is unable to defend itself.
~Ernie from
The similarities between his actions and Mr. Trump's proposals aren't far apart.

Yes actually they are.
Carter only acted against Iranian nationals, not an entire religion.
Those nationals were citizens of a sovereign nation that was acting against the United States.
Carter's actions were all about ramping up diplomatic pressure on a government during a crisis between nation states.
Trump's proposal is nothing of the sort.

And what's also kind of amusing about this is that Trump supporters would attempt to use Carter's actions (a man who's presidency they seem to pretty much universally disrespect) to try to justify Trump's :)

Re the video: I've always gotten the feeling that in real life he's probably an ok guy, but in his role as conservative talking head Sean Hannity is just such a tool.

And so now we can add Newt to the millions of conservatives who somehow don't comprehend (or pretend not to in order to gin up their base) the incredibly simple and strategic reason presidents Bush and Obama refuse to publicly recognize ISIS et al as representative of Islam. Christ both Hannity and Gingrich about had hysterectomies over this, but they can't possibly be that dumb, can they? This remarkably simple, rational, strategic approach to the situation continues to be presented instead as some form of appeasement or apologetic to terrorists - part of a complete denial of reality - when in fact it's nothing of the sort. And as we've seen recently, through ISIS' own words, that approach/strategy is working in terms of undermining their goal and their message.


Closed Account
Damn it. I typed a lengthy response and it got lost because my login timed out. Lucky you. I totally owned you pool hustler. :)

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Don't feel like writing it again right now.


Closed Account
Debra Messing calling Trump the rapist is high hilarity.

The left are starting to lose their cookies over the possibility of Trump winning. I've never liked Messing. One thing is for certain, if I were an actor or musician, I would keep my politics to myself.
I typed a lengthy response and it got lost because my login timed out

I hate when that happens.

Well, take your time. I probably won't have the time or opportunity to reply to your ownership of me until next week, if I even remember to check back to this thread at all. I have a tendency, in part because the time I can afford to dink around on chat boards is limited, to let threads go and cede the final word after I feel I've made my point, rather than engaging in extended circular arguments that virtually never change anybody's minds anyway.

To wit: I don't see any possibility of my mind being changed re part 2 of my post above. I'm fully convinced the right has lost it's collective mind over that, and that its frenzied obsession is actually playing directly into ISIS' hands.


A Surly Misfit With No Terror Links Turned a Truck Into a Tank

He lived on the 12th floor of a high rise in a heavily immigrant housing project and was known to his neighbors only as a moody and aggressive oddball. He never went to the local mosque, often grunted in response to greetings of “bonjour” and sometimes beat his wife — until she threw him out.

The French authorities had much the same view of the man, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a heavyset 31-year-old from Tunisia — definitely trouble but not a grave menace to the security of the nation.

At 10:45 on Thursday evening, however, Mr. Bouhlel was starting an attack that would stun and horrify his old neighbors, the French security forces and much of the world: stepping on the accelerator of a 19-ton refrigerated truck he had rented, he turned the vehicle into a highly efficient instrument of mass murder.

Zigzagging so as to hit as many people as possible as the vehicle careered down the Promenade des Anglais, alongside the Mediterranean, Mr. Bouhlel transformed the celebrated French Riviera boulevard, crammed with people who had just watched a fireworks show celebrating Bastille Day, into a vast tableau of carnage and panic.

By the end of his murderous drive, when he was shot to death by the police, 84 lifeless bodies were left scattered behind him and scores of others lay gravely wounded.

Mr. Bouhlel appeared not to have left behind any public declaration of his motive or indicated any allegiance to the Islamic State or another extremist group. Unusually for an attack of this scale and nature, no group claimed responsibility.

A "surly misfit" with a truck. Sounds like he would be right at home here. Good thing BC started a new account or I'd be almost certain. :D
The more we learn about the driver, the less he looks like the average radical muslim :
He used to drink alcohol, to spend more time in bars than mosques, to flirt with women (despite being married). He wasn't having his 5 prayers/day (mandatory for muslims), he did Ramadan, for 3 days (Ramadan is supposed to last for a month).
the people close to him never spotted him as a radical muslim, neither did the RG (intelligence agency). But he had some personal and psychological issues, he was divorcing from his wife who he had violent with on mulstple occasions, he had sudden and extrem mood changes...

Still Daech claimed responsability for the attack and stated that he was a "soldier for the Islamic State who answered the call".

This is odd, the pieces of the puzzle don't match with each other...


Closed Account
The more we learn about the driver, the less he looks like the average radical muslim :
He used to drink alcohol, to spend more time in bars than mosques, to flirt with women (despite being married). He wasn't having his 5 prayers/day (mandatory for muslims), he did Ramadan, for 3 days (Ramadan is supposed to last for a month).
the people close to him never spotted him as a radical muslim, neither did the RG (intelligence agency). But he had some personal and psychological issues, he was divorcing from his wife who he had violent with on mulstple occasions, he had sudden and extrem mood changes...

Still Daech claimed responsability for the attack and stated that he was a "soldier for the Islamic State who answered the call".

This is odd, the pieces of the puzzle don't match with each other...
Oh what the hell, I'll play your little game....

Remember Scott Roeder white Christian male abortion terrorist that murdered abortionist George Tiller?
"Dr. George Tiller, who was shot and killed by anti-abortion terrorist Scott Roeder on May 31, 2009, was a victim of Christian Right terrorism, not al-Qaeda."
From wiki:

"The 2005 Pennsylvania family court which ruled on Roeder's custody petition regarding a daughter born in 2002 took formal notice that Roeder had been diagnosed with possible schizophrenia and was not on medication.[25]

The Associated Press quoted Roeder's brother, David, who said that Scott had suffered from mental illness from time to time:
“ However, none of us ever saw Scott as a person capable of or willing to take another person's life. Our deepest regrets, prayers and sympathy go out to the Tiller family during this terrible time"
A lot of these jihadists aren't particularly devout - The Orlando shooter was a patron at that same night club several times. The 9/11 hijackers spent the previous night at a strip club. The tsarnaev brothers were apparently pot heads. So many of these guys are petty criminal shitheads but they are inspired and directed by devout followers such as american born cleric anwar al awlaki who the Ft. Hood shooter was corresponding with.

It doesn't matter, as long as they die as "martyrs", i.e., killing infidels, all is forgiven and paradise awaits, insha allah.
The more we learn about the driver, the less he looks like the average radical muslim :
He used to drink alcohol, to spend more time in bars than mosques, to flirt with women (despite being married). He wasn't having his 5 prayers/day (mandatory for muslims), he did Ramadan, for 3 days (Ramadan is supposed to last for a month).
the people close to him never spotted him as a radical muslim, neither did the RG (intelligence agency). But he had some personal and psychological issues, he was divorcing from his wife who he had violent with on mulstple occasions, he had sudden and extrem mood changes...

Still Daech claimed responsability for the attack and stated that he was a "soldier for the Islamic State who answered the call".

This is odd, the pieces of the puzzle don't match with each other...

For me it's simple: He was a Muslim camel jockey who had NO BUSINESS being in France...and the blood is on the hands of the cocksuckers who allowed this Tunisian shithead in the country (whichever politician) as it is on his.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
For me it's simple: He was a Muslim camel jockey who had NO BUSINESS being in France...and the blood is on the hands of the cocksuckers who allowed this Tunisian shithead in the country (whichever politician) as it is on his.

You speak woth little information on the tatus of the driver. He was of tunesian decent, so he and his parents were officially french until 1958.

very country that had colonies in former times in its history has to deal with similar issues.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
For me it's simple: He was a Muslim camel jockey who had NO BUSINESS being in France...and the blood is on the hands of the cocksuckers who allowed this Tunisian shithead in the country (whichever politician) as it is on his.

You just disqualified yourself from the discussion by that phrasing. You are a part of the racist west that gives these terrorists cause.