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The War on Drugs


Official Checked Star Member
georges...your view on the American ghetto is absolutely inaccurate. You think Compton is a ghetto but it's not. There are a lot of middle class families living in Compton. there are gangs for sure, but only a portion of it. They have a lot of industry there as well as film industry shops that make props and do scenic work which is very specialized and very lucrative.

And the biggest consumers of drugs in america are white people. White people import it and then sell it and buy it and use it. If it were white people being locked up at the rate brown people are this war would have ended decades ago.

The problem is that there is a demand for it, therefore as with any industry the supply will meet the demand. So spending billions of dollars a year to lose ground is pointless if you really are concerned about the people. But again, prisoners have become customers and prisons are big business so yet another aspect of the American economy has been hijacked by special interests who put profit over people.

if we spent that $30 billion on treatment it would have much greater results than prison. You put someone in prison they can get drugs easier than they can on the street. They come out with a permanent record that keeps them from any chance at a real job, and their options are shit. So they return to the life they led before, who wouldn't? But hey, look at the bright side. They can no longer vote and poor brown people overwhelmingly vote for democrats. So yet another reason to continue to lock people up and fuck up their future for smoking weed. A drug proven to be far less harmful than alcohol and not be physically addictive.
You are so wrong. Really you are. Some of the biggest brain dead people I have ever encountered are regular pot smokers.

It absolutely fries their brain. They usually are pretty mellow people but when you try and talk to them it is like talking to a brick wall. I could care less if it is legalized though.

Whatever floats your boat.


Official Checked Star Member
pot does NOT kill brain cells. that has been proven beyond doubt. and I agree. Pot heads are fucking annoying as hell but Ill take a pot head all day over a drunk. pot heads aren't starting fights and beating their women like drunks are. car accidents either because they drive 10 under the limit lol


Official Checked Star Member
if a baby swallowed a vicodin or did a shot of bourbon you better get it to the hospital. if it ate some weed it would take a long nap and be fine.

far less dangerous than any other recreational drug that exists.


Official Checked Star Member
from a study done at Vanderbilt University using rhesus monkeys:
"According to Morgan and Zimmer, in order to achieve damaging results, doses of up to 200 times the psychoactive dose in humans would have to be given. Even studies in which subjects were given 100 times the human dose failed to cause any structural impairment of the brain. Additionally, in a more recent study of rhesus monkeys by Slikker et. al, in which the monkeys were exposed to the equivalent of 4-5 joints per day through face-mask inhalation for an entire year, seven months later there was no observed change in hippocampal structure, cell size, cell number, or synaptic configuration. As a result of these studies, Morgan and Zimmer concluded that the claim that marijuana causes physiological damage to brain cells is incorrect."
You just throw shit out there because you want to believe it or will find some biased medical claim to back up your opinion.

The claim that it is less harmful than alcohol is total bullshit. it may be less harmful for you or less addictive but it is a highly addictive drug and it causes lung cancer for those that are regular users.

Here are the facts:

Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the U.S. Statistics have shown it is the number one drug of choice for teenagers.
Physical and Psychological Effects

When marijuana enters into the bloodstream, it acts on the brain and nervous system. Marijuana alters perception of reality, distorting the way the users senses work, as well as distorting the users sense of time, space, and self. Even after just one use, marijuana chemicals can be seen in the brain 3 to 6 weeks later and can be detected in a drug screening. Regular use of marijuana can cause a person to use more of the drug to achieve the same effect. At continuous high dosages, some people become dependent on it. When they stop using it, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, nervousness, and changes in temperament.
Physical Risks

Induces premature babies
Causes birth defects in unborn children whose mothers use marijuana during pregnancy; several studies also cite genetic birth defects related to the father
Increased heart rate - causing potential cardiac problems for people with heart conditions
Can cause lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, asthma
Affects immune system
Reduces resistance levels to disease and illness
Decrease in sexual pleasure

Social Risks

Psychological dependency may cause neglect of other important needs
Relationship with family, friends, employers, and employees may suffer
Interferes with ability to learn and make good decisions
Quality of school work and job performance may suffer
Mental Health and Behavior Risks

Short-term memory loss
Mood swings
Impaired reaction time
Confusion, anxiety

I know at least 20 people that I grew up with and went to school and college with that are still hooked on the shit and all of them are like talking to Tommy Chong or Jeff Spicolli.

We know how much you love the stuff. Your positions on just about every topic are advocating secularism and the counter culture.


Official Checked Star Member
How much I love the stuff? I smoke weed about 4 or 5 times a year, if that.

Give your dog a shot of whiskey. give it to an infant and see what happens. then give them weed and then tell me which was is more harmful.

70,000 people a year die from medical illness from alcohol. how many from weed? how many people have overdosed from alcohol? many. how many from weed. zero.

come on I KNEW it would be the religious republicans who couldn't admit this I said so in the last sentence of the post!
How much I love the stuff? I smoke weed about 4 or 5 times a year, if that.

Give your dog a shot of whiskey. give it to an infant and see what happens. then give them weed and then tell me which was is more harmful.

70,000 people a year die from medical illness from alcohol. how many from weed? how many people have overdosed from alcohol? many. how many from weed. zero.

come on I KNEW it would be the religious republicans who couldn't admit this I said so in the last sentence of the post!

Alcohol use results in more research because it is a legal drug. I am all for legalizing pot for personal use. That way the real "dope" pardon the pun will be made known on marijuana use and its effects is if it is legalized.


Official Checked Star Member
I said PHYSICALLY addictive not mentally. your body doesn't require it to operate normally the way it does with alcohol or heroine which by the way create the EXACT same chemical in the brain did you know that? Studies on skid row deaths back in the 30s found that there was a chemical in the brain that they thought was a result of heroine use but in those days heroine was very rare and expensive so they did further research and found that when your body processes alcohol it creates the exact same chemical compound that it creates when you use heroine. look it up. fact

Do a google search for THIQ research You'll say its bullshit because scientific fact to you is voodoo but it's for real.


Official Checked Star Member
so you wanna answer me about giving a shot of whiskey to a toddler and a dose of the same amount of weed to a toddler? which one is gonna need immediate hospital care and which is gonna need something to snack on and a nap only to wakeup just fine?

you dispute this counselor? really?
I smoked pot from the age 17 until I was 21. I smoked it about 2 times a week. I had some good buzzes that were a blast. I also had some experiences that caused paranoia and made my heart race and felt like my skull caught on fire. Sounds were amplified and it made me feel like I was going to die and yes hallucinate . Alcohol never made me feel like that. Those experiences happened after using it for a couple of years. The more I used it the worse the experiences became.

It is NOT a harmless drug.
so you wanna answer me about giving a shot of whiskey to a toddler and a dose of the same amount of weed to a toddler? which one is gonna need immediate hospital care and which is gonna need something to snack on and a nap only to wakeup just fine?

you dispute this counselor? really?

First, I wouldn't give either to a child. But I can guarantee that even if this test was performed, there is no way of knowing if the experience would not cause psychological effects on the child that the child could not articulate. Not to mention effects later on down the road. Maybe the child or the animal would not show immediate physical effects from marijuana as they would from alcohol but they would be affected. To say otherwise to advocate marijuana use is totally irresponsible .


Staff member
I have never touched nor smoked weed. Anyone who gives a shot of whiskey to a toddler and a dose of the same amount of weed to a toddler, shouldn't be allowed to be a parent.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Anyone who gives a shot of whiskey to a toddler and a dose of the same amount of weed to a toddler, shouldn't be allowed to be a parent.

Finally, something that we can both agree on.

First, I wouldn't give either to a child. But I can guarantee that even if this test was performed, there is no way of knowing if the experience would not cause psychological effects on the child that the child could not articulate. Not to mention effects later on down the road. Maybe the child or the animal would not show immediate physical effects from marijuana as they would from alcohol but they would be affected. To say otherwise to advocate marijuana use is totally irresponsible .

I have to agree with you, and unfortunately I can't give you rep for this. Classifying and grouping manifestations of substances is silly because people can be affected in any manner of ways, so there can be no constant. I can't imagine that any logically thinking person wouldn't be reticent in giving a child drugs.


Official Checked Star Member
Can you overdose on alcohol? Yes.
Can you overdose on weed? No.

can you die from alcohol withdraw? Yes.
can you die from weed withdraw? No.

You cannot honestly believe that alcohol which is the single most destructive drug that kills more people than all other drugs combined in less harmful than weed. I would bet that you are someone who drinks daily because denial can be the only reason you would take this point of view.

And you didn't answer the question. What would be more harmful to a toddler? a shot of booze or a bong hit? Take the bad parenting out of it, and tell me which one is more harmful.
Can you overdose on alcohol? Yes.
Can you overdose on weed? No.

can you die from alcohol withdraw? Yes.
can you die from weed withdraw? No.

You cannot honestly believe that alcohol which is the single most destructive drug that kills more people than all other drugs combined in less harmful than weed. I would bet that you are someone who drinks daily because denial can be the only reason you would take this point of view.

And you didn't answer the question. What would be more harmful to a toddler? a shot of booze or a bong hit? Take the bad parenting out of it, and tell me which one is more harmful.

You assume too damn much. I drink maybe twice a month and only on the weekends and never during the day. You are comparing a legal drug to an illegal drug. The legal drug has had many years of research of documented health and societal effects. Weed is being pushed as some harmless recreational drug. If you were to induce THC into the human body that equal the levels of alcohol that killed John Bonham and Steve Clark you may very well be able to overdose from it. I am not shooting from the hip here. I am not sitting back passing judgment about a substance that I have not used myself.

Like I said earlier, let's legalize the shit, then that way we can have real scientific analysis of it instead of black market accounts of its effects. There is no real comparison to be made until it is readily available to everyone the same way alcohol is and for as many years.
Can you overdose on alcohol? Yes.
Can you overdose on weed? No.

can you die from alcohol withdraw? Yes.
can you die from weed withdraw? No.

You cannot honestly believe that alcohol which is the single most destructive drug that kills more people than all other drugs combined in less harmful than weed. I would bet that you are someone who drinks daily because denial can be the only reason you would take this point of view.

And you didn't answer the question. What would be more harmful to a toddler? a shot of booze or a bong hit? Take the bad parenting out of it, and tell me which one is more harmful.

I answered the question. My answer is that it cannot be answered because a toddler cannot make it be known how they feel. This is one of the craziest arguments I have ever seen on this board. If you were to hook a heart monitor up to a child subjected to such an experiment you may find out that their heart rate is off the chain.


Was King of the Board for a Day
And you didn't answer the question. What would be more harmful to a toddler? a shot of booze or a bong hit? Take the bad parenting out of it, and tell me which one is more harmful.

That's a question that ultimately has no correct answer. Both substances alter the body's chemistry, and introducing either to a body that's not prepared to handle it could have serious consequences. Unless you want to volunteer a child and test your hypothesis, you're just speculating and there's no point in answering such an inane query.


Official Checked Star Member
dude I didn't say how they feel. I said which one will need emergency medical attention and which one won't

Oh I'm sorry, you don't like people to assume things about you??? I know how ya feel.

I can't smoke weed. I do it every once in a while as I said, a few times a year and sometimes I'm fine but most I'm paranoid and hate it. It is common with Sicilian people for some reason. We over think everything.

And again, you cannot believe that alcohol is legal because it was researched and found to be ok. it is legal because of demand back in the 1920s and 30s when the religious lunatics got the white house to make it illegal. Evangelists to be specific.

Weed is the #1 cash crop in California. More than grapes more than oranges more than anything. You don't think there have been studies?

You do realize that people have been getting medicinal weed from the government since the 1980s right? This is nothing new. There has been infinite research done on weed but once again, there is a HUGE lobby against it because of money. Can the average Joe make Bourbon or vodka or tequila? no. they need a company to make it and then the governement regulates and taxes it. But weed we can all pretty much grow ourselves cutting the companies and the government out of it.

And I challenge you to find an illegal weed dealer in LA or Washington state. they are very rare these days. Why would you risk buying it illegaly when you can go buy the best shit there is legally? it took the street dealer out of the equation. if we did that with all drugs there wouldn't be the gang dealers georges loves to cite so much. they would be replaced by taxable quality controlled state run dispensaries.

And BC with your argument you are really showing your age here.