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2500 people with nothing to talk about?

February 2, 2010

The Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne next month has sold out, nearly six weeks before it opens, as I report in The Age today. All 2500 tickets available for the Sunday session are gone, while the Friday and Saturday sessions are in smaller auditoriums because the organisers – with little idea of the numbers to expect - were reluctant to gamble.

The convention, spearheaded by Richard Dawkins and some fascinating international speakers, is a remarkable achievement, especially as it has been done without any government help.

But, if the atheists who post on this blog are to be believed, they have nothing in common with each other except a lack of belief in “imaginary friends”. They stand for nothing together, hold no ethical precepts in common, hold no ambitions in common (except, perhaps, a desire to see a religionless world). So what on earth (given that heaven is ruled out) will they talk about?

Will they exchange recipes? Knock knock jokes? Will they go door to door, evangelising Melbourne, saying “have we got a non-belief for you”? *

I was rebuked in a recent threat by an atheist who pointed out that lack of belief in a divine being didn’t mean one had to take a reductionist, mechanist line about the universe. Atheists can and do believe in astrology, ghosts, New Age philosophies and many other things we might categorise as paranormal.

This is theoretically true, but it’s a safe bet that the convention will deal only with a reductionist, mechanist universe. I don’t see any seminars on astral travelling or crystals.

That aside, what I do see listed looks fascinating, and I am looking forward enormously to covering it. Some speakers, including Richard Dawkins, broadcaster Philip Adams and Atheist Alliance International president Stuart Bechman have yet to identify their topics, but here are some of the highlights of those who have: Muslim activist Taslima Nasrin on her struggle for rights and secularism; English philosopher A.C. Grayling on atheism, secularism and humanism; Australia’s Peter Singer on ethics without religion; biologist P.Z. Myers on the conflict between science and religion; former evangelist Dan Barker on how his journey to atheism; lesbian comedian Sue-Ann Post on “20 years of kicking God in the shins”; and Max Wallace on how tax-payers subsidise religion.

Looking at the speakers’ abstracts, I was surprised to find myself part of one of the topics for discussion, apparently endorsing something I certainly didn’t know I believed - but that will add a certain spice for me.

I expect a fine line in rhetoric, exemplified by organiser and Atheist Foundation of Australia president David Nicholls remarks to me yesterday. He voiced a modest ambition: to make the entire planet “free” (that is, non-religious. Atheists of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains. I seem to have read something like that somewhere else.)

And if anyone wants to know, I unequivocally think this convention is a good thing, though in future it is highly probable that I will criticise individual speakers . Like (I imagine) those attending, I think people should own their beliefs and worldview, not inherit them. My chief hope, unlikely to be fulfilled, is not too much fundamentalism please, and a fair representation of what they attack.

What do you think? Long overdue, or likely to be a lot of hot air? December’s Parliament of the World’s Religions brought together people with some profound disagreements – will this do the same, and if not does that make it less relevant? What points do you hope will emerge? If you’ve bought tickets, tell us who you are going to hear, and why.

* This is a joke. I know atheists are never short of things to talk about. (That’s a joke too.)
I wonder if asked for those 2,500 people to agree upon something universally what will they have to say?

How to take care of people, country, safety. Will they agree? How long will they agree? Where will they draw lines?

Just because a bunch of folks show up to a convention doesn't mean a thing. They will only rest on man's natural whims. Beyond that, in the end, where do they individually stand? What do they stand for? Where one might drink another might eat. One might speak another will yell.

2,500 people coming together in the name of what truly?


persona non grata
Will they go door to door, evangelising Melbourne, saying “have we got a non-belief for you”?
It´s been tried, the jesusfreaks didn´t seem too happy about it. My favourite is the old man who tries to hit them with a rake. He´s clearly understood what the christian message is really all about: It´s not about loving your fellow man, it´s about bashing in the heads of everyone who disagree with your beliefs.


Postal Paranoiac
God is pissed off a lot and has a strange sense of humor.
I wonder if asked for those 2,500 people to agree upon something universally what will they have to say?

How to take care of people, country, safety. Will they agree? How long will they agree? Where will they draw lines?

Just because a bunch of folks show up to a convention doesn't mean a thing. They will only rest on man's natural whims. Beyond that, in the end, where do they individually stand? What do they stand for? Where one might drink another might eat. One might speak another will yell.

2,500 people coming together in the name of what truly?

Atheism is about rational thought, free from the chains of religion. They get to talk about their personal ideas about politics, ethics ect without some religious nut pushing their religion into the mix. I must ask what a theist convention would be without cherry picking conversation and forcing ones self to act like a true fallower.


finally those fools have all gathered in one place. Now it is the perfect time to strike.
we will make them believe wont we Gorilla Grodd.
Atheism is about rational thought, free from the chains of religion. They get to talk about their personal ideas about politics, ethics ect without some religious nut pushing their religion into the mix. I must ask what a theist convention would be without cherry picking conversation and forcing ones self to act like a true fallower.

Free from "chains" of religion. Though, not from man's ideas or thinking, that is where most arguments come from. Even in religion. What is religion? Just man's interpretation of what is right in their mind and enough followed long enough to establish a setting.

Where there was one man's religion it started out great until someone didn't like something and started another of their own religion. So on and so on. It just went out so far it is set towards atheism where they prefer to not believe anything to avoid any kind of discrimination than to have to face it. Thing is, when it comes down to it, what do they stand upon? Sure they have the same thought process of against religion. But how many are truly against God? How many are against universal health care? How many are against illegal immigration. That there is what makes this country what it is. Not just religion.

People like to think religion rules their life when really it does not. They are so afraid of one word: religion. To the point that they would rather fight against something that isn't there. They make that fight their religion.

What is religion? Nothing but a habit. Religiously lift weights. Religiously watch a TV show. Religiously stand up against something. It is all habit. Repetitive. Same old thing. Vain repetition. Man's ideas told over and over and over until it is nothing but doctrine and repeated action.

Thing is, people are afraid of the silly things in life that really have no control over them, they just think it does because they are so easily swept up by easy going, feel good doctrine. Someone will say something that makes them feel good they will follow. If someone else might say something that makes them feel better they will turn away go there. There is free will. That is a prime example.

I mean, if God is so "horrible" how come majority of the people in this country had not been struck by lightning yet? If they are such the sinners, such the degraded filth, that these atheists (and self-proclaimed righteous ones) believe themselves to be, why had they not been struck down by lightning?

Answer: Because God gave us freewill to choose to live as we see fit. Now, whether or not that freewill choice is going to benefit us or not in the end, who knows? Thing is, never to late. There is always forgiveness; there is always salvation.

Atheism is nothing but a group of people against one thing. Trying to figure out where it is they stand in life. Only to be swept up by another man's idea or belief they took further from another man's idea or belief. How different are they? Not much really.

So when you get a gathering of this large crowd where do they stand individually? Politically? As people? Whatever it might be. Thing is, it will all be different, but no different than the next man's idea.

In the end, what we need to do is love, forgive, accept, and be kind to one another. As long as there are divisions according to some other man's ideas there will always be turmoil. Because no two minds think alike, however, we are all alike. We are individuals, same blood, body, and mind. Just different areas.

So this atheist group is nothing but another label made by someone else to differentiate from someones idea of what it is to be righteous.
Trying to prove that an all powerful intangible being doesn't exist seems about as pointless as trying to prove that it does.
It's funny how people bound by the chains of physical, mental, and social limitations everyday feel somehow free rejecting the idea of God. Everyday life is a microcosm of everything they stand against.

When these people go to work, they have a boss, who has a boss, who has a boss, who answers to somebody whom you (the employee) has never seen. The only way you'll ever get to see this person is if you follow the company rules to the letter, move up in the company, and continually spread the word on the successes of the company you represent. This goes on for years, and maybe... just maybe... you could run your own business successfully so you can be at the top of the totem pole. Even at this lofty position, you still answer to even higher powers and their regulations. All the while, finding it okay to answer to almost everyone but God.

All of this, only to eventually lose it all in death. Where, by the way, there is a damn good chance you still will have to answer to somebody. Time wasted chained down by your own addictions and ego, all the time living the answer you run from. People living structured lives inside of a structured world with structured boundaries that totally refute the idea of an architect??? Yet someone sharing the level of enthusiasm for their religion as you do for much less is labeled a nut or fanatic.



Lost at Birth
Trying to prove that an all powerful intangible being doesn't exist seems about as pointless as trying to prove that it does.

:glugglug::glugglug::glugglug::glugglug::glugglug::glugglug: if you were at the bar with me i'd buy this round and the next one calpoon
Trying to prove that an all powerful intangible being doesn't exist seems about as pointless as trying to prove that it does.

I'm sure atheists at this convention are going to discuss more than the mere non-existence of God


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm sure atheists at this convention are going to discuss more than the mere non-existence of God

They're in Australia. Trust me, all they are going to do is talk about God and drink themselves silly.
^ Exactly! :glugglug:
An atheist 'convention'? :wtf:

So is this where all the atheist nerds go to hang out and cream their pants when they get the first sight of Dawkins? In a kind of parallel to what I imagine most comic book conventions are like. But instead of Dawkins it's Trisha Helfer, or whoever's nerd friendly this week.
Free from "chains" of religion. Though, not from man's ideas or thinking, that is where most arguments come from. Even in religion. What is religion? Just man's interpretation of what is right in their mind and enough followed long enough to establish a setting.

Man's replacment for not understanding things and filling the blanks with myths. Why would they want to be free from man's idea or thinking?

Where there was one man's religion it started out great until someone didn't like something and started another of their own religion. So on and so on. It just went out so far it is set towards atheism where they prefer to not believe anything to avoid any kind of discrimination than to have to face it. Thing is, when it comes down to it, what do they stand upon? Sure they have the same thought process of against religion. But how many are truly against God? How many are against universal health care? How many are against illegal immigration. That there is what makes this country what it is. Not just religion.

People like to think religion rules their life when really it does not. They are so afraid of one word: religion. To the point that they would rather fight against something that isn't there. They make that fight their religion.

What is religion? Nothing but a habit. Religiously lift weights. Religiously watch a TV show. Religiously stand up against something. It is all habit. Repetitive. Same old thing. Vain repetition. Man's ideas told over and over and over until it is nothing but doctrine and repeated action.

I mean, if God is so "horrible" how come majority of the people in this country had not been struck by lightning yet? If they are such the sinners, such the degraded filth, that these atheists (and self-proclaimed righteous ones) believe themselves to be, why had they not been struck down by lightning?

Answer: Because God gave us freewill to choose to live as we see fit. Now, whether or not that freewill choice is going to benefit us or not in the end, who knows? Thing is, never to late. There is always forgiveness; there is always salvation.

Atheism is nothing but a group of people against one thing. Trying to figure out where it is they stand in life. Only to be swept up by another man's idea or belief they took further from another man's idea or belief. How different are they? Not much really.

So when you get a gathering of this large crowd where do they stand individually? Politically? As people? Whatever it might be. Thing is, it will all be different, but no different than the next man's idea.

So this atheist group is nothing but another label made by someone else to differentiate from someones idea of what it is to be righteous.

It started out great until that guy's religion started putting rules on society with his own greedy and power hungry goal. It's about being around people with opinions and ideas based on evidence because any religious crap isn't going to help any conversation. If they disagree, atleast it'll be based on free thought. I think I explained that before.

We believe God isn't there, religion is undoubtedly there. We see it in bombing, terrorists attacks, mothers killing there disobedient children and instilling fear in children in churches and religion camps.Free will? When you threaten people to not question good and evil with hell, what kinda free will is that? We have free will regardless of if a God gave us it. There is always thinking for yourself.

They're people for the preservation of the seperation of church and state and for the spread of rational free thought. Theists can't even agree with eachother and they claim paradise after death buy inslaving minds. That man's idea would be challenged for logic and no harm done. Aslong as that idea has logic and proof supporting it without religious pressure, so what. Religion is nothing
more than a bunch of people holding onto myths but can't even agree with eachother.

Religion pressures people to think a certain way, especially about politics. The idea is to give everyone a voice.

No it's what I already explained in my previous comment. It's a group of people standing for rational free thought against oppressive religion. They share one idea, so that gives room for conversation. What would a churches convention be for, how about helping put a blind eye towards the evidence against their belief?
An atheist 'convention'? :wtf:

So is this where all the atheist nerds go to hang out and cream their pants when they get the first sight of Dawkins? In a kind of parallel to what I imagine most comic book conventions are like. But instead of Dawkins it's Trisha Helfer, or whoever's nerd friendly this week.

That's why there are these conventions, because of idiots like you judging people that get together to talk without worrying about irrational religious crap getting in the mix. Most of those atheists are victems of religion and feel better being around those that can atleast relate with them.
That's why there are these conventions, because of idiots like you judging people that get together to talk without worrying about irrational religious crap getting in the mix. Most of those atheists are victems of religion and feel better being around those that can atleast relate with them.

Wow, judge much? :1orglaugh

Given you obviously read my post (you did actually read it, right?) it's strange you would have such a reaction. It being one of my posts and all.......