Will E Worm

Will is on youtube.

:nono: I'm not black.

That guy is acting like a moron. :tongue:
Especially with the back ground "music."
^^^ =)
^ true, bwa-ha-ha-ha

Just wondered since they are all going on about the bible

Well I figured someone had to call out islam/koran/mohammed/allah for being a fantasy formed from someone's overactive imagination. Might as well be me.:nanner:
Well I figured someone had to call out islam/koran/mohammed/allah for being a fantasy formed from someone's overactive imagination. Might as well be me.:nanner:

Moses, Jesus & Muhammad were all on some special kind of drug...

What I'd like to know is which drugs they were on to start tripping the way they did. Maybe I could start a new religion if I used the same drug as well...


Naw John really out did them all when he wrote revelations.....That some serious psychotropic shit.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Simple inquiry of those who don't believe God. If God made His existence abundantly obvious for all to see and His existence was irrefutable, why would anyone need the most critical component to understanding His will, faith?

Why is faith a critical component? Why not obedience and actually following divine will?

Well ya see faith enables the grand travesty to continue unabated while the other may actually require a god to turn up every so often.
Indeed; what better a tool for controlling people than provide a being who cannot be disproved, and thus only exists from entirely blind faith?

Run it through Occam's Razor: what's more likely, a mellenia-old means of power-grabbing (let's look at the history of the human race, here), or an infinitely complex "being" that defies logic, reason, and indeed the laws of the universe simply by conveniently being "beside" it?

Feel free to argue that God is none of the above, and I'll happily debate it.

Because you have to have faith and believe.

There is no way around faith and belief in Jesus. :hatsoff:
I know this doesn't occur to believers that this doesn't make any sense logically, as it is their worldview (and therefore it makes all the sense to them). What you've basically said, quite literally, is "you have to have faith, because. There's no way around it." I won't go into detail how there's not actually an arguement there, but suffice to say there isn't.

So indeed, why is faith necessary? Hell, why would obedience to divine will be necessary? If we are subscribing to an omnipotent, omniscient* "being", what does it matter what we do? God would have, after all, power over our every action (free will doesn't really exist even from a biological standpoint, nevermind a metaphysical sense), or even if free will was applied, God set all the starting conditions. That's kind of (actually, pretty much the same) like having a pet rat, putting some food in front of it, and punishing or rewarding it for eating the food. It makes the same sort of sense.

To move on a bit, my favorite argument for the existence of God was put forth by none other than Sigmund Freud, in The Future of an Illusion (note: he's not arguing that God exists, but that mankind created God to meet its needs).

* Here's something to chew on: how does an omnipotent, omniscient God change its mind?


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
You are referring to the cosmological argument, which while is very persuasive, is fallacious.
Just like non-believers who believe in cosmic accidents that make universes without matter, magical fish, shape-changing simians, and so on. :rolleyes::tongue:

Have you done any serious study of the theories going into the beginning of the universe? More than "the big bang theory happened, and the universe exploded"? Admittedly, mankind doesn't know what all happened. But we're getting damn close. When that is figured out, where else is left for God to hide?

As for the cosmological argument, it is fallacious for one glaringly obvious reason: the argument goes, where did the universe come from, if not God (whether God created it as is, or sparked the big bang, etc)?

Ready for the obvious retort?

Where the hell did God come from, then?

The most common answer I've heard for that is that God is timeless, without beginning or end. So if God can be, why can't the universe be? Hmm? The idea that an "uncaused cause" can't exist just as readily applies to God as it does to the universe.

Will E Worm

Have you done any serious study of the theories going into the beginning of the universe? More than "the big bang theory happened, and the universe exploded"? Admittedly, mankind doesn't know what all happened. But we're getting damn close. When that is figured out, where else is left for God to hide?

Yes, and you're not close to anything, especially the truth.

Pseudo-science is not science.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Yes, and you're not close to anything, especially the truth.

Pseudo-science is not science.
Yes, pseudo-science isn't science. Fortunately, I was talking about proper science.

Nor does a pseudo-argument stand up in a debate. Can you give a proper one, to the critique of the argument above, perhaps?