Will E Worm

Save me from HELLRAISER. :rolleyes: :tongue:
your existence is in violation of the rule that human life should be intelligent.

Best Post here

This Thread is Hilarious. The Porn Forum Member who likes shemales is sticking up for religion :1orglaugh. You think you have seen it all and then another idiot comes along
You can't be a real christian and like shemales, can you, Will E Worm? :2 cents: :rofl::rofl:
Dogbone just doesn't get it and he's not even on here enough to say what he said.

I say he's a flamer. :ban: :tongue:

:1orglaugh Then why does everyone call you a troll?.

You're right habo9 he is funny, a funny troll.

Will E Worm

You can't be a real christian and like shemales, can you, Will E Worm? :2 cents: :rofl::rofl:

:1orglaugh Then why does everyone call you a troll?.

You're right habo9 he is funny, a funny troll.

What is a Personal Attack?
Attacks against a member's sexual orientation, preference or interests.
Accusations about personal behavior that lack evidence.
Definition of Harassment
Persistant personal attacks.

What is considered Flaming?
Taunting and baiting: posts or comments with the intent to inflame a member or group of members.


I watched Legion last night which prompted me to look up another bit of "mythology" I am interested in......Nephilims which by the way is actually in the "Bible" woah!


Yes yes you can challenge wikipedia but I am pretty sure its the same anywhere else just in deeper mind boggling detail.


Genesis Chapter 6, verses 1 through 4 mentions Nephilim:

"Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown"

The etymology of the Hebrew word נְפִילִים (nephilim) means "fallen ones."[1][2][3]

Abraham ibn Ezra proposes that they were called fallen ones because men's hearts would fail at the sight of them. Some suggest that they were giants and when they fell, the ground shook, causing others to fall too.[citation needed] Jean Leclerc and Peter of Aquila among others suggest that it is derived from the warlike nature of the Nephilim, comparing the usage of Naphal in Job 1:15 "And the Sabeans fell upon them" where Naphal means "to take in battle". Alternatively, Shadal understands nephilim as deriving from the Hebrew word פלא Pele which means wondrous.[4] Another possibility is that the term is a generic term for "giants" in general,[5] which is consistent with the Septuagint and Vulgate translations of the word. Some expositors believe it may refer more to the ferocity and strength of the people who are referred to, rather than their physical height,[6][7] though in the Book of Numbers intentional stress on height is apparent, whether metaphorical or actual (see below on Anakim).

Now if that isnt some human made up shit I dunno what is.....The very ideals in it of the strong, big guys and fornication lmao.....Wtf would higher beings want with fornicating with our women? And their ideas of power would be the same as ours? Damn we got guns now too and technology.

At this stage I may as well refer to JRR Tolkiens masterpiece as my bible.
What is a Personal Attack?
Attacks against a member's sexual orientation, preference or interests.
Accusations about personal behavior that lack evidence.
Definition of Harassment
Persistant personal attacks.

What is considered Flaming?
Taunting and baiting: posts or comments with the intent to inflame a member or group of members.

Lack Evidence huh?


(Hilarious God Reference here)

Personal Preference??? I guess on the 6th day god created a grotesque looking chick with a tiny dick and big fake tits for will to jerk off to hidden behind his computer right?
You know I have no problem with normal Religious people or normal Atheist that keep to their beliefs and respect other but people like you are a fucking disease that are so ass backward they cant even follow "the path" in their own life let alone have the right to tell another how to live theirs. But does that stop you from opening your mouth. Hell no why do that when you can look like a fool

Coming back to a thread over and over to push an issue where your opinion was already stated and then threatening members that you are going to report them for disagreeing with you. That could be a good start for flaming. No matter what happens you have seal your fate in being the biggest hypocritical jackass on this forum. Congrats :party:


Ach feck you guys are gonna go all QQ and just plain kill any interesting discussions.....If you dont have rebuttle just kindly duck out....I'd say ahh shit guys some new photos out of taylor I gotta bail!!!!!

Will E Worm

I watched Legion last night which prompted me to look up another bit of "mythology" I am interested in......Nephilims which by the way is actually in the "Bible" woah!


I know what the Bible says about fallen angels and giants and so on.

The Bible doesn't talk about aliens or demons.

Devils not demons. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan.

The etymology of the Hebrew word נְפִילִים (nephilim) means "fallen ones."

Fallen angels

At this stage I may as well refer to JRR Tolkiens masterpiece as my bible.

He took alot of things from the Bible for his books.
Also, alot from Norse mythology.
He wanted to make a mythology for his country.

I watched Clash of the "gods" as well. :hatsoff:

J. R. R. Tolkien's influences
Simple inquiry of those who don't believe God. If God made His existence abundantly obvious for all to see and His existence was irrefutable, why would anyone need the most critical component to understanding His will, faith?


Why is faith a critical component? Why not obedience and actually following divine will?

Well ya see faith enables the grand travesty to continue unabated while the other may actually require a god to turn up every so often.


I know what the Bible says about fallen angels and giants and so on.

The Bible doesn't talk about aliens or demons.

Devils not demons. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan.

Fallen angels

He took alot of things from the Bible for his books.
Also, alot from Norse mythology.
He wanted to make a mythology for his country.

I watched Clash of the "gods" as well. :hatsoff:

J. R. R. Tolkien's influences

Satan means liar......This name can be attributed to any of the supposed demons. Lucifer Morningstar if existed has had many aliases but if creation theology is to be believed he has to be the one as he was the first, foremost and most mighty of God's angels.....Your bible is in error.

Yep tolkien did as did the christians when they copied Sumerian mythology for their bible!!!!!!!

Will E Worm

Simple inquiry of those who don't believe God. If God made His existence abundantly obvious for all to see and His existence was irrefutable, why would anyone need the most critical component to understanding His will, faith?

Why is faith a critical component? Why not obedience and actually following divine will?

Well ya see faith enables the grand travesty to continue unabated while the other may actually require a god to turn up every so often.

Because you have to have faith and believe.

There is no way around faith and belief in Jesus. :hatsoff:
Why is faith a critical component? Why not obedience and actually following divine will?

Well ya see faith enables the grand travesty to continue unabated while the other may actually require a god to turn up every so often.

Divine will isn't always something simple enough for the average person to understand immediately as His will doesn't always play out the way we would like it to. Therefore I imagine the only way one can adhere to and accept His will is through faith.

I might add for easier understanding that belief in spite of isn't just something reserved for religiosity. If you play on a team, how can a person play a back up role if they believe they are good enough to play? Without some belief that the position they are playing and their circumstance is ultimately for the greater good of the team, if not their own personal good at some point how would someone accept such a role?

Will E Worm

Satan means liar......This name can be attributed to any of the supposed demons. Lucifer Morningstar if existed has had many aliases but if creation theology is to be believed he has to be the one as he was the first, foremost and most mighty of God's angels.....Your bible is in error.


SA'TAN, n. Heb. an adversary. The grand adversary of man; the devil or prince of darkness; the chief of the fallen angels.

The title can't be for any devil or other fallen angel.

Satan:father of all lies, The great deceiver

Isaiah 12-15 (KJV)
12: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13: For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15: Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

He wanted to be higher than God, he wasn't the first or most powerful, and on and on.

Yep tolkien did as the christians copied Sumerian mythology for their bible!!!!!!!

Nope :hatsoff: