Superman Franchise Reboot confirmed!

I had heard that the reason that Clark wouldn't ever wear the suit on the show was because they had never got the green light to do so from the powers that be.Now I don't know how true this is and furthermore,I don't know who exactly they would have to get permission from considering that WB owns the rights to Superman and all of DC Comics.Either way,I kinda understand where he is coming from,but doing two Cheaper By The Dozen movies,I'm sure,isn't necessarily a career builder.

I've been watching Smallville since the very first episode and I think that I've only missed one,maybe two episodes during it's entire run.I really thought it was pretty good in the beginning,even though I don't consider myself a huge Superman fan,but the show has really gotten long in the tooth over the past few seasons.

I wouldn't mind if he never wore the tights on the show,but I think that it would be kinda cool if the last shot of the series was Clark standing in front of the suit,looking at it and about to put it on for the first time.

That was one of the reasons but Tom Welling also had it written into his contract that he doesn't wear the suit. I've been watching Smallville since the beginning as well (and I'll continue watching the show because I've invested this much time into it and I want to see how it ends) and I think the show started to go down hill around Season four. That's the season where he flew in the first episode (and that episode only) and Lana all of sudden had witch powers.:confused: The seasons after that had some awesome episodes but they really lost sight of where they were going with the show. The show is supposed to be about Clark Kent and his journey to becoming Superman but every time we get this Jor EL: "Kal El, you must start your training", we get this Clark: "Okay father, but wait a minute I love Lana, I just want to be with Lana". I do hope that the final shot is Clark ripping his shirt to expose the "S" symbol and flying away.
Yeah, Superman can't have children with humans and that's one of the reasons that Maxima has been trying to make him her husband. On her planet Superman would be able to have children with her because he's a genetic match with her. In fact Maxima is going to be in episode four of this seasons Smallville.

Maxima is my favourite gal in DC Comics. :thumbsup:
That was one of the reasons but Tom Welling also had it written into his contract that he doesn't wear the suit. I've been watching Smallville since the beginning as well (and I'll continue watching the show because I've invested this much time into it and I want to see how it ends) and I think the show started to go down hill around Season four. That's the season where he flew in the first episode (and that episode only) and Lana all of sudden had witch powers.:confused: The seasons after that had some awesome episodes but they really lost sight of where they were going with the show. The show is supposed to be about Clark Kent and his journey to becoming Superman but every time we get this Jor EL: "Kal El, you must start your training", we get this Clark: "Okay father, but wait a minute I love Lana, I just want to be with Lana". I do hope that the final shot is Clark ripping his shirt to expose the "S" symbol and flying away.

Yeah,they really did lose direction with the show a while back.Some of it good and some of it bad.Lana turned super sleuth,Lex has probably been shot more times than 50 Cent,red kryptonite,didn't they even have blue kryptonite?

I think that the writers have really been struggling to come up with good stuff.I mean for fuck sake,they get Aaron Ashmore to play Jimmy Olsen but had his identical twin brother Shawn on the show in a previous season playing another character,what the fuck were they thinking?
I'm a Superman fan but i don't watch Smallville. That show wastes time, labour and money. Right cast, wrong show. Creators of Smallville were on marijuana when they were creating Smallville.
Yeah,they really did lose direction with the show a while back.Some of it good and some of it bad.Lana turned super sleuth,Lex has probably been shot more times than 50 Cent,red kryptonite,didn't they even have blue kryptonite?

I think that the writers have really been struggling to come up with good stuff.I mean for fuck sake,they get Aaron Ashmore to play Jimmy Olsen but had his identical twin brother Shawn on the show in a previous season playing another character,what the fuck were they thinking?

Yeah they had blue Kryptonite this past season, it zapped the Kryptonians powers but I thought gold Kryptonite did that (I might be wrong on that though). I think they used it again to get rid of Bizarro. I don't mind Jimmy Olson on the show but the show is more about Clark's supporting cast rather than Clark himself. In fact the producers said that they will exploring Green Arrow's past, um why not just give Green Arrow his own show to explore his past and get back to focusing on Clark. Superman is supposed to be the model to which all of the other DC heroes strive to be but on Smallville they have heroes saving the world while Clark sits in his barn.:dunno: It really sucks when you see the Justice League trying to teach Clark about saving people globally rather than locally.
I'm a Superman fan but i don't watch Smallville. That show wastes time, labour and money. Right cast, wrong show. Creators of Smallville were on marijuana when they were creating Smallville.

I'm a huge Superman fan and I like Smallville. It started off great, it just deviated big time.
Yeah they had blue Kryptonite this past season, it zapped the Kryptonians powers but I thought gold Kryptonite did that (I might be wrong on that though). I think they used it again to get rid of Bizarro. I don't mind Jimmy Olson on the show but the show is more about Clark's supporting cast rather than Clark himself. In fact the producers said that they will exploring Green Arrow's past, um why not just give Green Arrow his own show to explore his past and get back to focusing on Clark. Superman is supposed to be the model to which all of the other DC heroes strive to be but on Smallville they have heroes saving the world while Clark sits in his barn.:dunno: It really sucks when you see the Justice League trying to teach Clark about saving people globally rather than locally.

Funny thing about The Green Arrow is that the actor who plays Oliver was originally slated to star in his own Aquaman show right before the WB merged with UPN to create the CW,and once that happened,the show was scrapped.But with you being a fan of the show,you probably already knew that.
I don't see anything wrong with comic films every year. We get comedies, action, horror and just about every genre every year, so what's the difference.:dunno:

Its been done to death, all were getting is the same repetitive story again and again, but your never going to agree with me because you are a comic fanatic so were going to have to agree to dissagree.


No more comic book movies!!! PLEEEEAAASSSSSE!!!! I beg of you.

i think Dark Knight has shown the world what comic movies can be like, hopefully producers are gonna change their ways. no more spiderman kiddie bullshit, ttthaaank yooou.
think Dark Knight has shown the world what comic movies can be like

You also gotta keep in mind that Batman Begins, and Dark Knight, were also based off of the graphic novels of Batman too, which were a lot darker than the regular comics. Anyway, back on topic, I never was a big Superman fan to begin with, and the plot for Superman Returns, to me anyway, was way too predictable. I do watch Smallville, but mainly just because it is on the same channel as Supernatural, which is usually on after it. To me they can probably give the Superman fanchise the same treatment as they did with Batman, hell maybe the guy that did the last two Batman movies should try doing a Superman movie, and use the same formula they did with Batman, lol.
I think we NEVER should be subjected to another shitty Superman movie and certainly NEVER ANOTHER HULK MOVIE....

There have been too many shitty comic book "recreations" for film. "Daredevil" sucked. "The XMen" never lived up to the hype. "Catwoman" and the Jennifer Garner movie were ridiculously awful. "The Punisher" was so bad it hurt to laugh at that one.

Nolan's Batman success is going to clear the way for more comic book movies. I get that. But maybe these idiot movie execs need to go beyond "the big names" like Superman, Hulk, Captain America..etc. and give us movies which introduce lesser known comic books. Maybe look at Japanese comics too...
I think we NEVER should be subjected to another shitty Superman movie and certainly NEVER ANOTHER HULK MOVIE....

There have been too many shitty comic book "recreations" for film. "Daredevil" sucked. "The XMen" never lived up to the hype. "Catwoman" and the Jennifer Garner movie were ridiculously awful. "The Punisher" was so bad it hurt to laugh at that one.

Nolan's Batman success is going to clear the way for more comic book movies. I get that. But maybe these idiot movie execs need to go beyond "the big names" like Superman, Hulk, Captain America..etc. and give us movies which introduce lesser known comic books. Maybe look at Japanese comics too...

I loved the new Hulk and the Daredevil Movie. My :2 cents:. On the other hand I agree about some lesser known heroes and villans in our comic world should get their time to shine. Come on have a Green Lantern Movie already for christs sake.
I loved the new Hulk and the Daredevil Movie. My :2 cents:. On the other hand I agree about some lesser known heroes and villans in our comic world should get their time to shine. Come on have a Green Lantern Movie already for christs sake.

Green Lantern is on the way, it says it in the article but what it doesn't say is the director. Warner has given the project to George Miller since the JLA movie was a bust. Personally I've only seen four really terrible comic films (Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, LXG, and Catwoman), everything else I've been satisfied with.
We will never see the Doomsday story arc done on film considering they did the really bad cartoon not so long ago. God that was trash.


It's good to be the king...
Green Lantern is on the way, it says it in the article but what it doesn't say is the director. Warner has given the project to George Miller since the JLA movie was a bust. Personally I've only seen four really terrible comic films (Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, LXG, and Catwoman), everything else I've been satisfied with.

You should've seen the JLA movie made some years back. That was a really, REALLY awful experience...:eek: