mcrocket said:Yes I can and I will. lol.
I was a crack addict. And I KNOW (as strongly as I can know anything that I cannot actually know - if that makes any sense) that my life would be better then it is if I had not have been tricked into using crack back in 1999.
Would my life be ALOT better? Maybe; maybe not. But I guarantee you it would be better.
mcrocket said:With all due respect to people...this is getting a bit out of hand.
We are talking about a person that (I assume) none of you ever knew personally. It's sad and all...but many of you people sound like you just lost your personal friend.
If she was ugly, none of you would be going on like this.
4 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq today (apparently). Now I was/am against the war in Iraq. But even I have to acknoledge that these people volunteered for a duty (probably) because they thought they were helping their country (and maybe the world). Naive, maybe. But a noble sentiment nonetheless.
But you never hear any of the over 1600 men and women of the U.S. military who died over their mentioned in a thread. Not even by Americans. But one once gorgeous pornstar dies at 29 and the thread goes on and on.
And say what you want about the war over there (which, as I typed, I think is silly and the U.S. should get out); is anyone suggesting that any of those 1600 were less worthy of praise and RIP's then a once beautiful pornstar? And most of them were much younger then Chloe Jones was.
Oh, but hers was sudden. We don't know how it happened? She was a troubled person who led a fast life with some medical problems. No wonder she is dead. I wish (especially for her kids sake) that she was not. And if it was from natural causes, that would be sad. But I bet you her lifestyle contributed, in some way, to her early demise. And she picked her lifestyle. So her death, as far as I am concerned is at least partly of her own doing - until I hear eveidence to the contrary.
And like I said...if she was a run-of-the-mill looking pornstar; no one would have mentioned it. But because she was once a babe; many act like they will miss her so much.
You should miss her no more then any other human being that you never knew personally. She was no better or worse. Just, at one time, MUCH better looking.
So I am not saying shame on some of you or anything. But she is not the first pornstar to die recently. But she is the best looking that has died in a LONG time. So she gets the longest and most heart felt sounding R.I.P.'s.
So the bottom line is; sorry people; but some of you are, at this point in your lives, rather too focused on looks and star power. If she was just an average looking pornstar - few of you would have noticed or cared. And to me, that is kind of sad. Not horrible. Just kinda sad.
stark said:Wow! you are tenacious mcrocket! :thumbsup: I don't think there are many people willing to reveal that in public! I can't imagine what kind of strenght you must have required to achieve that feat... I started trying quitting smoking about a month ago and it feels terrible, I must get rid of that filthy habit and your comment is another incentive to make it! thanks :thumbsup:
sjs1220 said:Okay, after reading let me just say, anyones death is something to be mourned. Whether it is a single mother who leaves a child behind, a soldier whom died for his country fighting a war that some people agree with and others don't, or a gorgeous and very succesful pornstar who not only spent much of her life making movies and pictures to please her fans and still have time to raise a child. Every person is important.
Thus, I give my condolenses to her family and friends. Her death saddens many.
Now to get off the subject...
McRocket, your are very well read!!! Quiting smoking is an incredibly difficult thing, but quiting cocaine is hard too! Your body has to go through withdrawl from the decease in catacholamine release and that can be pretty nasty too. Give yourself more credit! Anybody who gets over or is attempting to get over any sort of addiction is a person worth admiring. Oh, and you are right about the smoking thing... 15 years of non-smoking, and your lungs are as healthy as they were before you started (barring that you haven't done permanent damage already with emphysema.
Steve (VMH) said:Sportyone has said that the cause of death was liver failure. I feel very sorry for Chloes family and all her friends and I feel especially sorry for her children.
mcrocket said:Liver failure? At 29? That is sad. I wonder if it was hepataitus (spelling?)? I may be 'well read'...but I cannot spell worth a know.![]()
mcrocket said:Liver failure? At 29? That is sad. I wonder if it was hepataitus (spelling?)? I may be 'well read'...but I cannot spell worth a know.![]()
stark said:BTW. I just checked in the internet for the spelling of the word...
I checked it at, .... the freedictionary is a very good tool, you might find it useful from time to time :thumbsup: