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The Perfect World?

What would be the perfect world to you? How do you envision it?

I've read Mikhail Bakunin and all, and out of any political philosophies I guess I would agree with him the most.

So to me, in a perfect world there would be no government. I think if the government were gone, eventually we would go back to small communities and villages that would police themselves. No one would profit off of someone else's labor, or by usury. Our self-worth wouldn't be based on what Chinese consumer goods we owned. Neighbors wouldn't live in their identical boxes, 20 feet away from each other for 20 years never knowing each others name. More people would be self-sufficient. All of our water would come from a spring or a well. If there truly wasn't enough land to go around, there could be depopulation through Darwinism. But we could farm, and buy things locally that you didn't make yourself. Holidays would have their original pagan meanings, and again, it wouldn't be a celebration of consumerism.

With no government, I think things would go back to this naturally. All the problems I see could easily be solved if there were no governments, laws, or police.
It depends on what perfect means to you. The animal world is perfect. It's a perfect machine where everything is constantly evolving. In a Christian sense, it's ugly and evil. Because Christianity, and our society celebrates stupidity, weakness, meekness, and mediocrity. And new age morality is basically Christianity without the Christianity.

I'm not saying that's completely what I want. I said what I would like to see, and what I try to work towards. But to me, perfection is something that isn't out of reach. The reason most people see it like this is because society has a backwards way of thinking. Evolution is violent. For humans just like it is for animals. And people starve because there is too many of them. So if perfect for you is no violence, and ending world hunger and all that, it's out of reach because it's not natural. All of these ugly, "evil" things are natures way of correcting itself.

Also not saying you shouldn't care whether or not people in your community starve, but your community is all you should really care about. Or what benefits it.
well perfect is almost impossible,... i agree on that, but just if possible... would be a world with only peace, love,.. but also would have to be a world without money, because money make people bad.. (well that's my thought).. but indeed what is perfect,.. for one person it is a world full of beautiful women.. for the other a world of money and luxury... everyone has got different ideas about what perfect to them is...


In a prefect world, Wormwood09 would start to pontificate his usual lame BS to some unfortunate, unaware victim by drawing a deep breath; as he does, a yarlmake-wearing bee flying by would get sucked into Wormwood09's throat, and he would choke to death .
Now THAT would be a perfect world...!

(If you didn't recognize the yarlmuke wearing bee, he's the star of this joke...

A bee is flying around looking for some nectar to make his honey and cannot find any. so this other bee buzzes up and says "hey there's a bar mitzvah in that banquet hall over there and there's TONS of flowers in there you can get your nectar from!" so the bee buzzes over the bar mitzvah in search of these flowers. an hour later he comes back wearing a yarmulke. the other bee buzzes up and says "hey! why are you wearing that?" to which the bee replies, "i didn't want them thinking i was a WASP." )
Perfect world huh? Well I used to ask myself that question, or would just think about it honestly. The straightforward answer is that I wouldn't even know what perfect is let alone how to present it to others. It all comes down to who you are as a person, by that I mean a person's love for something can be someone's hate for that particular thing or idea. I for example used to go to church when I was young, and yes I would admit that it entertained me for a little I knew something was off. I started to notice that I love some evil in me; this notion that I have to answer for eveything that I did and will do to a deity who's existance is not even debetable changed my perspective entirely. I like to quote Richard Ramirez "we are all evil one way or another". Religious people hide it well, but they are just like us so don't be fooled. Listen I'm not trying to offend anyone this is just how I see things. What I will consider perfection is effort; how much effort do you put forth to see the results that you want. Be that as it may a project, work, love, charity. What can you contribute to change or make someone's life meaningful for that moment. That is all, moments in life for time changes and personalities also. That's the point we are not perfect because we vary on what we want, and when we want it. I like to think that perfection is having a family and being financialy secured, but then again only time will tell what perfection is for me.:cool:
A perfect world is where you have no greed, take what you need for your family and self and threat your fellow man with respect no matter race or sexual orientation.

Live and let live. We are not the animal kingdom.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
A perfect world is where you have no greed, take what you need for your family and self and threat your fellow man with respect no matter race or sexual orientation.

Live and let live. We are not the animal kingdom.

Unfortunately, we are part of Kingdom Animalia by default so we retain many features and traits that belong to animals whether we like it or not. Add to that the fact that we can reason and speculate and you have a recipe for the lunacy that exists in the world today.

Many centuries from now when Homo Sapiens is as ancient and extinct as Homo Erectus, I am certain that many conclusions will be reached as to how our lack of development and our retention of so many of our primordial animal instincts will depict us in a role that is a very transitional one between what we were and what we eventually will be. Truth is, we possess the intelligence to overcome the animalistic obstacles that stand in the way of our continued advancement that would rid ourselves of so many of the negative things that continue to plague us as we plod along through history. Unfortunately, we also retain too many of the animalistic characteristics that define those negative things and keep us mired in the chaos that defines human existence on earth today.
Unfortunately, we are part of Kingdom Animalia by default so we retain many features and traits that belong to animals whether we like it or not. Add to that the fact that we can reason and speculate and you have a recipe for the lunacy that exists in the world today.

Many centuries from now when Homo Sapiens is as ancient and extinct as Homo Erectus, I am certain that many conclusions will be reached as to how our lack of development and our retention of so many of our primordial animal instincts will depict us in a role that is a very transitional one between what we were and what we eventually will be. Truth is, we possess the intelligence to overcome the animalistic obstacles that stand in the way of our continued advancement that would rid ourselves of so many of the negative things that continue to plague us as we plod along through history. Unfortunately, we also retain too many of the animalistic characteristics that define those negative things and keep us mired in the chaos that defines human existence on earth today.

100% correct.

However their is God and he is testing us as the superior minded as human beings that is model in his creation.

Life is not a accident. The test is being failed by us because the masses allow the wicked to rage war for greed from the Punic Wars, England/Spain Spanish Armada blunder to the Germans common person following Hitler racial pride without knowing it includes genocide.

God is testing us to resist from good and evil. All Religon is the same and Jesus, Mohammed, Budda, Jah (Rasta) or any else are prophets of God and trying to teach us to be the superior being. It says in the Koran that Christian, Protestants and Jews are fellow believers. Evil men twist it into hate and the killings to be right on the perfect Religion and all the resources for the causes that = greed.

The only defense from not acting like animals is for the ones that know good, that 99% of us stop giving in to evil people. They are in our government in both parties.
And Jagger this song is the reason for my compassion for man kind and the reason I post out against hate here. But done, they know who they are so that thread they know they posted on can rabble on.

And when the evil perpetrate wars for greed (The 1% tricking the masses) this happens for the masses children and not theirs.

The soldiers ask this.

And civilians caught in the middle are stuck in this situations.

We have the knowledge between right and wrong from God creation of himself. Think about it and live righteousness to each other which is God's message as the superior being to do here on Earth.
Not to over state my views but one more music example.

Hate with divide an conquer prevents this in the USA.

'And sympathy is only friendship's whore, you know,"
Because we are this.

And cities in the USA are about this.

Mid 80's music and to be real Nostradamus modern day tales on what will kill us all acting like the animal kingdom unless we use our brains that God try to replicate in his vision as creator of the superior life, human beings, that are being tested to do good or not in his vision of himself. Or join Satan.

Nester rep me and said fuck religion. Straight up. Because modern day factions with hates and control wars for greed for the right version are leading to the end of us all soon.


I can accept the end of you and Nestor6, and several thousand more idiots, oozing zombies, and the unnatural humans who open the door to those who wanna kill our babies and parents. A price I'm willing to pay.
Protecting those you love is animal nature, keeping the little ones alive and fed is so animal; I prefer animal nature with human smarts (you need to go watch cartoons at this point, nothing I am discussing is understandable by you, small children, and the mentally challenged).
You are meals on wheels for the hard people in the Third World, and they will laugh as they cut off your empty head on Al Jazeera local news.
You truly seem to keep your brain as numb as possible, and babble on about the same shit remixed with different labels ; incoherent and unsupported crap from the first post in Talk to the last.

You are a racist, ignorant fool, which is a worthy goal for those of lesser IQ and short attention spans; here on FOs you have found an awesome support group.
This world reminds me a little more every day why I should kill myself.

Wickedness and evil is part of human nature. Like serial killers, gang leaders (don't get down but personally know some high rollers that can give a fuck about human life for greed] and Adolf Hitler using a State types to kill for greed and nation pride will always exist.

Letting the BS to describe the bolded part is a coop out. Read my first post and take what you need and be kind to strangers. It might rub off on them.

The only thing you can do.