Truck plows into Bastille Day crowd in Nice 30 dead

Absolutely terrifying . The thought that people can not enjoy themselves out in the open without some lunatic driving through them
Clear indication of what happens when Hatred takes over an individual's mind.
France has gone through an horrific year . Since "Charlie Hebdo" then the Paris Attacks of the 13th of November 2015 , then the two people killed in a Paris suburb as Euro 2016 had commenced . Now this.
Makes you fear the words "Breaking News" on a news report

France brought it on themselves, unfortunately.

What's the saying?.....if you dance around naked in a house full of knives, you're going to get cut.

It's really time for the West to take out the garbage...

This isn't a "religion", this satanic Islam rubbbish is dead flat evil incarnate...some lunatic a thousand years ago who molested/raped little girls and boys and hallucinated started this "religion" - how the FUCK does it have any legitimacy????? because a billion fuckheads worldwide have bought into that sham?

We should put every Muslim on the planet in Mecca and nuke it off the face of the earth...then maybe normal people could live decent lives...
You mean like you always wait for the whole story, every time some black guy gets shot by a cop?

Johan gets a real thrill up his leg taking sides sitting in judgement on those stories.

Anyway, our politicians who don't know their ass from their elbow who feel they're Islamic scholars will soon lecture us how this event like all the others has nothing to do with Islam. Whether it does or it doesn't it definitely has to do with a certain amount of Muslim people who are so backward and ignorant they can't figure out how to live like civilized human beings in this millennium. Who here was saying how smart Japan is? They have the brains to not allow their nation and culture to be overrun by Muslims and the balls to not give a crap if people brand them as Islamaphobic. Even if only a small percentage of Muslims support jihad the more you have in your country increases the overall number of jihadists.
Johan gets a real thrill up his leg taking sides sitting in judgement on those stories.

Anyway, our politicians who don't know their ass from their elbow who feel they're Islamic scholars will soon lecture us how this event like all the others has nothing to do with Islam. Whether it does or it doesn't it definitely has to do with a certain amount of Muslim people who are so backward and ignorant they can't figure out how to live like civilized human beings in this millennium. Who here was saying how smart Japan is? They have the brains to not allow their nation and culture to be overrun by Muslims and the balls to not give a crap if people brand them as Islamaphobic. Even if only a small percentage of Muslims support jihad the more you have in your country increases the overall number of jihadists.

That would be me. And that is spot on. Japan gets it. They have eyes to see and are not blinded by political correctness.

There's just something so heinous about this latest attack especially that children were run down, crushed, mangled and their brain matter spread across the pavement while their parent(s) grieve over them. This is total f'n bullshit.

Here's a list of killings across the world done in the name of islam or a sect thereof in 2016. Heck, just look at July alone and we're only halfway through it. And this list of course isn't comprehensive.

And it's reported that the french aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle which was heading home has now turned around and is heading back for the eastern Mediterranean to resume operations against ISIS. Why did they stop? Unless this is all just for show?
That would be me. And that is spot on. Japan gets it. They have eyes to see and are not blinded by political correctness.

There's just something so heinous about this latest attack especially that children were run down, crushed, mangled and their brain matter spread across the pavement while their parent(s) grieve over them. This is total f'n bullshit.

Here's a list of killings across the world done in the name of islam or a sect thereof in 2016. Heck, just look at July alone and we're only halfway through it. And this list of course isn't comprehensive.

And it's reported that the french aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle which was heading home has now turned around and is heading back for the eastern Mediterranean to resume operations against ISIS. Why did they stop? Unless this is all just for show?

But, but, but....Christianity is equally as evil, you RACIST! (get it?..."Racist" - the cultural marxist's favorite epithet even though Islam isn't a "race".)


18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
Let's talk about recruiting. Spectacular successes like the Nice atrocity serve as a greater recruiting tool for jihadis (they're all whooping it up over this) than guantanamo bay, abu ghraib some errant drone strike could ever be. You have to think like they do. Like Osama Bin Laden said: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse." When islamists have spectacular success after spectacular success like 9/11 and yesterday, it only bolsters their belief that their cause is just and that allah is pleased (because he's so f'n fickle.) Contrast that with Al-Qaeda in Iraq (ISIS' forerunner) and how absolutely defeated they were after the U.S. troop surge in Iraq and consequently the sunni tribes turning on them. AQ in Iraq's morale was at zero. Intercepted correspondence show that their Al-Qaeda leaders told them basically to "give it up brothers, it's a lost cause." They were all but done but the U.S. lifted it's boot off their neck and we have what we're dealing with today in ISIS.

That's how you win this. Prove to them that their's is a lost cause and that allah has forsaken them.


Closed Account
Sharia law varies in many Muslim and non-Muslim majority countries. Israel has Sharia Law in its court system.

And Israel is a country only 69 years old with a parliamentary form of government. The basics of Sharia are non negotiable and most factions are not recognized by Islamic rule countries. Now what exactly does Israel's court system have to do with the U.S. judicial system and our Constitution as a representative Republic?

I'd go further and take the FDR approach and round them all up just to be safe and ship them out. If the more enlightened folks in europe want to take them in then please do and pat yourselves on the back for it. Notice how having Saudi Arabia or any other of the ridiculously wealthy arab states take any sort of refugees in is never part of the discussion. We can follow Japan's lead. And while we're at it can repatriate black lives matter and their ilk to Liberia where they don't have to worry about white racist cops, but just basics like plumbing. Multiculturalism looks good on paper, but in practice, is pretty shitty and ultimately leads to balkanization.

The West is stupid and weak. They are the sheep being victimized by the wolves and asking why it's happening. Good intentions only go so far. If your intentions are beyond reproach then maybe your judgment and faculties aren't.

</drunken rant>


Closed Account
What Gingrich's Muslim test is basically fascism, and has zero chance of taking effect in the United States.
No fuckstick, it isn't fascism it is called self preservation. One of the questions posed on naturalization as well as visa applications was are you a member of the Communist party or support communism or plan to or are Willing to participate in the overthrow of the U.S. government. Sharia Law in any form does not conform to the U.S. Constitution. Don't think we will restrict Muslims? I think you are getting ready to find out.

I'd go further and take the FDR approach and round them all up just to be safe and ship them out. If the more enlightened folks in europe want to take them in then please do and pat yourselves on the back for it. Notice how having Saudi Arabia or any other of the ridiculously wealthy arab states take any sort of refugees in is never part of the discussion. We can follow Japan's lead. And while we're at it can repatriate black lives matter and their ilk to Liberia where they don't have to worry about white racist cops, but just basics like plumbing. Multiculturalism looks good on paper, but in practice, is pretty shitty and ultimately leads to balkanization.

The West is stupid and weak. They are the sheep being victimized by the wolves and asking why it's happening. Good intentions only go so far. If your intentions are beyond reproach then maybe your judgment and faculties aren't.

</drunken rant>

Works for me! Let's not forget ultra liberal (and apparently RACIST! PIG!) Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from America during his tenure. The similarities between his actions and Mr. Trump's proposals aren't far apart.