Geeeezzz... what church did you go to??? C'mon man, threats of hell??? The average kid ain't scared of that shit. Kids are more scared of what they're parents will do to them if they don't listen than they are of hell. It's called being taught consequences for your actions. When your young, it spankings. When your an adult, its prison. In the after life, it's hell. Your whole life is structured in the same way. Besides, consider all of the meaningless bullshit we threaten kids with every damn day. If you're not good, Santa Claus won't give you anything for Christmas... THAT'S A BULLSHIT THREAT! Sit too close too the T.V. and you'll go blind... don't get good grades, and you'll be poor as an adult, etc...
It's not about me. That's the point. It's about those children being filled with guilt for a messiah and fear for hell. The average kid is scared of the bogeyman, what's the difference? No, it's called mental slavery hell is afterlife so what purpose is life with fear of hell? Santa IS God for grownups, you know that. All that shit puts fear in place of understanding.