Superman Franchise Reboot confirmed!

We will never see the Doomsday story arc done on film considering they did the really bad cartoon not so long ago. God that was trash.

I don't know if you watch Smallville but Doomsday will be on this season. However it's not the mindless killing machine that we all know and love, he's going to be a man named Davis Bloom who has a terrible secret and I believe he's supposed to be in a love triangle (damn this show loves it's love triangles).:dunno:
That was one of the reasons but Tom Welling also had it written into his contract that he doesn't wear the suit. I've been watching Smallville since the beginning as well (and I'll continue watching the show because I've invested this much time into it and I want to see how it ends) and I think the show started to go down hill around Season four. That's the season where he flew in the first episode (and that episode only) and Lana all of sudden had witch powers.:confused: The seasons after that had some awesome episodes but they really lost sight of where they were going with the show. The show is supposed to be about Clark Kent and his journey to becoming Superman but every time we get this Jor EL: "Kal El, you must start your training", we get this Clark: "Okay father, but wait a minute I love Lana, I just want to be with Lana". I do hope that the final shot is Clark ripping his shirt to expose the "S" symbol and flying away.

Producers already stated in a interview that the show will end with him donning the costume.
To be back on topic I was being serious about them bringing in "The General" or "Metallo" Even though they are mainly JLA villians. The need him fighting some big foes. I dont get what I want so Im ok with that lol. Just wishful thinking.
Green Lantern could be good. I think they should do a "Gambit" movie too. I've stopped paying attention to all the casting rumors...but if they ever get around to another XM movie..this is Gambit and he better be in it.
Gambit is in the new Wolverine movie.

To be back on topic I was being serious about them bringing in "The General" or "Metallo" Even though they are mainly JLA villians. The need him fighting some big foes. I dont get what I want so Im ok with that lol. Just wishful thinking.
I would love to see Metallo, Doomsday, Hank Henshaw (Cyborg Superman), Mongul and Darkseid.
To be back on topic I was being serious about them bringing in "The General" or "Metallo" Even though they are mainly JLA villians. The need him fighting some big foes. I dont get what I want so Im ok with that lol. Just wishful thinking.

That is the Superman I want to see, the one who knocks people around.


It's good to be the king...
Is that the one that had Ice and Guy Gardner in it? I've only seen screen caps of it and those alone looked terrible.

That's the one - made Catwoman seem like a work of art (at least Halle Berry was honest enough to apologize for inflicting it on us). Even Judge Dredd was better than JLA.

Superman is supposed to be the most powerful or one of the most powerful heroes on the planet. He should be facing villains and disasters that compliment him, not Lex Luthor and a land scheme in every movie.

Mongul, for example....

And a BIG request - please dump the "bumbling clumsy" Clark Kent routine if there is a new Supes flick.
I personally dont have a problem with Lex being the villain once again in the upcoming, and rebooted Superman film. I know thats not a very popular thing to say, since everyone wants a superpowered villain to show up, but then again, Lex IS Supes greatest villain. And one that widely considered numero uno when it comes to Superman's rogues gallery. I think the main issue when it comes to him, is that we really, really, really need a Lex Luthor that is overall .... competent. Something more akin to the Lex Luthor that's been presented in DC comics for the over the past 20 years now. And NOT the land swindler Lex that was featured in Donner's film with a idea straight out of a Superfriends episode. That's NOT Lex. Especially not the one fanboys have come to know via DC Comics, animated films, or in Smallville.

I think Lex could be an awesome villain, and more than enough for Superman to handle if done CORRECTLY. Taking the "Man of Steel" route and giving Lex Bizarro as Superman's imperfect clone while introducing the cast of characters and Superman as well in the upcoming rebooted film is definately one route the series could take.

P.S. Oh, and LEXCORP desperately needs to be introduced. Why Singer chose to have Lex play hide the nazi with wealthy old women to get his wealth, rather than to show how smart Lex truly should be conveyed as being by being the CEO of his own company is beyond me.

Just one of the many mistakes Singer made. And why a reboot was being discussed so quickly thereafter.
dumb idea.

as some have said, why do a reboot? just do a sequel if you must.

obviously the people that are doing these projects don't understand film making. they don't need to retell superman's orgin, everyone knows it already. they didn't tell it in Returns, but that wasn't the reason that the movie suffered.

the reason is that they've ran out of ideas. we're tired of seeing the same thing over and over again.

the reason the new batman movies did so well is because they are something new, they are different than the old ones. and it's not really like a comic book movie at all. the director understands the storyline, knows that it is themes of drama that captivate most movie goers, not just action and special effects, and he knows how to make a good movie, so he made a good movie that just happens to be absed on a comic book, and everyone (fans and casual movie goers both) liked it.

these guys think they have cinematic gold because not only do they misunderstand movie making, they don't know about marketting either.

comic books fans are going to want to see any comic book movie, so when studios hear all these people saying that they want it, they think it's a sure bet, because that is a bigger collective response then they get from anyone else, who really doesn't care what movie is being made until after it comes out. The average person just sees a movie on a whim because they liked the previews or heard good reviews and generally isn't the kind of person to generate a bunch of hype in advance. And then when it does come out, the comic book fans are the only one's who see it, which is actually a very small group for movie goers and the film is a box office bomb and the producers don't understand why.