They all have psychological problems when they are suddenly discovered on the web, but they sign contracts that they don't read very carefully and get into trouble later. If you don't want to be a porn star, don't go to the Czechcasting Agency at Siroka 65/14 11000Josefov in Prague. And don't make movies in the Petrovice villa with Ales, because Ales is a bully and a fraudster who doesn't keep his contracts. He should not disclose the places of residence, profession and jobs of these girls and many other "confidential" data Then they could not be easily identified. And I promise them complete anonymity. And then it shoots for shooting.Sylva 2789 219
Martina 7625 248
Lucie 7792 460
Katerina 2266 902
Kristyna 1345 926
Nikola 2263 933
Marcela 2108 1187
Petra 2136 1215
Drahomira 2090 1307
Nikola 1684 1725
and you missing
Linda 3437 161
Jana 7633 301
Gabriela 4280 524
Simona 1548 1051
Alena 8605 1327
Anna 166 1811
Ivana 9456 1812
Katerina 5191 1870
Terka 8964 1941
You can't be a porn actress and a "decent" girl for your loved ones at the same time. In a situation of widely available Internet access and when 35% of men and 25% of women watch porn statistically. Sooner or later they recognize their girlfriend, neighbor or family member. Most parents have no idea what their "good" daughters are getting into, and when they find out about their porn "career" and even worse have the opportunity to see one of their films with their own eyes, they may actually get shocked. And Ales derives some perverse joy from these activities. He is lucky that Czechs are mostly men without balls. In my country, someone would have cut him down long ago. Not for spinning, but for cheating and fucking other people's girlfriends.