The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

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That's all very well and good, if we were talking just about sexual violence. However, I have seen many people criticize poo-poo and

I must say I, for one, have never criticized poo-poo :D... wait what was this thread about again?

Oh yea, ooo ooo ooo I wanna play too...


1) jack123 - Interesting post. Are you sure you dislike the majority of members on Freeones? They can't all be that bad. Most of 'em are pretty cool. I even like a lot of the ones that give me a hard time. Maybe you should try to relax more. Their opinions are just that - opinions.

2) I haven't looked at the websites you mentioned or how sketchy they may be (or not), but personally I haven't seen anyone on the site moralize much about bondage, spitting, gagging, golden showers, etc.. In fact quite a few Freeones babes do this stuff and even a few OCSM. And if you believe this survey What Will Porn Stars Do (And Not Do)? pornstars are as likely to do bondage as give a handjob - go figure.

What was more surprising to me was that, from what I have seen, on Freeones you are far more likely to be berated on your opinions about the merits of Constitutional Republic over Direct Democracy or on how the fact that you don't want to eat another guy's creampie doesn't mean you're homophobic.
But again - don't worry about it - it's just opinions.
Or better yet, fodder for lively discussion beyond what you would expect from a porn board.

I agree with you. I wouldn't want to see all porn be caring gentle boring missionary. But that doesn't mean I want to see children, blood, or scat either. (oh I guess I am criticizing poo poo) People should cut you a little slack and realize that normal porn bondage/spitting is adult consensual theater. If it's not, then who wants that? The fact is, not all porn is misogynistic and at the same time not all porn is acceptable. There is a gray area in which people's personal preferences differ, but that does not mean that everything is gray.

3) I think what may have concerned some of the other members was what they perceived as your "above average" zest for abusive porn as well as other subtle indications such as calling a pornstar member a whore or your obvious concern over whether or not other people idolized or admired female pornstars (why do you feel the need to stop them from doing that?) They seemed concerned that those may be indications of some deep seeded anger toward women (esp. pornstars) - so maybe that's not so good. If they are wrong about this - then I feel better.

I don't see anything wrong with members being nice to the OCSMs or even treating them as idols if that's what they want to do. It's certainly no worse than fawning after Angelina Jolie or the Beatles for an autograph.

I hope that you eventually end up only being annoyed by the minority of Freeones members and continue to take part. It's a good board. I don't think they're all out to get you - you "ambominable pervert". ;)
and if they are, so what, we can always still torture small animals dressed as pornstars instead. right? ;)
Ceska, I do not appreciate that you have tried to ridicule me by taking my paragraph and doctoring it by removing the comma, just so that it makes sense for your feeble attempt at a joke.

It would only be funny (slightly) and a valid joke if I had made the mistake originally and you picked up on it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Freeones members and continue to take part. It's a good board. I don't think they're all out to get you - you "ambominable pervert". ;)
and if they are, so what, we can always still torture small animals dressed as pornstars instead. right? ;)

Animals are already naked. Doy. ;)

I read Silence Of The Lambs... does that make me Jeffery Dahmer?

Depends on if you MASTURBATE while reading it. Doy. ;)
I would never openly attack another member for having a particular fetish. I just think that some things, such as the degradation seen in Max Hardcore films, is beyond the realm of what can be considered psychologically "healthy".

Max Hardcore films show men inflicting pain and humiliation on women. The movies have scenes that include urinating, vomiting and defecating. Adult actresses in the films are often made up to look like young girls.

It's just a tad creepy that there are so many people, like Jack123, who enjoy watching men inflict pain and humiliation on young women (made up to look underage). I wonder if this says something about our society as a whole? Because it certainly says something about the people who get off on what basically amounts to predatory, misogynistic sodomization and male indifference to female discomfort.
Ceska, I do not appreciate that you have tried to ridicule me by taking my paragraph and doctoring it by removing the comma, just so that it makes sense for your feeble attempt at a joke.

It would only be funny (slightly) and a valid joke if I had made the mistake originally and you picked up on it.

I apologize unreservedly for my careless and insensitive "doctoring" of your of your masterpiece. In having removed said comma I have utterly altered it's intended meaning and brought shame upon you and your entire household, nay all of humanity. I now plummet into a shame spiral.

The entire post was clearly solely an attempt to ridicule you. I have made a mockery of all that you stand for. What will people think? Rumors may spread that hothannah is lax in punctuation. How could I? You must feel so used. I will try to one day forgive myself.

Some would say that you are being overly sensitive but we know better. There is nothing that I can do to undo the damage I have done. All I can do is try to live with it - to simply go on. I am truly truly sorry.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I would never openly attack another member for having a particular fetish. I just think that some things, such as the degradation seen in Max Hardcore films, is beyond the realm of what can be considered psychologically "healthy".

Max Hardcore films show men inflicting pain and humiliation on women. The movies have scenes that include urinating, vomiting and defecating. Adult actresses in the films are often made up to look like young girls.

It's just a tad creepy that there are so many people, like Jack123, who enjoy watching men inflict pain and humiliation on young women (made up to look underage). I wonder if this says something about our society as a whole? Because it certainly says something about the people who get off on what basically amounts to predatory, misogynistic sodomization and male indifference to female discomfort.

My guess? Backlash to the constant berating of the male gender while we have to sit there and take it. Meanwhile women complain about a pay difference but pay less for any insurance: Health, car, life, etc.

Women often get no-cover-charge and half-priced drinks at bars. Women can be hired simply for their looks instead of their resume`.

Equality? You want equality? Okay... you go dyke it up for a year and see what kind of drama we have to deal with, and see how fun it is to run damage-control every time a femme throws a hissy fit over some petty bullshit.

Still, with all that said.. I might hate the double standards between the genders but I really *dont* like watching them get abused like that. There's a difference between being bitter, and being sadistic.
First of all, I would like to apologize for indicating that jack123 was interested in women being raped. Though it might be true, and probably not too far of a stretch, I don't know where I got it from as it was not said by him in this thread.

However, I hold that those who enjoy watching women be abused have a problem. Do you think that just because a woman is a "whore" and is paid and consenting, then she deserves to be treated like that? Possibly so in a way. But that doesn't explain why you and others like to see it happen. Where do these cruel desires come from? Do you think that all "whores" should be punished for their lifestyle?

This caught my interest:
I can see where u are coming from with a possible sexual problem. However i dont see that this is true of me as my enjoyment of this sort of porn has no impact on my life whatsoever. I have a girlfriend and would never treat her like a whore- she isnt one.

I was just curious if your girlfriend knows you like to look at the type of porn you do. If so, what does she think of it? If not, then why are you holding out on her?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I was just curious if your girlfriend knows you like to look at the type of porn you do. If so, what does she think of it? If not, then why are you holding out on her?

Ask him if he's religious. G'head. I think there's something we're missing in this case. Follow the evidence, we know the culprit is out there.. hiding amongst the scapegoats. "Baaahhh."


Postal Paranoiac
Now don't get me wrong, i love freeones, its just the majority of the members that get on my fucking nerves. The twisted nature of your so called morality is bewildering to say the least. Why is it that whenever a member posts a thread looking for a niche that is somewhat off centre, such as throat fucking or terror of terrors, he who must not be named- max hardcore, then they get shot down as an ambominable pervert, who should ne taken to the nearest wall and shot against it? Its the double standards that i cannot stand. Its ok for you to watch videos of women being cummed on, fucked in the ass etc but thats ok because its 'mainstream'.
I admit that i love watchin a whore (thats what they are folks) get face fucked, degraded, spat on n generally abused. They have agreed to this, signed on the dotted line, recieved a cheque for their services and go home reletively happy at the end of it. This is porn in the 21st century. The sluts we all jack off to make more money than most, agree to do these things, and occasionally enjoy it, yet the majority of people on this site still want to hold them up as idols. To put it simply- Fuck That.

I await the angry mob with baited breath.....

Your point escapes me. :confused:
First of all, I would like to apologize for indicating that jack123 was interested in women being raped. Though it might be true, and probably not too far of a stretch, I don't know where I got it from as it was not said by him in this thread.

However, I hold that those who enjoy watching women be abused have a problem. Do you think that just because a woman is a "whore" and is paid and consenting, then she deserves to be treated like that? Possibly so in a way. But that doesn't explain why you and others like to see it happen. Where do these cruel desires come from? Do you think that all "whores" should be punished for their lifestyle?

This caught my interest:

I was just curious if your girlfriend knows you like to look at the type of porn you do. If so, what does she think of it? If not, then why are you holding out on her?

If they are paid and consenting they have chosen to be treated in such a way- whether she deserves it or not dowsnt really matter. I have so say that i dont believe that any desires i may have are cruel either.

To answer your question, my girlfriend does know the type of porn i look at and has no problem with it. She sometimes watches it with me and does get off on it. She says that she likes watching it but wouldnt want to try it, and i respect that.
To bunker; in the context I am using them, whore and prostitute mean the same thing.
How others use it is there concern.
I think where the original poster went off the tracks was by claiming that all porn is degrading to women. He's demonstrated this by saying that all women who appear in porn are "whores" and all porn is misogynistic. It's just not. Even if the women who appear naked on camera are technically "whores," by whatever definition you want to use, not all guys who like watching naked women on camera are visualizing these women as "whores," and might just be getting off on how attractive the women are instead of getting off on whatever misogynistic undertones there may or may not be.

His other point, I think, was a stronger and more limited claim, and it was that a great many of the acts depicted in mainstream porn (facial cumshots, anal) are degrading, or at least contain a hint of degradation in them, and therefore genuinely degrading stuff like Max Hardcore shouldn't be poo-pooed by comparison. We're hypocrites for liking facials but condemning Max Hardcore because in the end it's all still about degradation.

I've struggled with this point myself, questioning why I get turned on by seeing a woman with cum on her face or being spanked. I've settled on the conclusion that just about all sex contains some sort of power dynamic, and that it's better if we all just get over it as long as that power dynamic doesn't become abusive. My GF is a modern liberated woman who just so happens to like being held down in bed. But that power dynamic stays in the bedroom, and it's all completely consensual.

Similarly, I think most here would agree with me that there's nothing wrong with kinky stuff in porn as long as it's consensual. The problem for most of us with Max Hardcore and stuff like it isn't that it's kinky, it's that it looks nonconsensual, and the horror stories you read about models who have done Max Hardcore backs up that suspicion. By comparison, there are websites like Kink, where they pretty much torture the models for all intents and purposes, but are very explicit through the use of pre and post interviews that it's all consensual, and that the models are genuinely enjoying themselves. Kink has even posted shoots where the model isn't enjoying it anymore, calls it off, and everything stops. Stuff like that helps to keep it clear with the audience that the kinky stuff is just an act and that the model is in control. With Max Hardcore the model doesn't appear to be in control.
I dunno what to think about this whole thread but I will give my two cents as usual. People who abuse of women are themselves weak and have serious self confidence and anger management issues. Also they have no respect for themselves because they are scared to face their own fears by inflicting cruelty and suffering to other people. There is also the matter of mutual consenting which is not always existing where you have to agree with your partner of want is tolerated and not tolerated. Max Hardcore has been always a sicko and full of shit, everyone knows it.
OK I'll come out and say it because it has been mentioned previously on this thread but not many people have commented on it.

If you get turned of by shit your a freak, none of this different strokes for different blokes bullshit, you like shit your a weirdo.
OP, start your own fucking message board if we're such assholes.
I'm gonna go and jack off on my "whore" wife's face now, any dudes wanna join?
I think where the original poster went off the tracks was by claiming that all porn is degrading to women.
All porn is degrading to women and to men (to varying extents). But women posing naked is not porn. Having sex is.

His other point... was that a great many of the acts depicted in mainstream porn (facial cumshots, anal) are degrading, or at least contain a hint of degradation in them.
That is true. Facial cumshots ARE degrading, period. They aren't about sex. They are about using women as toys, desireable objects to be controlled and used at will. I find facial cumshots a turn off. And I have much less respect for a woman that would regularly partake in them (and even less for men that do).
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