Wine. Tequila or Vodka. Answer honestly - I won't bite... Hard.
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 27, 2010 #7,081 Wine. Tequila or Vodka. Answer honestly - I won't bite... Hard.
Born2Jizz Sep 27, 2010 #7,083 Pastrami, I'm Irish- I HAVE to like corned beef! Lol :dunno: shopping or commercials?
Born2Jizz Sep 28, 2010 #7,085 vodkazvictim said: Shopping. Cats or Dogs? Click to expand... Cats because they don't fucking bark and you don't have to walk them! Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan? :dunno:
vodkazvictim said: Shopping. Cats or Dogs? Click to expand... Cats because they don't fucking bark and you don't have to walk them! Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan? :dunno:
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 28, 2010 #7,087 Sweet potato CHIPS! American dad or family guy
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 29, 2010 #7,094 Ramen noodles. Whatever they are. Thai or chinese food?
B bustybbwlover Sep 30, 2010 #7,098 both are cunts..uuuuhhh...wireless i suppose i use it more stout or lager