Absolutely terrifying . The thought that people can not enjoy themselves out in the open without some lunatic driving through them
Clear indication of what happens when Hatred takes over an individual's mind.
France has gone through an horrific year . Since "Charlie Hebdo" then the Paris Attacks of the 13th of November 2015 , then the two people killed in a Paris suburb as Euro 2016 had commenced . Now this.
Makes you fear the words "Breaking News" on a news report
France brought it on themselves, unfortunately.
What's the saying?.....if you dance around naked in a house full of knives, you're going to get cut.
It's really time for the West to take out the garbage...
This isn't a "religion", this satanic Islam rubbbish is dead flat evil incarnate...some lunatic a thousand years ago who molested/raped little girls and boys and hallucinated started this "religion" - how the FUCK does it have any legitimacy????? because a billion fuckheads worldwide have bought into that sham?
We should put every Muslim on the planet in Mecca and nuke it off the face of the earth...then maybe normal people could live decent lives...