these are bizarre! how in the world you get all these links? thanks for the upload
Pub owner asks young guy to put the day's taking in a safe place..
Does he put it:
A) In a safe
B) In a bank
C) In a hot oven
As this is the 'WTF?' files, you can probably guess which..
Pig burns down house.. saves own bacon by hiding in a bath
You Think ? Maybe the fact that the guy was later identified to be a whopping 28 years young was some doubt cast that he wasn't tagging.A 28-year-old man fell more than 20 feet from a catwalk on a road sign hanging over the Palmetto Expressway where the expressway crosses 826 near Bird Road and Southwest Miami-Dade at about 1 a.m.“We did find a spray bottle … spray can next to the victim,” trooper Francisco Lozano of the FHP said. “He may have been up there tagging the sign.