Top 5 Greatest Presidents

I was just wondering who you guys think are the top 5 greatest American presidents.
Mine are:
1. Thomas Jefferson
2. George Washington
3. James Madison
4. FDR
5. Teddy Roosevelt

Other honorable mentions include Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, Harry Truman, and Bill Clinton.
I also think that Alexander Hamilton would have made a great president if he hadn't gotten killed before he could be elected.


You didn't mention Bill Clinton in you top 5. You know how tough of a task it is to clean up the mess left by a Bush.
borat, are you an idiot. you think G.W. is the 4th greatest president and G.H.W. is the 5th. they are both horrible, horrible presidents. i cant believe people support an idiot like Bush. did you know his IQ is only 91 and his dads is 98. you know what bill clintons is?......182, double Bush's.
If Iraq works out, then G. W. will be on that list, or should be, if it doesn't end well, then he will be one of the worst. It doesn't relly on if he does anything beyond being president from this time untill his run is over, he wont have to do anything and if it ends well than he will be looked on as a good president, if not then he will be looked down on as a horrible president.


If Iraq works out? Iraq can't work out because it was a mistake from the beginning. I want one possible scenerio of how Iraq will "work out". Bush will go down as one of the most small-minded, small-hearted presidents ever, or at least he should. The U.S. has already killed over 10,000 Iraqi civilians, we lost this battle a long time ago. Because I am sure the Iraqis are so grateful to Bush for freeing them as he blows up their family members and friends.


1) JFK
2) Lincoln
3) FDR
4) Clinton
5) Reagen <----- I have to admit that he was a good president even though I hate the effect he had on the political landscape.
Lets see, I'd have to say

1. Theodore Roosevelt
2. FDR
3. George Washington
4. Abraham Lincoln
5. Harry S. Truman
I've always liked presidents who made major changes to the world. Here're my top 5 in no particular order:

-George Washington
-Abraham Lincoln
-Franklin Roosevelt
-Ronald Reagan
-George W. Bush

I want one possible scenerio of how Iraq will "work out".
The democracy in Iraq inspires the rest of the Middle East to fight against the terrorist regimes so that terrorism is kept under control and the world is relatively safe from it. Iraq just had its first election, so I'd say they're working out just fine.

Anyone who put JFK in the top 5 knows nothing about the Presidency. He did nothing for anyone but end the missle crisis which he started, he was a good celebrity not President. Also, Clintio just rode the wave of Reagans economic policy success. Great man does not equal great President. My grandfather was a great man but he would be a horrible President.


The democracy in Iraq inspires the rest of the Middle East to fight against the terrorist regimes so that terrorism is kept under control and the world is relatively safe from it. Iraq just had its first election, so I'd say they're working out just fine.

Over 10,000 Iraqis have died and well over 1,000 U.S. soliders have died. That is not working out. Yes I know casualties of war happen, but this is a false war fought on false principles anyways. Tell me one time that Iraq ever jeoprodized America's safety
qeialto said:
1) Mickey Mouse
2) Marilyn Monroe
3) Michael Jordan
4) Jonny Cash
5) Jenna Jameson

Maybe in those 5 you will find some value. Congratulation for the last 5 years.....

if it's Jenna.... I vote for her... for 30 years...


Well, it wouldn't be any President who ruled before Lincoln. I cannot respect a man who rules a nation that claims that all men are created equal and yet supports (and/or does not outlaw) slavery. And I am white. I can't imagine what black's think. So no Jefferson or Washington for me.
I don't presuppose to know all the President's. Or even most of them. But I guess my list would be;

4)Reagan - I mean he deliberately bankrupted the Soviet Union. It could have resulted in WW3; but instead it ended the Cold War. So I gotta give him credit for that.
5)Clinton - He didn't do very much that was all that great. He just made very few mistakes - as far as I am concerned.