The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

I'm sick of Republicans. They ruined the country through policies of warmongering and bending over for Corporations.

Obama atleast has the guts to try to make our country "grow up" at some point. We, as a nation, have matched GDP with Debt in a 1:1 ratio. 13tril to 13tril. This same debt to GDP ratio has never occurred except in 1929.

Thank you Republicans. Nice job.

And do you think the Democrats are going to do better?? LOL, they have already spent 1.7 TRILLION dollars in 2 months! The deficit for this year ALONE is going to be over $2 TRILLION.

The truth is that BOTH parties are to blame, because they are BOTH all about the Federal government getting bigger these days and spending pork to pay back contributors. The "Conservatives" tend to be a little better at this, but they really screwed the pooch the last 8 years as well. But this batch of Dems led by Pelosi scare the hell out of me right now... they are like a 16 year old girl in a mall with a credit card. Of course a lot of people will see it as "good" because they will benefit from this money, but there is no FEE LUNCH, and China now has us by the balls because of Washington's inability to not spend more than it takes in.

The real problem is systemic and involves the two party system itself and the loss of self control by both American parties. The money/power is being gobbled up at an alarming rate over the last 30 years by the Federal government, and with it our very freedom. They now control so many facets of our life by taking our money and making us beg for it back that our government is now far more tyrannical than the one the Founding Fathers fought and died to save us from in England. We are rapidly becoming slaves to the powers in DC. At this pace, I'm very worried that this nation is ripe to implode very soon, all due to bad decisions the Feds have made (exploding debt, NAFTA, lack of law real national security, you name it...).

I tell ya guys and gals, I'm ready to buy some land in the country, because I have a bad feeling we are on a precipice, and our "leaders" are leading us right over the edge....
Fantasy: I hope somehow this whole trillion dollar leap of faith works.
Reality: I know it won't.
Self-loathing: I hate the fact that I work and own a house and pay my bills on time and don't hold any debt... If I wasn't so responsible I would be hitting the federal lottery.
Optimism: It can't get any worse.
Pessimist: It can't get any worse... today.
Sympathetic: I hate hearing about people getting laid off.
Pathetic: sorry... I got nothing. Still have a job, a house, and money
Wishful: I hope I win the MegaMillions... so I can bail out my entire town.
Hateful: I'd have every local politician hung for putting me in a position where I would have the bail out the town with my own money.
Barack Obama is a fag and a dreamer. I mean the guy in White House, not the board member.


Barack Obama is a fag and a dreamer. I mean the guy in White House, not the board member.

That's uncalled for, and you are way over any decent line of conduct.
Using a derogatory term insulting gays...way uncool. Insulting the President is double uncool, as you have nothing to back up such a rude claim.
I have a problem or 2 with the Prez, but nothing to justify passing on such a base insult.
Being a dreamer is not a crime or a bad trait, unless you are dreaming when you should be taking care of (millions of American's) business.
I will jump his shit when and if I see a good reason to, but at this time I am busy being pissed at your lack of class and tact.
^^ Yea, this case has just as much of a chance as the case that Obama wasn't born in America. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Fag is for tropology. Nothing related to general usage of the word.
Being a dreamer is not a crime. But when you have the power to make your dreams that seem right for you but are harmful to general, real, that change the situation. I prefer Martin Luther King's ultimate dream over Obama's dreams.

I'm not a die hard Dow supporter but his economic policies vaporised funds that totals billions. He came as a so called "socialist".

Philbert, socialism is not compatible to American nation. If he really believes a common system, he promotes opening factories of big corporations within US borders. Increasing taxes of wealthy people doesn't solve anything. Those wealthy people helped him for White House with their funds. Even, this can drive him to a big trouble.

If he's really brave ambitious, he didn't choose H. Clinton as his secretary who "begs" China! World's only superpower begs a fat country (in terms of population and size of country) for help. Re-locate your factories to US borders and see a boom in your economy.

Your future lies in Turkland (Turkey). If you downgrade your economic level to Turkey's level, Turkey gets lowered to poor Asian regions' level. No USA, no World!

I might be harsh in your standards and i am sorry if i also offended you.

Where is the mighty USA? Where is the change? I do not see any signals even tough i observe everything with an objective point of view.
What's with this thread?

Are you taking people for idiots? How do you dare to pretend not to know what is thread all about? It is about the fact that you were elected by the ghetto crowd and gangsta trash scum and promise to fulfill their most insane dreams as well as to kiss the UN's ass.You just made a copy paste administration of what was the Clinton administration. You will fail in any way and honest hard working people dislike unamerican socialist thinking leaders. Don't tell me about Rahm, Perlosi and the Clinton bitch, they are the typical leftist symbol of mediocrity. At last but not least, I am not sure you will last long as President. Your so called change isn't change but just a lot of bullshit.


Fag is for tropology. Nothing related to general usage of the word.
Being a dreamer is not a crime. But when you have the power to make your dreams that seem right for you but are harmful to general, real, that change the situation. I prefer Martin Luther King's ultimate dream over Obama's dreams.

I'm not a die hard Dow supporter but his economic policies vaporised funds that totals billions. He came as a so called "socialist".

Philbert, socialism is not compatible to American nation. If he really believes a common system, he promotes opening factories of big corporations within US borders. Increasing taxes of wealthy people doesn't solve anything. Those wealthy people helped him for White House with their funds. Even, this can drive him to a big trouble.

If he's really brave ambitious, he didn't choose H. Clinton as his secretary who "begs" China! World's only superpower begs a fat country (in terms of population and size of country) for help. Re-locate your factories to US borders and see a boom in your economy.

Your future lies in Turkland (Turkey). If you downgrade your economic level to Turkey's level, Turkey gets lowered to poor Asian regions' level. No USA, no World!

I might be harsh in your standards and i am sorry if i also offended you.

Where is the mighty USA? Where is the change? I do not see any signals even tough i observe everything with an objective point of view.

After a few more months, we'll see what harm or good his seemingly harmful policies will have brought.
There is no track record for the Prez, and much as that was pointed out, people voted for him. So, we are riding his tiger, and the tail is loaded with us all.
It sucks to be aware of impending doom, but there is no other acceptable path but to wait and see.
The millions wiped out by the stock deflation has affected my family directly...and my industry as well. I was doing well and now I am bringing in $300 plus a week less than before. Big money can't sit in the back yard buried, it has to be invested...and many millions were lost to the tune of 60, 80, and 100 % of investment value.
But...that wasn't his doing; he didn't do anything to stop the situation, but he didn't bring it about alone either.
Time alone will bring the answers, and retribution will be a harsh lesson for the politicos who ignored all the relevant history and went with every Democratic wish list change of the system, all at once, without any financial wherewithal to secure the future if things don't right themselves.
I myself will be an implacable opponent of the Democratic Party, with a bit left over for any Republican adherent who lets things go south without a bitter fight, if I have to suffer years of worry and stress over paying rent, or eating...whichever I can afford to do each month. Things look grim right now.


Then why did Obama's Grandmother say he was actually born in Kenya? Are you related to him? Something is fishy.

I don't have a crystal ball that works that well, so just take this for what it's worth...I don't know that he is a legal citizen, but beating a dead horse doesn't seem likely to get you to the finish line of this high-stakes race.
Whether he's gay or not, I don't care at this point.
If you waste your time here making foolish sounding, unprovable and irrelevant charges you will lose any credibility you still have.
There are more immediate concerns to worry about, and those things are gonna take most of my time, thinking about what to do next, and avoiding the unpleasant fate that seems to be waiting around the corner...months and months of recession with no end predictable.
I hate being poor, been there and done that.
Are you taking people for idiots? How do you dare to pretend not to know what is thread all about? It is about the fact that you were elected by the ghetto crowd and gangsta trash scum and promise to fulfill their most insane dreams as well as to kiss the UN's ass.You just made a copy paste administration of what was the Clinton administration. You will fail in any way and honest hard working people dislike unamerican socialist thinking leaders. Don't tell me about Rahm, Perlosi and the Clinton bitch, they are the typical leftist symbol of mediocrity. At last but not least, I am not sure you will last long as President. Your so called change isn't change but just a lot of bullshit.

Yes, the "ghetto crowd and gangstas" are who really decide of what goes down in this country! LOL
I'm still not convinced he's a citizen.

I too I am not really convinced that he is a legal American citizen.

In that case you two either

1) aren't paying attention
2) are way way too dependent on sensationalist blogs for your "news"
3) believe just about every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike so long as it suits your general mindset
4) hate obama so much you're willing to believe anything, no matter how irrational, nor how foolish that belief makes you look, so long as it appears to justify that hate.
5) some combination of the above

Obama is a gay man

This one qualifies under all of the above points :1orglaugh
I'm still not convinced he's a citizen.
I too I am not really convinced that he is a legal American citizen.
I don't know that he is a legal citizen, but beating a dead horse doesn't seem likely to get you to the finish line of this high-stakes race.
I don't know why this even comes up. The man is now President. If there was a qualification issue, one such as this that is in the Constitution itself, then it would have been addressed prior to the election. The fact that it has not means it's extremely unlikely.

If it ends up being true, the people who prove such will not be the ones talking about it. They will be the ones who get solid evidence before even suggesting they have such. So in that case as well, no reason to even mention it.

Whether he's gay or not, I don't care at this point.
That shouldn't matter at all ... ever.

I hate being poor, been there and done that.
Define "poor"?

E.g., right now the US is filled with people redefining "poor" as anyone who doesn't have a health insurance plan of "unlimited maximum benefit," one that covers things that the overwhelming majority of nations don't even cover (including the ones held up as a socialist example that the US should adopt), much less the ones that don't have the doctors/facilities for in the first place.

I don't know what to define "poor" as, but I will tell you at what level I would "hate" it.

I would define "hate being poor" as not having either food or shelter. I've always had food although I spent half of my childhood living with rather limited and poor food, but I always had shelter. My wife, on the other hand, has gone without both before.

My wife and I have always done without material goods at all. We still live (i.e., how much we spend, total, per year) at a cost-of-living considered below the poverty line for a couple with no kids. We we finally started making more money in the 21st century, unlike other people, we just shifted it to paying off our house, school loans and saving. We now save far more per year than what we spend total.

My wife and I can both make minimum wage and still support our lifestyle. Sure, some things like our standard healthcare from our employer might not be as good -- although I've also paid over $10K/year, post-tax to ensure we've had a no limit PPO plan from someone other than my employer before. So I always question people when they start talking about the "poor," as most don't define it.

To me, it is possible for two adults to live well on $30K/year, including cable, high speed Internet, etc... I not only live that now, but I plan on living on the same when I retire. Figuring in inflation, I figure I need $100K/year to match what $30K is today in some 25+ years. So at a 4% annual rate of return, I need to invest $2.5M to retire just so I can live on that. Let me say that again, $2.5M wealth to retire so I can live in 25+ years like I do today at $30K/year.

And how much do I need to save per year to reach that? Well, I'm not doing so good there. I only saved $40K/year (some $60K, some only $20K) the last 5 years, and only about $10K/year (some $20K, some nothing) the 7 years before that. Add another 25 years of saving $40K/year, assuming no bumps, and I'm only going to be half-way there on principal alone, so I need to get a decent return. I'm hoping the market comes back up on future investments, because I've lost anything I've made on everything invested over the last 5.

So, again, can people define "poor" for me?