The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
What that article forgets to mention is that almost half the American public is made up of completely ignorant morons.

We can do it. We have the technology. THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR HICKMISSILE! Just press the button and small towns full of backassackwards conservative republicans are wiped from the earth! You too can enjoy open-minded freedom of thought and the ability to say 'Her tits are fake. Her dress is too expensive. Her face.. not so fun.' without being called a gay-assed homosexual fag! Call today! Call now! Unless you're some sorta queer!
What that article forgets to mention is that almost half the American public is made up of completely ignorant morons.

Good Lord ain't that the truth :(

It's a sad and scary thing to witness the steady demise of common sense in our culture, and this is a perfect example.

Granted those numbers are skewed by the fact the tin foil brigade is more likely to waste their time voting on something that asinine, while rational folks will just wave their hand and hit the back button. But even at that, that poll reflects a breathtaking level of ignorance, and the ability of propagandists to manipulate the ignorant.

We can do it. We have the technology. THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR HICKMISSILE! Just press the button and small towns full of backassackwards conservative republicans are wiped from the earth! You too can enjoy open-minded freedom of thought and the ability to say 'Her tits are fake. Her dress is too expensive. Her face.. not so fun.' without being called a gay-assed homosexual fag! Call today! Call now! Unless you're some sorta queer!

All the people who are scoffing that Obama hasn't changed things (however they want them changed) in a bit over a month should think back to the GWB presidency and Clinton's anti-terrorism policies (whether you thought they were great or horrible). Bush had nearly NINE full months to overturn and change everything bad about those policies, and he had a chance to ACT when he got the memo "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S." but somehow he couldn't implement the necessary changes to prevent the 9/11 attacks. And I'm guessing that some of you upset about Obama's inability to make everything right voted for GWB twice. It's so much nonsense...
All the people who are scoffing that Obama hasn't changed things (however they want them changed) in a bit over a month should think back to the GWB presidency and Clinton's anti-terrorism policies (whether you thought they were great or horrible). Bush had nearly NINE full months to overturn and change everything bad about those policies, and he had a chance to ACT when he got the memo "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S." but somehow he couldn't implement the necessary changes to prevent the 9/11 attacks. And I'm guessing that some of you upset about Obama's inability to make everything right voted for GWB twice. It's so much nonsense...

So your saying when people talk about "how Bush kept us save from terrorism" they are conviently ignoring the fact he had been president for over 9 months before 9/11 and had ignored things like threats made to airplanes by Bin Laden? I have to agree with you there, if he is going to try to claim he is responsible for no attacks after 9/11 he must also then be willing to assume some responsibility for 9/11 as it did happen under his watch.Along with things like a very weakend economy,worst attack on american soil in history (9/11) etc Bush and hs legacy are fairly well set.WORST EVER PRESIDENT!!:1orglaugh
So your saying when people talk about "how Bush kept us save from terrorism" they are conviently ignoring the fact he had been president for over 9 months before 9/11 and had ignored things like threats made to airplanes by Bin Laden? I have to agree with you there, if he is going to try to claim he is responsible for no attacks after 9/11 he must also then be willing to assume some responsibility for 9/11 as it did happen under his watch.Along with things like a very weakend economy,worst attack on american soil in history (9/11) etc Bush and hs legacy are fairly well set.WORST EVER PRESIDENT!!:1orglaugh

The worst president ever was bill clinton a fucking liar under oath and the biggest UN ass kissing president. During Clinton's presidency, there has been three attacks, the first WTC attack in 1993, the bombing of the American embassy in Nairobi in 1997 and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, Clinton did nothing that to stop Osama and his crew when he had the possibility to do it. Obama has taken elements of the former Clinton administration in his administration in order to make things more credible but fact that Obama is not credible and that the Clinton bitch as well as Emmanuel Rahm are both fucking shitbags and coward exit strategy appraisers when it comes to solve safety or foreign affair matters. You must be beyond naive to believe in Obama, when you will see perhaps how full of failure was Obama as president. I am pretty sure that he will not finish his first term. The so called change isn't change, it is just a come back or a copy paste implementation of the Clinton former strategies and policies.
The worst president ever was bill clinton a fucking liar under oath and the biggest UN ass kissing president. During Clinton's presidency, there has been three attacks, the first WTC attack in 1993, the bombing of the American embassy in Nairobi in 1997 and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, Clinton did nothing that to stop Osama and his crew when he had the possibility to do it. Obama has taken elements of the former Clinton administration in his administration in order to make things more credible but fact that Obama is not credible and that the Clinton bitch as well as Emmanuel Rahm are both fucking shitbags and coward exit strategy appraisers when it comes to solve safety or foreign affair matters. You must be beyond naive to believe in Obama, when you will see perhaps how full of failure was Obama as president. I am pretty sure that he will not finish his first term. The so called change isn't change, it is just a come back or a copy paste implementation of the Clinton former strategies and policies.

^^ Last time I checked Clinton didn't ever have a 9/11 happen like under W. And wtf are you talking about Clinton being the worse president? I sure as hell know that our economy was 10x better than under bush and by the end of Clinton's term we actually had a surplus compared to a deficit.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The worst president ever was bill clinton a fucking liar under oath and the biggest UN ass kissing president. During Clinton's presidency, there has been three attacks, the first WTC attack in 1993, the bombing of the American embassy in Nairobi in 1997 and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, Clinton did nothing that to stop Osama and his crew when he had the possibility to do it. Obama has taken elements of the former Clinton administration in his administration in order to make things more credible but fact that Obama is not credible and that the Clinton bitch as well as Emmanuel Rahm are both fucking shitbags and coward exit strategy appraisers when it comes to solve safety or foreign affair matters. You must be beyond naive to believe in Obama, when you will see perhaps how full of failure was Obama as president. I am pretty sure that he will not finish his first term. The so called change isn't change, it is just a come back or a copy paste implementation of the Clinton former strategies and policies.

You seem to be forgetting that Bill Clinton was one of the most productive Presidents, especially during our lifetime. How is he even close to the worst President ever?

It is about the fact that you were elected by the ghetto crowd and gangsta trash scum .

I'm going to take said comment as a joke.....


We can do it. We have the technology. THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR HICKMISSILE! Just press the button and small towns full of backassackwards conservative republicans are wiped from the earth! You too can enjoy open-minded freedom of thought and the ability to say 'Her tits are fake. Her dress is too expensive. Her face.. not so fun.' without being called a gay-assed homosexual fag! Call today! Call now! Unless you're some sorta queer!

And don't forget to wipe out the really ignorant city dweller Democrats with the "Innercity Dumbass Missle"...

The face of the Democratic Party...

(as long as we're playing the stereotyping game...there must be more of them 'cause he won!)
We can do it. We have the technology. THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR HICKMISSILE! Just press the button and small towns full of backassackwards conservative republicans are wiped from the earth! You too can enjoy open-minded freedom of thought and the ability to say 'Her tits are fake. Her dress is too expensive. Her face.. not so fun.' without being called a gay-assed homosexual fag! Call today! Call now! Unless you're some sorta queer!

LOL!!! Thats great!


I'm quite cofident that obama could dispatch his henchmen to castrate some of you guys and you'd still adore him. :rolleyes: :updown:
I'm quite cofident that obama could dispatch his henchmen to castrate some of you guys and you'd still adore him. :rolleyes: :updown:

Good, keep thinking that. While Obama is working his ass off to get this country back on the right track becuz of the destruction Bush did. :eek:

Maybe people don't adore him but the american people must have hope in somebody to rescue this country before it goes downhill and I don't see Nancy Pilosi being the one adored. :tongue:


A Turning Tide?
by Howard Fineman
Newsweek Web Exclusive
Mar 10, 2009

Obama still has the approval of the people, but the establishment
is beginning to mumble that the president may not have what it takes.
. . <--*EDIT* Shhhh ! Be vewy vewy quiet !

Surfer that he is, President Obama should know a riptide when he's in one. The center usually is the safest, most productive place in politics, but perhaps not now, not in a once-in-a-century economic crisis.

Swimming in the middle, he's denounced as a socialist by conservatives, criticized as a polite accommodationist by government-is-the-answer liberals, and increasingly, dismissed as being in over his head by technocrats.

Luckily for Obama, the public still likes and trusts him, at least judging by the latest polls, including NEWSWEEK's. But, in ways both large and small, what's left of the American establishment is taking his measure and, with surprising swiftness, they are finding him lacking.

They have some reasons to be concerned. I trace them to a central trait of the president's character: he's not really an in-your-face guy. By recent standards—and that includes Bill Clinton as well as George Bush—Obama for the most part is seeking to govern from the left, looking to solidify and rely on his own party more than woo Republicans. And yet he is by temperament judicious, even judicial. He'd have made a fine judge. But we don't need a judge. We need a blunt-spoken coach.

Obama may be mistaking motion for progress, calling signals for a game plan. A busy, industrious overachiever, he likes to check off boxes on a long to-do list. A genial, amenable guy, he likes to appeal to every constituency, or at least not write off any. A beau ideal of Harvard Law, he can't wait to tackle extra-credit answers on the exam.
full article