Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Other than language lessons, the God's honest only time I hear the word "superlative" it seems is on TV in sentences like "all the superlatives we could use" about how great someone/something is, which is rather lazy. "Superlative" is just the big brother to "comparative."

For example, umm, I don't know.....

Suzie Diamond is hot - adjective.
Kate Upton is hotter - comparative.
Harley Spencer is hottest - superlative.

Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Other than language lessons, the God's honest only time I hear the word "superlative" it seems is on TV in sentences like "all the superlatives we could use" about how great someone/something is, which is rather lazy.

Well, a portion of my friends are pompous, drunken dickbags, so... I guess if you want to hear it more often you should look into picking up a few of those for yourself!

For example, umm, I don't know.....

Suzie Diamond is hot - adjective.
Kate Upton is hotter - comparative.
Harley Spencer is hottest - superlative.


:1orglaugh I like your style, unfortunately... You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MrSStiffy again. :dunno:
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Hmm.. Perhaps I should invest in some more red lingerie :)

Anyone remember the thread I started a while ago for people to give me suggestions on what they'd like to see in a video? One of them was a shower suggestion and I finally shot it! A shower video will be released on my site this Thursday!

Here's some photos from this week's photo set.

I don't think I was the first to request it but I do recall suggesting that would make for a fantastic looking scene.

Love the pictures Harley :) How'd you find the shoot?

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

I disagree, it depends on what her ass is like.

You can like asses better than boobs, I mean tons of men are ass men, but it is a fact that staring at boobs for a few minutes every day improves health. Here's a short article:
Better health = longer life :)

I don't think I was the first to request it but I do recall suggesting that would make for a fantastic looking scene.

Love the pictures Harley :) How'd you find the shoot?

The shoot went well, and I think the results look nice, at least from what I've seen. I never actually sit and watch an entire video of mine, I just skim through it to make sure it looks alright. My fingers were pretty wrinkly after I was done! lol
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7579462, member: 579739"]You can like asses better than boobs, I mean tons of men are ass men, but it is a fact that staring at boobs for a few minutes every day improves health. Here's a short article:
Better health = longer life :)

I find myself wondering whether this is the most diabolical scam of all time. "But honey, I was staring at her boobs because I want to see our kids graduate! You don't want our kids to grow up without a dad, do you!?"

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7579462, member: 579739"]I never actually sit and watch an entire video of mine, I just skim through it to make sure it looks alright.

In some ways you and I are very, very different...
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7600445, member: 579739"]Here's 3 images from one my photo sets featuring one of the outfits someone sent to me :) Jeans with a belt and a white shirt, the boots were my personal touch.

you do look amazing in those.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7600445, member: 579739"]Here's 3 images from one my photo sets featuring one of the outfits someone sent to me :) Jeans with a belt and a white shirt, the boots were my personal touch.

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7600471, member: 579739"]And here's 3 images of the second outfit he sent :)

Amazing as always Harley! Lookin' Hot :D
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7600445, member: 579739"]Here's 3 images from one my photo sets featuring one of the outfits someone sent to me :) Jeans with a belt and a white shirt, the boots were my personal touch.

It's very kind of Westerny. Also, mmmm... jeans. :drool2:
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

(looks at latest pics) Bloody hellfire. :flame:

Miss Harley, you are what I like to call "painfully beautiful." As in, when I look at you, for a brief moment I feel a pang of sorrow because I know deep down that I'll never be loved/desired by a lady as beautiful as you are. Thankfully it's only a brief moment because, well, I like looking at pretty ladies and that impulse takes over.

:shy: I'm not sure that came across as quite the compliment I meant it to.... sod it. You're amazing, I'll leave it at that.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

you do look amazing in those.

Thank you :)

thank you, Harley, for all that booty!

You're most welcome Jitna! Aren't you a member of my site? Err... not anymore I guess? For some reason I keep thinking that you are.

Amazing as always Harley! Lookin' Hot :D


It's very kind of Westerny. Also, mmmm... jeans. :drool2:

Yep, all I need is a cowgirl hat!
You like jeans? I'll shoot some more in jeans sometime :)

looking pretty fine in these pics Harley :)

Thanks Dazza :)

(looks at latest pics) Bloody hellfire. :flame:

Miss Harley, you are what I like to call "painfully beautiful." As in, when I look at you, for a brief moment I feel a pang of sorrow because I know deep down that I'll never be loved/desired by a lady as beautiful as you are. Thankfully it's only a brief moment because, well, I like looking at pretty ladies and that impulse takes over.

:shy: I'm not sure that came across as quite the compliment I meant it to.... sod it. You're amazing, I'll leave it at that.

Haha it's ok, I get what you mean.
What's "sod it"? British for "screw it"?
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7603531, member: 579739"]Yep, all I need is a cowgirl hat!

You totally need that hat, 'cause as I've said before, you can absolutely rock a fuckin' hat. :D

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7603531, member: 579739"]You like jeans? I'll shoot some more in jeans sometime :)

:) Oooo... cool. And of course, who doesn't like jeans? It's one of those "simple yet sexy" things. Like tank tops. Or ponytails. Or when a woman bites her lower lip. People like those things, don't they? :confused: *reads list* Hmm... or maybe it's mostly me and I'm just really easily pleased? :dunno:

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7603531, member: 579739"]What's "sod it"? British for "screw it"?

Yup. Much like "sod off" is pretty much "screw off".


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7603531, member: 579739"]You're most welcome Jitna! Aren't you a member of my site? Err... not anymore I guess? For some reason I keep thinking that you are.

you gave me a free membership because of how much you love me, then it lapsed
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Yup. Much like "sod off" is pretty much "screw off".

Also in a literal sense, sod from sodomy, the same as bugger from buggery. Although very rarely have I every heard anyone mean anally penetrate when using "sod."

Sod this! Sod that! Sod him! Sod them all! Sodding hell! Where's my sodding umbrella? Oh, sod a dog! I'm also partial to "get to soddery" although that's a quote, not actual correct language.

Right, that's enough embarrassing myself for one evening. Don't want you thinking every Englishman is a confused fop like Hugh Grant in Notting Hill.