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Geeeezzz... what church did you go to??? C'mon man, threats of hell??? The average kid ain't scared of that shit. Kids are more scared of what they're parents will do to them if they don't listen than they are of hell. It's called being taught consequences for your actions. When your young, it spankings. When your an adult, its prison. In the after life, it's hell. Your whole life is structured in the same way. Besides, consider all of the meaningless bullshit we threaten kids with every damn day. If you're not good, Santa Claus won't give you anything for Christmas... THAT'S A BULLSHIT THREAT! Sit too close too the T.V. and you'll go blind... don't get good grades, and you'll be poor as an adult, etc...

It's not about me. That's the point. It's about those children being filled with guilt for a messiah and fear for hell. The average kid is scared of the bogeyman, what's the difference? No, it's called mental slavery hell is afterlife so what purpose is life with fear of hell? Santa IS God for grownups, you know that. All that shit puts fear in place of understanding.
I bet they could hold a " Belly button lint collectors" convention and that would sell out too.

Or you could hold a convention for those that worship belly button lint. Or a convention for those that don't believe belly button lint exists.
It's not about me. That's the point. It's about those children being filled with guilt for a messiah and fear for hell. The average kid is scared of the bogeyman, what's the difference? No, it's called mental slavery hell is afterlife so what purpose is life with fear of hell? Santa IS God for grownups, you know that. All that shit puts fear in place of understanding.

The fear of hell keeps believers obedient to Gods law, just like prison keeps citizens obedient to their country/state/city laws, just like fear for spankings keep kids obedient to parents. So my question is: If there are clear boundaries and consequences for actions taken while living, why then is it difficult accept that there is something in place for the after life?
Ah, whimsy my poor lad. No one has gotten to me, but I see now that you've been one of them all along.

I did have my sneaking suspicions about you but I put them out of my mind for the time being, you seemed to be a useful tool to aid my assent to greatness. All I was going to do was murder you in your sleep after we has finally gained control and take the reins as a living god.

But now you've spoilt all of that and now you must be dealt with. Our plans will go on one way or another - you cannot stop me.

Drop it now and die with dignity my dear fellow

Funny. I was planning on murdering you once we acquired what we needed, HQ, and power and technology up and running. Tis is shame I must do you in now though and you will never ever see what would be our kingdom come to fruition.

Such shame. No less, I will build you a bronze statue outside in a nice fountain with a sweet memorial plate. People will still know of you as I remembered you. A fallen comrade in the overthrow of our reptilian overlords.

Such a shame you did not survive...

Oh hush now my dear boy. This front you're putting on for the rest of us isn't impressing anyone. All this piss and vinegar are just the actions of a frightened mole who has gotten himself in too deep and doesn't know where to turn. If it hadn't have been me that you had betrayed then I might feel sorry for you...

But it was me and you must pay.

You comments about the bronze statue are quite noble, for you see. When you're gone I plan on mounting you head on a spike outside of my castle amongst the wave after wave of reptile skulls as a warning to all of my kingdom; "Don't fuck with me!" it shall say . . . metaphorically of course.

Alas, twas not to be my dear boy..... shoulders back, stiff upper lip and all that.

Sporty Log #574459-B

It has been four days since I have heard from my fallen brethren BlueBalls and Whimsy. I believe them too be dead. You see, when they made the discovery that the reptoids were going to attack the world on two fronts (in disguise as atheists and celebrities) they drugged my comrades with their paranoia formula. I believe that in the end, this caused them to kill one another. Now I only have one lead. I always thought that Miley Cyrus's tranformation into Hannah Montana was almost miraculous. When she shape shifts between the two its like the difference between a tiger and a walrus. Now I see that she is clearly a reptoid princess. I must try to continue the work of the Reptoid Resistance Revolutionaries (or RRR for short) and seek out Hanna........damn, I mean Miley before it's too late.

It's not about me. That's the point. It's about those children being filled with guilt for a messiah and fear for hell. The average kid is scared of the bogeyman, what's the difference? No, it's called mental slavery hell is afterlife so what purpose is life with fear of hell? Santa IS God for grownups, you know that. All that shit puts fear in place of understanding.

You're right........it isn't about you anymore. It's about the children. You must join the fight against the reptoids. Through science, it is now known that reptoids are both the bogeyman AND Santa Clause. For the sake of the world, no.........the sake of the children, I implore you to pick up a weapon and join the RRR. Pick up a weapon and fight, man. FIGHT!!! Or get out of the way!
The fear of hell keeps believers obedient to Gods law, just like prison keeps citizens obedient to their country/state/city laws, just like fear for spankings keep kids obedient to parents. So my question is: If there are clear boundaries and consequences for actions taken while living, why then is it difficult accept that there is something in place for the after life?

What's God's law? A bunch of obvious moral guidence with retarted mytholigical bullshit. Morality keeps people obedient and to need a threat to be moral completely proves that God's "children" are clearly imoral and inferior. Hell was made by those that feel even a soul is hopeless to change and that death isn't enough (though it stopped Hitler from conintuing his murders). Heaven was made by those that fear death and think this life on earth isn't good enough (quite insulting to it's "creator"). I'm sure a baby enjoys being a baby for eternity after being killed during birth (of which only became safer after scientists stepped in).
What's God's law? A bunch of obvious moral guidence with retarted mytholigical bullshit. Morality keeps people obedient and to need a threat to be moral completely proves that God's "children" are clearly imoral and inferior. Hell was made by those that feel even a soul is hopeless to change and that death isn't enough (though it stopped Hitler from conintuing his murders). Heaven was made by those that fear death and think this life on earth isn't good enough (quite insulting to it's "creator"). I'm sure a baby enjoys being a baby for eternity after being killed during birth (of which only became safer after scientists stepped in).

Here we go with the 'threat' thing again. Hell is not a threat, it's a destination. And where, by chance, does 'obvious moral guidance' originate? What's funny is that you don't chalk up moral guidance to mythological bullshit. What is the point of moral guidance if it doesn't lead us anywhere and doesn't teach us anything??? Like all things, it's there for a reason.

And the whole thing about death not being 'enough' is ridiculous. Just like when you're born, you're born to a place... when you die, you die to a place. Hence the 'obvious moral guidance' you come equipped with. See you beleive in morals without reason, which would make the morals you acknowledge having pointless. Heaven created by those who fear death??? C'mon man. Reincarnation was made by those who fear death. So you're saying that both Heaven and Hell were created to two separate and opposite groups of people???

Here we go with the 'threat' thing again. Hell is not a threat, it's a destination. And where, by chance, does 'obvious moral guidance' originate? What's funny is that you don't chalk up moral guidance to mythological bullshit. What is the point of moral guidance if it doesn't lead us anywhere and doesn't teach us anything??? Like all things, it's there for a reason.

And the whole thing about death not being 'enough' is ridiculous. Just like when you're born, you're born to a place... when you die, you die to a place. Hence the 'obvious moral guidance' you come equipped with. See you beleive in morals without reason, which would make the morals you acknowledge having pointless. Heaven created by those who fear death??? C'mon man. Reincarnation was made by those who fear death. So you're saying that both Heaven and Hell were created to two separate and opposite groups of people???


The reason is to convince others that "If these people believe this, the other stuff must be true." and the problem is that those other things aren't true thus the threat of hell to force others to look past the lies. When you're born, your brain is turned on, when you die, it's turned off. You can't die into a place, that's rediculous. The reason behind morality is to make this world a better place of which Sweden seems to understand seeing how it's mostly atheist and more peaceful than other countries. What idea is more enjoyable, heaven where there's no evil, or another life here where you're given another chance to face pain and sadness. No, the bible says that, along with explainning how a "loving" god slaughtered those that opposed him/it. Not to mention how to treat slaves and stonning gays and adulteres is fine. You should stop before you further expose yourself as a blind fallower.
Although now that I come to think about it, if we could get the uperhand on these beasts there could be a way - as you say - to harness what they have and use it for our own gain . . . hmmm.

Now this goes against everything I stand for here, but if we could harness this power we could use it against the rest of these poor deluded fools and become kings or emperors of this entire planet and no one could stop us.


Dream on.
You are going to fail, because you are already our slaves!
It makes me wonder about what people at an athiest convention would talk about. Do they get there and say, "...Umm...so...uh...how is the weather by you...(shrug)..."?
The reason is to convince others that "If these people believe this, the other stuff must be true." and the problem is that those other things aren't true thus the threat of hell to force others to look past the lies. When you're born, your brain is turned on, when you die, it's turned off. You can't die into a place, that's rediculous. The reason behind morality is to make this world a better place of which Sweden seems to understand seeing how it's mostly atheist and more peaceful than other countries. What idea is more enjoyable, heaven where there's no evil, or another life here where you're given another chance to face pain and sadness. No, the bible says that, along with explainning how a "loving" god slaughtered those that opposed him/it. Not to mention how to treat slaves and stonning gays and adulteres is fine. You should stop before you further expose yourself as a blind fallower.

So when you're born, you are born SOMEWHERE, but when you die, you die NOWHERE??? Once again, you haven't answered my 'where does (obvious) morality come from' question. Did you say Sweden is the most peaceful place because it's mostly atheist??? I guess the fact that it's a low populated, vacation-destination country with a large number of tourist population has nothing to do with that. Antarctica is pretty peaceful as well. Maybe because it's mostly atheist as well.

You ask how a loving God slaughterted those that opposed him? Since you're formulating theories and ideas without reading the information given, let me fill you in. People were given free will. The only thing that was asked in return was acknowledgement of this gift and it's source. That simple request was not only not followed, but people chose to ignore the 'obvious morality' they were equipped with. They did not believe that God was necessary and refuted his power, so he put all of that to an end. There was a precedent set. Free will is something WE abuse. Don't play the blame game and point the finger at someone else for things WE DO!

The same power we're given to kill, we're given to love, grow, and nurture. It's easy for you to point at God when bad things happen or when things happen that you don't agree with. Which is funny because Atheists refute the existence of God, but when something doesn't go their way, their natural reaction is to look up as if they're looking for help. If you can see that I'm a follower, and I can see it... how am I blind? Even if I was, I would have you to lead me, since you can see it.
This is of course what we want you to think.

Carry on friends, we'll be around soon to free you all. Whether you like it or not.

Silly, silly man.
You are nothing more than food for your reptilian masters.
Our forked tongues caress you as are drawn, irresistibly, into the enormity of our gaping maws.
They're in Australia. Trust me, all they are going to do is talk about God and drink themselves silly.

Drink ourselves silly? Yes!!

Talk about God? No!!

There are more important things to talk about like the Cricket and Rugby!!:thumbsup:

That's one hell of a generalization... every organized religion has it's issues, because it's run by humans. Calling all Christians (insert name here) does not logically follow... some are good people, some are bad, some are hypocrites, just like everyone else.:dunno:
Silly, silly man.
You are nothing more than food for your reptilian masters.
Our forked tongues caress you as are drawn, irresistibly, into the enormity of our gaping maws.

Dream on scale bag!

You may crush our skulls with your ginormous lizard feet, but you will never crush the human spirit! Our cry for freedom shall never be silenced!

Not as long as we have such great leaders like Ron Paul behind us - WE SHALL OVERCOME!!
^ Amen! As long as we have great leaders like Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Arianna Huffington, Bill Maher, Michael Moore, John Stewart, and so on... reptillian brained NeoCons will not conquer all of us!
^ Amen! As long as we have great leaders like Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Arianna Huffington, Bill Maher, Michael Moore, John Stewart, and so on... reptillian brained NeoCons will not conquer all of us!

I notice you conveniently left off the current corrupt whackjobs running our Congress like Pelosi and Reid :cool:
So when you're born, you are born SOMEWHERE, but when you die, you die NOWHERE??? Once again, you haven't answered my 'where does (obvious) morality come from' question. Did you say Sweden is the most peaceful place because it's mostly atheist??? I guess the fact that it's a low populated, vacation-destination country with a large number of tourist population has nothing to do with that. Antarctica is pretty peaceful as well. Maybe because it's mostly atheist as well.

You ask how a loving God slaughterted those that opposed him? Since you're formulating theories and ideas without reading the information given, let me fill you in. People were given free will. The only thing that was asked in return was acknowledgement of this gift and it's source. That simple request was not only not followed, but people chose to ignore the 'obvious morality' they were equipped with. They did not believe that God was necessary and refuted his power, so he put all of that to an end. There was a precedent set. Free will is something WE abuse. Don't play the blame game and point the finger at someone else for things WE DO!

The same power we're given to kill, we're given to love, grow, and nurture. It's easy for you to point at God when bad things happen or when things happen that you don't agree with. Which is funny because Atheists refute the existence of God, but when something doesn't go their way, their natural reaction is to look up as if they're looking for help. If you can see that I'm a follower, and I can see it... how am I blind? Even if I was, I would have you to lead me, since you can see it.

You're born into life, you die into death. How clearer can I be. I know you want another life but that's why it's hard to be convinced that theists even give a damn about future generations aslong as they're partying in Happy Cloud Land.
Vacationers don't make a country more peaceful nor do they add to the population. Look at Mexico and poor as hell, Jamaica.

Again, using eternal suffering as punishment for not fallowing a religion full of flaws and misunderstanding of how reality works, isn't free will. That's like saying "Use you're brain and you're going to the hole". For the record humans don't create earthquakes do we? Where's the punishment in innocent people being 'murdered' by these 'wonderful' creations called earth's natural disasters?

Most (agnostics or questioning believers) are waiting for God to actually do something. Being physicaly blind is different from being blind to logic and rational thought. Stop twisting words please.
You're born into life, you die into death. How clearer can I be. I know you want another life but that's why it's hard to be convinced that theists even give a damn about future generations aslong as they're partying in Happy Cloud Land.
Vacationers don't make a country more peaceful nor do they add to the population. Look at Mexico and poor as hell, Jamaica.

Again, using eternal suffering as punishment for not fallowing a religion full of flaws and misunderstanding of how reality works, isn't free will. That's like saying "Use you're brain and you're going to the hole". For the record humans don't create earthquakes do we? Where's the punishment in innocent people being 'murdered' by these 'wonderful' creations called earth's natural disasters?

Most (agnostics or questioning believers) are waiting for God to actually do something. Being physicaly blind is different from being blind to logic and rational thought. Stop twisting words please.

Gee, it sounds a lot like using prison as punishment for not following laws full of flaws and misunderstanding of how reality works. Or spankings... as previously mentioned. It really doesn't matter how you feel about it, there's structural integrity to it, from beginning to end. It's just like athiests to seek reasons, and then take a 'I don't have to answer to or for that' approach for them.

What about earthquakes/tornados/cold weather/Glenn Beck/etc... These are conditions of living on Earth with sin according to the Bible. It also teaches that the wages of sin is death. As is customary, you can of course can take an 'I don't have to answer to or for that' approach to it (free will), but again natural disasters are something that has to be accepted whether you're non-believer or otherwise because no man can stop or prevent them.

It's obvious at this point, we come from two different sides of the road. I lead a faith based existence, and you, another. My explanations for anything are of course based on what I've learned and what I believe, and thus cannot be disproven for me. I just use the Bible as a base for my morals. I don't refute Hell, but do not fear it either, because I walk the path away from it. My walk is not without sin. There is a lot to learn from a person with your perspective, I do hope that the sentiment is mutual.