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The War on Drugs

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
...like tobacco? :D
Legalize all of it, and let nature do its' work.

Or at the very least, legalize marijuana , partially because I think it's a great idea, and partially because I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about it. Also, like Blue said, it'll help a lot with research, and hopefully put to rest the whole "I drive better high hurr durr.." bullshit. Here's a tidbit: Anything that alters your perception of reality is going to affect everything you do while your perception is altered....including driving.

I used to love getting blazed up, and going for a nice putt through the park on my scooter....man, I miss that.


Official Checked Star Member
but our war on drugs is a miserable failure. we're spending $30 billion a year to fight it and use is up. and being a "keep government out of our lives" type of guy why shouldnt people be able to destroy themselves if that's what they want to do? as of now there are criminals getting stupid rich because it's illegal. people are kidnapped and murdered because it's illegal and there is a thriving business for it. make it all legal and distributed legally and you eliminate the street dealer which is where most of the violence comes from.

its either that or keep throwing more and more money away on something that is not working.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein
but our war on drugs is a miserable failure. we're spending $30 billion a year to fight it and use is up. and being a "keep government out of our lives" type of guy why shouldnt people be able to destroy themselves if that's what they want to do? as of now there are criminals getting stupid rich because it's illegal. people are kidnapped and murdered because it's illegal and there is a thriving business for it. make it all legal and distributed legally and you eliminate the street dealer which is where most of the violence comes from.

its either that or keep throwing more and more money away on something that is not working.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein

It's more like 40 billion now. Your rights end where my rights begin. You do realize that there is a big difference in an alcohol addiction and one where someone is addicted to Black Tar Heroin right?

The problem that I see and most others that oppose full on legalization is that the more potent drugs pose a danger to those that don't partake in them. Oh and Albert Einstein was wrong.. Gambling proves that you can reasonably expect a different result.


Official Checked Star Member
you do realize that my father was a heroine addict from when I was 4 until I was 15 and then my brother who is 11 months younger than me has been struggling with heroine addiction for 10 years? My grandfather died at 57 of cirrhosis of the liver from being an alcoholic and he had been sober for 10 years before he was diagnosed with cancer?

I know a lot about addiction. Did you research THIQ? there is VERY little difference chemically between heroine addiction and alcoholism. For one when you get clean from heroine it isn't all around you at restaurants and parties and picnics and most places where adults hang out. Alcohol is always there, easily and legally available no matter where you are.
you do realize that my father was a heroine addict from when I was 4 until I was 15 and then my brother who is 11 months younger than me has been struggling with heroine addiction for 10 years? My grandfather died at 57 of cirrhosis of the liver from being an alcoholic and he had been sober for 10 years before he was diagnosed with cancer?

I know a lot about addiction. Did you research THIQ? there is VERY little difference chemically between heroine addiction and alcoholism. For one when you get clean from heroine it isn't all around you at restaurants and parties and picnics and most places where adults hang out. Alcohol is always there, easily and legally available no matter where you are.

Sorry to hear that you have experienced this on such a personal level.

Since you were exposed to it, was your father able to function while being addicted? Or your brother? Because the people that I have represented charged with felony drug offenses have not been able to function well in society as opposed to people that I have represented on alcohol related charges. They also have the propensity to become more violent than alcoholics as a whole.


Official Checked Star Member
My father was able to for a while but it caught up with him and he ended up on the street. He got clean and is very successful. but still a dickhead. my brother struggles and as I told you in a previous thread after 4 years of sobriety fell down a flight of cement steps breaking his femur and nicking his femoral artery which caused severe internal bleeding and he nearly died. he was put on morphine and of course relapsed and now is back and forth with it. its fucked up and he has no insurance so he can't get any type of physical therapy and has a permanent limp. For christmas I bought him a prosthetic insert for his shoe which helps but still his leg is damaged for life.

if he had insurance, or if our fucked up country provided it he would have been treated immediately instead of being "stabilized" no mri to see the pooling blood in his leg which damaged the tissue which often leads to sepsis they did the absolute minimum for him when just an mri would have shown the internal bleeding.
I don't know why I thought this but I thought your father was deceased. Good to know he is still living.

Obamacare is on it's way. Other than the timing I don't really see what your beef with the health care system is now. I would imagine a policy for your brother would cost in excess of 1000 dollars a month at the moment with his pre-existing conditions.


Official Checked Star Member
no sadly he's still alive. sounds awful to hear someone say that but he's a dickhead.

Yeah the policy for my brother is impossible. Its been a serious obstacle and it sucks because he was doing really well and as I said sober for several years and very proud of it. just goes to show it's always there waiting for you to come back.
no sadly he's still alive. sounds awful to hear someone say that but he's a dickhead.

Yeah the policy for my brother is impossible. Its been a serious obstacle and it sucks because he was doing really well and as I said sober for several years and very proud of it. just goes to show it's always there waiting for you to come back.

I am going to be on some sort of medication this week. I am taking 10 days off for a little cosmetic work that I finally decided to get done.

Not too much, just a little tuck to make nasolabial folds go away. I should be posting some interesting stuff while I am medicated.
I feel relieved now. I am not supposed to drink any alcohol before surgery but since you said that I may anyway lol


Official Checked Star Member
here are some pics from a trip to Bimini nice big reef shark who was curious and stayed within 30 feet of us for our entire dive. the guide said that it had probably been fed before at one of the shark feeding dives so it was hanging around.

a plane sunk for a movie that was so cool there was a huge moray eel inside and a view from 30 feet down up to the surface of a dive with wild spotted dolphins right near the SS Sapona there were about 30 of them and they were very frisky and playful and would bump you if you weren't looking. one of the greatest experiences of my life. they were absolutely wild and not being fed a thing. they were just inter-acting with us for fun. very awesome

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- - - Updated - - -

shit i meant to post that in the shark week thread lol

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The "War on Drugs" is a complete joke. It was a joke from Day 1. It is a joke now. It doesn't matter if there is a Republican or a Democrat administration running the show... it's always been a joke. Call a press conference and put some dope on the table for the sheeple and let the super rich continue to do what they've always done: launder money for organized crime, pay some bribes and keep the wheels rolling. A joke!

Punchline (proof):

How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs

On 10 April 2006, a DC-9 jet landed in the port city of Ciudad del Carmen, on the Gulf of Mexico, as the sun was setting. Mexican soldiers, waiting to intercept it, found 128 cases packed with 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100m. But something else – more important and far-reaching – was discovered in the paper trail behind the purchase of the plane by the Sinaloa narco-trafficking cartel.

During a 22-month investigation by agents from the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and others, it emerged that the cocaine smugglers had bought the plane with money they had laundered through one of the biggest banks in the United States: Wachovia, now part of the giant Wells Fargo.

The authorities uncovered billions of dollars in wire transfers, traveller's cheques and cash shipments through Mexican exchanges into Wachovia accounts. Wachovia was put under immediate investigation for failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering programme. Of special significance was that the period concerned began in 2004, which coincided with the first escalation of violence along the US-Mexico border that ignited the current drugs war.

Criminal proceedings were brought against Wachovia, though not against any individual, but the case never came to court. In March 2010, Wachovia settled the biggest action brought under the US bank secrecy act, through the US district court in Miami. Now that the year's "deferred prosecution" has expired, the bank is in effect in the clear. It paid federal authorities $110m in forfeiture, for allowing transactions later proved to be connected to drug smuggling, and incurred a $50m fine for failing to monitor cash used to ship 22 tons of cocaine.

A $50 million fine, $110 million forfeiture, no one went to jail and how big is the illegal drug market (just in the U.S.)??? Really? Seriously?! :rofl: Panem et circenses (bread & circuses) is all it is.

When a joint FBI/DEA/IRS/U.S. Marshal's SWAT team kicks in the door on Brian Moynihan's Boston mansion and drags his cuffed ass into a stumbling, crying perp walk, freezing his assets and dragging the BoD of Bank of America (and all the other banks participating in drug cartel money laundering) into criminal court, I'll believe it. But I know that will never happen in the United States of Corruption. All that will continue to happen is they'll keep focusing on small fry corner boys and small to mid-size dealers. The FBI traced a $50 money order from the U.S. to Al Qaeda a few years ago. As best I can recall, that resulted in criminal charges. But you mean to tell me that they can't trace tens of billion$ of illicit funds, freely flowing through the international banking system??? What a fucking joke! Reject and cancel the U.S. banking licenses of any and all banks found to be participating in money laundering, whether it's the main organization or an off-shore division. That would throw a butt-fucking on many Israeli, Latin American, Mediterranean and Caribbean banks. So what?! Personally, I believe in the Roman concept of "Total War"... and if people want to continue this bullshit, that is the way to do it!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
So basically, they lost a weeks pay....

God Bless America.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So basically, they lost a weeks pay....

Not even that. You have to figure, the people who actually made this deal happen (within the bank) and benefited most from it, some of it on the books (through higher bonuses for bringing in a large chunk of business) and some of it off the books (cash bribes, cars, hookers, vacations, etc.), didn't suffer at all because of this fine. The fine was paid by the corporation = the shareholders. None of the actual perpetrators of the crime had to dig into their own pockets to pay it. As the article states, no one went to jail - even though it was a criminal complaint. And let's say a couple of the banker soldiers/fall guys got swept out (usually by forced resignation - not an actual firing that would affect their future employment prospects... that keeps them quiet)... well, they were probably working at another bank within a few weeks (though now maybe in the Caribbean, Israel, Eastern Europe or where ever).

But as long as the average American gets to see a table with three Glocks, a .22 bolt action rifle, an old AK that doesn't even work and a few packets of coke and heroin on Channel 13 News, they think their kids are safer at school and on the streets. Its a dog & pony show for the sheeple... identical to what was described and shown on The Wire. That's why that was such a truly amazing show (in addition to brilliant writing and acting): it actually exposed a truth that most people refuse to accept.

When it comes to the truly big money, the bankers, law enforcement agents, politicians and the general public either turn their heads (so they "don't see what's happening") or they just play dumb because it's too much to think about - the NFL preseason is about to start... the NCAA Final 4 is on, yadda, yadda, yadda. The (so called) War on Drugs, from Nixon to Reagan to Obama is quite simply a joke that only supports a (fake) judicial system and prison system that profits off of small fries being locked up, to the tune of $30K-$40K per inmate per year! Fuck! That's damn near Harvard Business School tuition, right there! But like a bunch of Goobers, we'll pay that. But God forbid anyone suggest that we instead use that money to rebuild the nation's infrastructure and improve our schools. No! Can't do that. What we'uns need to do is go save some more people around the world for/from democracy and eliminate the EPA and the Education Dept and not pay our debts. More soldiers. More ships. Some airplanes that will double in cost by the time the first one rolls off the assembly line! Anything else, that actually benefits the republic (res publica... Americans *especially* need to learn the true definition of that word and where it came from!), well now, that's just... that's red commie socialism right there!

Lockin' up potheads and small fries, while the whales continue to destroy our society. Yep, makes perfect sense to me.

And since I've been asked before, before some moralist asks me again, the answer is "no, I don't smoke pot or use illicit drugs of any kind." What few working brain cells I have left, I try to preserve and protect. But I support the right of all other humans to do what they please with their own bodies.