LOL RIGHT! I should've seen that one coming, lol whoops! Science. Ponytail or Pigtails? :dunno:
Born2Jizz Sep 25, 2010 #7,061 LOL RIGHT! I should've seen that one coming, lol whoops! Science. Ponytail or Pigtails? :dunno:
B bustybbwlover Sep 25, 2010 #7,063 neither shoe...i'm a flip flop or boots to the other ponytail few can wear the pigtails and not look ridiculous cable or satellite
neither shoe...i'm a flip flop or boots to the other ponytail few can wear the pigtails and not look ridiculous cable or satellite
Born2Jizz Sep 25, 2010 #7,064 Excellent point! Neither really, I tend to download shows, but in a "have to pick" I'd go satellite I suppose... :dunno: Cars: Foreign or Domestic?
Excellent point! Neither really, I tend to download shows, but in a "have to pick" I'd go satellite I suppose... :dunno: Cars: Foreign or Domestic?
B bustybbwlover Sep 25, 2010 #7,065 domestic i suppose (we've got a ford focus) thought most 'domestic' cars are primarily composed of foreign shit so :shrug:<--we need a shrug smiley water or gatorade
domestic i suppose (we've got a ford focus) thought most 'domestic' cars are primarily composed of foreign shit so :shrug:<--we need a shrug smiley water or gatorade
Born2Jizz Sep 25, 2010 #7,066 bustybbwlover said: domestic i suppose (we've got a ford focus) thought most 'domestic' cars are primarily composed of foreign shit so :dunno: water or gatorade Click to expand... Gatorade, but only Lemon Lime! I hate water... Who shot first: Han or Greedo?? lol :1orglaugh
bustybbwlover said: domestic i suppose (we've got a ford focus) thought most 'domestic' cars are primarily composed of foreign shit so :dunno: water or gatorade Click to expand... Gatorade, but only Lemon Lime! I hate water... Who shot first: Han or Greedo?? lol :1orglaugh
Born2Jizz Sep 25, 2010 #7,068 Damn right Greedo! Idk what the dollars trilogy is dunno but it's got to be better that LOR Trek or Wars? (answer carefully, lol)
Damn right Greedo! Idk what the dollars trilogy is dunno but it's got to be better that LOR Trek or Wars? (answer carefully, lol)
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 25, 2010 #7,069 Damn you for beating me to it B2J! Trek Blue or Green Eyed brunette?
Born2Jizz Sep 25, 2010 #7,071 vodkazvictim said: Damn you for beating me to it B2J! Trek Blue or Green Eyed brunette? Click to expand... lol check YOUR 6, buddy! :hatsoff:
vodkazvictim said: Damn you for beating me to it B2J! Trek Blue or Green Eyed brunette? Click to expand... lol check YOUR 6, buddy! :hatsoff:
B bustybbwlover Sep 25, 2010 #7,072 sabbath black comedy or absurdest comedy p.s. dollors trilogy a fistful of dollars (1964) for a few dollars more (1965) the good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
sabbath black comedy or absurdest comedy p.s. dollors trilogy a fistful of dollars (1964) for a few dollars more (1965) the good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
Born2Jizz Sep 25, 2010 #7,073 Black comedy actually. Martin Lawrence cracks me up Top Gun or Tombstone? :dunno:
B bustybbwlover Sep 26, 2010 #7,075 both but ninjas have always been more interesting to me there were the black ops and spies back in the day for swimming: ocean or lake
both but ninjas have always been more interesting to me there were the black ops and spies back in the day for swimming: ocean or lake
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 26, 2010 #7,077 Mountains. I love mountains. Having heard about the bird or not having heard about the bird...
B bustybbwlover Sep 27, 2010 #7,078 heard about the word being the bird that song is ridiculously catchy teaching to tests or teaching to think
heard about the word being the bird that song is ridiculously catchy teaching to tests or teaching to think