Total Nonstop Action wrestling thread

Because WCW (TNA) sucks

i remember this when it happened and while watching it i said to my tv... talking to scott, "what have you ever done? you have a limited # of moves before you have to have a dq or outside interference"
steiner needs to watch Flair v. Steamboat and realize he could never put on such a suspenseful match like that in this life or the next.

just to counter these 20 moves of Steiner .... i post the 1004 moves of chris jericho. and i noticed that WCW had the explosions/fireworks :confused: was that supposed to hold the audiences interest? were they more inclined to go to a wrestling show that had explosions/fireworks every hour break of the show? did they think the fans were numb mindless fucks who were amused at the stupiest things?

now if i can only figure how to post the video straight into the post like u did.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -

For this video I have taken the following - [youtu be] [/youtu be]
(I have had to put a space in both youtubes above because it wouldn't show up in this post otherwise, but keep both youtubes intact with no spaces.)
Then take your youtube video address, in this case -

Now cut or copy all the text after the =
In this case 8u9x-6vQpW8
Put this in between the two youtubes with no spaces and you have your video.

Hope this helps :)
good , bad or just plain on watchable it has everyone talking so i guess hulk and tna did its job

Will E Worm

The Latest Backstage Update On Jay Lethal's TNA Future

The storyline of Jay Lethal losing to wrestling stars of yesteryear was supposed to lead to the young grappler dropping the "Black Machismo" persona.

At this time, however, Lethal remains situated in a state of limbo as there's no telling whether the angle will be continued now that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are in charge.


Wonder if Jay Lethal was going to go back to just being Jay Lethal?

Now we might not get the chance to see that.

Hogan and Bishoff have to go. :crash:

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Its just like the old days of Monday Night Wars. With the ex WWE guys being utilized and the younger guys being buried. Whats the chances of WWE snatching the best young guys like Machine Guns, Beer Money and Kaz like they did the Radicals and Jericho a decade or so ago? That would be awesome and guys like that would give Raw or Smackdown a shot in the arm, even if they had to start at the bottom at first.

Will E Worm

Impact: Super 8 Card Stud tournament finalized

Just three days away from TNA Against All Odds, all eight men for the single elimination tournament have been announced and Hulk Hogan shows his true colours.

Just when we had all forgotten the terrible mess that was last week’s Impact, this week’s show forces us to relive that experience again with a recap to kick things off. This highlight package emphasizes the “shocking” betrayal of Kevin Nash by Scott Hall and 6-Pac, who, although working without contracts, still get more air time than most of the TNA roster.


Will E Worm

The Professor's Position - Hulk Hogan Hates TNA

TOP STORY: A Genesis of Suck?
I'm sitting here and I'm honestly speechless. I've seen every TNA Pay-per-view since the beginning. I was there through the S.E.X. stuff, from the first time the 6 Sided ring appeared, to last month, to last night. I can't remember a single time that I left a PPV so pissed off. It bummed me out all night. In fact, I'm still bummed out. I don't even know what to say.

I guess in a way, I feel betrayed. Which is a pretty harsh thing to say. Last night's Genesis PPV was just utter crap. It was a strange brew of crap too. The matches were for the most part, just wrestled fine with little or no storyline problems. So why do I have such a bad taste in my mouth?

I guess it's Hulk Hogan. As a guy who's been calling for Hogan to come to TNA for years and as a life long Hulkamaniac, I feel perhaps even more betrayed. What the hell is Hogan and company doing to TNA? Whatever it is, I don't like it.

4 Sides of Boredom... Let's start with the obvious... The ring. When TNA first debuted the 6 sided ring, I questioned what the hell they were doing. What's a 6 sided ring? What purpose does it serve? Very quickly I learned that it was great for the X-Division but also so much else. It made almost every match more fast paced. It made TNA seem a bit more like the UFC. It allowed for incredible cage matches and a much better Ultimate X. TNA hammered in my head for the next five years about how innovative and important that 6 sided ring... And then last night Hulk Hogan came out and said the 6 sided ring was stupid and bush league. Seriously, that's what he said in not so many words.

Were there any positive arena changes? Sure, I like the old school WCW ramp. ECW used that ramp for a while, it looks good on PPV. I don't think they should use it for iMPACT. But the 6 sided ring? WHERE THE HELL IS THAT AT?! Seriously, like I said, I'm not a fan of changing back to the 4 sided ring (and honestly I think it had an effect on the action last night which seemed like everyone was in slow motion) but my main beef is how they got rid of the 6 sided ring. It's like I was watching a TV show for years and suddenly they replaced all the cast and the new cast came on and said the old cast was stupid and we were stupid for liking the old cast.


Will E Worm

I'm Just Saying: Hulk Hogan Should Really Shut Up

Hogan left the WWF in the early 90s, and it was mainly because he both wanted to do movies and take a break for wrestling. He also wanted time with his family.

He had young children, and he wanted to be around for them. This is, of course, understandable.

He was gone from wrestling, and the WWF was just fine without him. However, WCW needed some star power, so they contacted Hogan.

And, instead of making him a big babyface (good guy) like he was in the WWF, Eric Bischoff wanted Hogan to be a bad guy. He also offered Hogan a ton of (Ted Turner's) money.

During this time, Hogan was highly competitive. He did every shoot interview asked and put down the WWF with the best of them.

However, when WCW went under, largely due to Hogan and Bischoff's terrible business decisions, he went back to the WWF. Vince McMahon owned WCW by this time, and could use the NWO name.


Hogan can talk all the crap he wants, but in the end it means nothing. Talk crap about the WWE, Hogan. Tell the fans that their opinion doesn't matter. At the end of the day, TNA will lose and Spike's ratings will still suck because of what you have done.

Hogan is going to kill this company; he's simply in the process of lighting the fire to burn it down. Soon, it will be a massive blaze.

The once-promising promotion of TNA now got Hoganized, which basically means, it got screwed for Hogan to get a paycheck. I'm just saying.
Big Update: TNA Suspends a Top Knockout
by Nick Paglino
Feb 12, 2010 is reporting that TNA has suspended Awesome Kong. Although it has not been confirmed how long Kong has been suspended by the company, it is believed that she has been suspended for a few weeks. The reason TNA has suspended Kong is because she refused to work The UK tour TNA recently completed following the incident with Bubba The Love Sponge. As we have been reporting for several days now, in addition to Kong being angry over the situation between her and Bubba, she is reportedly also currently involved in a contract dispute with TNA over her current pay.
was there ever any issues with the 6 sided ring? i first saw it and was definitely not a believer,and i have been watching wrestling since early early 80's...
has TNA had any issues with Talent not liking storylines,direction of characters,or complete changes of charatcers....
Has there ever been issues other than storyline "suspensions" that have hampered the talent in TNA?....

IF you answered no to all 3 of these questions
then you now know Hogan,bischoff and crew are killing WCW all over again.

please leave TNA and get it back to the way it was...Watchable!
cause you have pretty much lost me,and i was not really a regular watcher anyway but now i just stay away 100%
The Kong situation makes no sense. If they were unhappy with her and intending to suspend her then why refuse her request for a release.

She won't go to WWE as she doesn't fit into Vince's view of what a woman wrestler should be.
The Kong situation makes no sense. If they were unhappy with her and intending to suspend her then why refuse her request for a release.

She won't go to WWE as she doesn't fit into Vince's view of what a woman wrestler should be.

yea but it would be a coup for vince to get her,drop her immediately into a storyline and be right into the title picture,then show OTHER tna talent that if they are not liking the way they are being used/treated/dis or respected then they could possibly jump to wwe and start anew

Will E Worm

Countdown to TNA Against All Odds

Apparently TNA has taken the "Against All Odds" title to tonight's pay-per-view in a new direction.

Playing off the last word in the title, TNA has developed a number-one contender tourney for tonight, which makes me happy for two reasons. First, I'm a sucker for one-night tournaments and have been dating back to WrestleMania IV. Second, it makes the show that much easier to preview, since it means that the usual dearth of matches TNA has on its show has pretty much already been covered off.

The tourney could feature some great wrestling and the two matches on the side compliment it fairly well. Curiously, there's no Knockout match to speak of, nor X-Division bout, but we're still getting a pretty decent card. Let's take a closer look at Against All Odds.



AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

SLAM! Prediction

The Bischoff-as-ref scenario will throw this match into overbooked hell in the opinion of most, including me. There's no reason for it here, since AJ and Joe can go out and have a great match without needing to rely on Eric as a tool to advance the story. I will say this though - Bischoff has added an interesting element, whereby Styles has the odds stacked against him. Ultimately though, rather than being a tool to make one think that Joe is "corporate", it leads one to believe that the big swerve of Bischoff siding with Styles will be the end result of the bout. This will undoubtedly happen, with Joe ultimately being shuffled down the card.


Participants: Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Abyss, Mick Foley, Desmond Wolfe, The Pope

SLAM! Prediction

The gut instinct here is to say that Angle comes out on top, but he's likely to get screwed in his prelim match with Anderson. Anderson, meanwhile, will likely make it to the finals and be beat by the ultimate tourney winner. Morgan and Hernandez essentially cancel each other out, Pope won't advance past the first round and Foley's just in there for giggles. This leaves Abyss and Wolfe, and I get the feeling it will be the former Nigel McGuiness going into the number one contender spot. The interplay with him and Christy Hemme this past week had definite face overtones and he's so charismatic that you can't help but like the guy. a Wolfe/AJ series would also be a great boost to TNA for a main event run that is a bit different.


Team 3D vs. The Nasty Boys

SLAM! Prediction

Oh like we didn't know this was coming. It was pretty much a guarantee that Hogan's drinking buddy, Knobbs, would be coming into TNA. Bringing Sags with him was not unexpected either. I'm sure there's a fan out there that's pleased for the reunion, but he/she probably won't order the PPV anyways. the former Dudleys win here, and in keeping with the theme of Hogan's cronies, expect the Dream Team to challenge Devon and Ray next month.

Team 3D vs. The Nasty Boys


thank god i dont watch WCW ppv's cause this would be a waste of money ($40? i dont even know how much a wcw ppv is)
but with all the old guys and bischoff as a ref it takes away from the WRESTLING part of it and makes it about who screws who or what old guys is coming out next! wcw has always been about "did you see who came out?" or "i can believe he turned on them!" and less about "HOLY SHIT it was a 5-Star cant miss match ! and you missed it?"
thank god i dont watch WCW ppv's cause this would be a waste of money ($40? i dont even know how much a wcw ppv is)
but with all the old guys and bischoff as a ref it takes away from the WRESTLING part of it and makes it about who screws who or what old guys is coming out next! wcw has always been about "did you see who came out?" or "i can believe he turned on them!" and less about "HOLY SHIT it was a 5-Star cant miss match ! and you missed it?"

The last WCW PPV I ordered was Starrcade '97. After that I said I would never order another WCW PPV.