Harley Spencer
Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!
You should! Releasing some good stuff over there.
Perhaps it's time to get a membership? Endless Tushy Tuesdays!
lol I don't really care what a british guy says, you can say pretty much anything and it sounds nice.
I need to get me a membership im going thru withdrawal of your sexiness
You should! Releasing some good stuff over there.
you look amazing harley.
you gave me a free membership because of how much you love me, then it lapsed
Perhaps it's time to get a membership? Endless Tushy Tuesdays!
Also in a literal sense, sod from sodomy, the same as bugger from buggery. Although very rarely have I every heard anyone mean anally penetrate when using "sod."
Sod this! Sod that! Sod him! Sod them all! Sodding hell! Where's my sodding umbrella? Oh, sod a dog! I'm also partial to "get to soddery" although that's a quote, not actual correct language.
Right, that's enough embarrassing myself for one evening. Don't want you thinking every Englishman is a confused fop like Hugh Grant in Notting Hill.
lol I don't really care what a british guy says, you can say pretty much anything and it sounds nice.