it's more like a quick fix.
The comic crowd will definitely go to see these types of movies and the casual fan as well.the only problem is that after the first week or two,there usually is a dramatic drop off in ticket sales,and that's where The Dark Knight differentiates itself from every other comic movie.It has enough cache to appeal to just more than the average comic geek and casual fan and has reached out to a broader crowd.
It's all going to catch up to Hollywood sooner or later,and I predict it will be within the next 10 years.The cost of making movies is steadily increasing and what you will see is that studios will not be making the profits on these huge blockbusters like they want.They will make their $50 million and drop off in following weeks,then tail off completely,then the profits won't be like they expect.The only solution is to come up with fresh ideas that will keep these movies making money.
All of these studios figure that if a movie doesn't do as well as they projected,then they will lean back on DVD sales,but this is a fine tightrope to walk as well,imo.I think that a telling tale of complete movie failure will be seen once Speed Racer hits DVD.This movie tanked so bad that they even lied about how well it did opening weekend just to try to save face,but that didn't work.They are now praying that DVD and Bluray sales will bring back something respectable to a movie that was a box office failure on epic proportions.I think that if the DVD sales aren't there,then they are going to have to take a long hard look at the type of movies they green light in the future,or at least how they are produced.
Batman Begins is the perfect blueprint for all comic book movies to follow.It's tone is what most people want to see in comic based movies now.We have been flooded with these hokey movies that are targeted towards kids and toy sales,that shit's been going on since Star Wars.Now that the Star Wars generation is grown up,our tastes have gotten more sophisticated,hence we want to see more sophisticated story telling and something that we haven't seen before.
Ironman got it right,The Incredible Hulk was good and somewhat tried to follow the new blueprint,and now what will they do with Superman?I don't know if they will learn there lesson on this one.I got the feeling that it will be the same story thats just rehashed from what we've already seen.I think that if it fails,then you won't be seeing too many more of these types of films from DC,i think that they will try to forge ahead with a more serious type of movies instead of the quick fix.
The comic crowd will definitely go to see these types of movies and the casual fan as well.the only problem is that after the first week or two,there usually is a dramatic drop off in ticket sales,and that's where The Dark Knight differentiates itself from every other comic movie.It has enough cache to appeal to just more than the average comic geek and casual fan and has reached out to a broader crowd.
It's all going to catch up to Hollywood sooner or later,and I predict it will be within the next 10 years.The cost of making movies is steadily increasing and what you will see is that studios will not be making the profits on these huge blockbusters like they want.They will make their $50 million and drop off in following weeks,then tail off completely,then the profits won't be like they expect.The only solution is to come up with fresh ideas that will keep these movies making money.
All of these studios figure that if a movie doesn't do as well as they projected,then they will lean back on DVD sales,but this is a fine tightrope to walk as well,imo.I think that a telling tale of complete movie failure will be seen once Speed Racer hits DVD.This movie tanked so bad that they even lied about how well it did opening weekend just to try to save face,but that didn't work.They are now praying that DVD and Bluray sales will bring back something respectable to a movie that was a box office failure on epic proportions.I think that if the DVD sales aren't there,then they are going to have to take a long hard look at the type of movies they green light in the future,or at least how they are produced.
Batman Begins is the perfect blueprint for all comic book movies to follow.It's tone is what most people want to see in comic based movies now.We have been flooded with these hokey movies that are targeted towards kids and toy sales,that shit's been going on since Star Wars.Now that the Star Wars generation is grown up,our tastes have gotten more sophisticated,hence we want to see more sophisticated story telling and something that we haven't seen before.
Ironman got it right,The Incredible Hulk was good and somewhat tried to follow the new blueprint,and now what will they do with Superman?I don't know if they will learn there lesson on this one.I got the feeling that it will be the same story thats just rehashed from what we've already seen.I think that if it fails,then you won't be seeing too many more of these types of films from DC,i think that they will try to forge ahead with a more serious type of movies instead of the quick fix.