Superman Franchise Reboot confirmed!

"Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes -- known as "Batman vs. Superman" -- after the $215 million "Superman Returns," which had disappointing box-office returns, didn't please executives. "'Superman' didn't quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to," says Mr. Robinov. "It didn't position the character the way he needed to be positioned." "Had 'Superman' worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009," he adds. "But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all."

This is good news, while I like Superman Returns as a whole there were serious flaws in it. Like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, Frank Langella as Perry White, the fact the Superman has a son, the fact that Lex Luthor is the villain again and the fact that Bryan Singer was basically paying homage to Superman the Movie instead of making a sequel like we were told. I do hope they keep Brandon Routh though, he was good as Clark Kent and Superman.
So we're going to get another reboot right shortly after the first one? Like you said the first one did have flaws, but it wasn't exactly the first new Hulk movie bad. I hope they aren't going to judge every superhero movie from now on based on how well Batman is doing.
I hope that they don't judge it on how well Batman is doing. Batman was a surprise to everybody. Superman Returns could have done really well but they added or repeated some things that just didn't work. Personally I would've gone with a Death and Return of Superman storyline spread out over three movies. A Superman film can and will work, you just have to have the right story.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
A Superman film can and will work, you just have to have the right story.

I think the key to a good Superman movie is to have a good villian. Let's face it, Superman can't exactly ahve a fistfight with Lex Luthor. The first movie was good, but what about the Quest For Peace and Returns? And not to mention number III with it's Luthor ripoff. Number two would ahve been terrible if it wasn't for General Zod, and something like him is what a Superman movie needs. A villian that can match Superman punch for punch (and no, IV's Nuclear Man doesn't count).

However, if they're going for a reboot, I fear there will be yet another Luthor story. If so, please don't have him so obsessed with real estate. Make him the man he is in the comics.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Nothing will be as good as the original Superman movie. Chris Reeve was, is and will always be Superman.
The Superman movie, as funny as this is going to sound, should have had massive potential. What they need to do is get a new actor to play Superman, one with enough muscle mass and at least some kind of height (he has to look like he can fight) to show him as a confident person fit for leadership. Routh and even Reeve were, well....too pretty boy. That works fine and all as Clark Kent, but it would be sweet seeing this big timid guy become a powerful superhero in an instant. With Reeve and Routh, it was like there was no change at all in personality (granted, their Supermen weren't clumsy).

Then you have to get a good villain. Lex Luthor should be a behind the scenes kind of villain like he is in the comics, an evil businessman/scientist who prefers to let others do the work. Brainiac and Bizarro would be perfect foes for Supes to actually FIGHT. Maybe set up for Darkseid in the sequel as well.

And of course you'd have the love interest in Lois Lane and the comedy coming from Jimmy Olsen and Perry White or something along the lines of that.
I really enjoyed Superman Returns so I hope that this so called reboot is done well, strange though they have mentioned nothing about casting but considering that Brandon Routh have signed to do at least two more Superman films so he might be Superman still in the reboot but again it will be a diiferent version of Superman.

The reason why Superman Returns didn't gross as much money as Warner Brothers hoped is because they chose to open the film just over one week before the second Pirates of The Carribbean film came out. They done a good job to market the film but were fucking stupid enough to open it just before another high profile film was about to come out and after in other parts of the world. It doesn't take a genius to work that out, I have always been convinced that if Warner Brothers relaesed the film halfway through June of 2006 it would have had a three week head start so it would have took in much more money, I wish those morons realise that but talking to studio executives is like taling to a wall but the difference being you can get more from a wall.
Thats simply FAB-U-LOUS news!! :thumbsup:

Personally, I never did care for Singer's overinfatuation with Donner's universe called "Superman Returns" and have been vocally praying for a reboot ever since I saw it in the theaters, and finally my prayers have been answered! :D

But seriously (why so serious?), WB obviously was thinking Singer was just the guy to take the Superman franchise and give it the spark it needed to become a successful franchise at the box office, and with fans as well. And needless to say, Singer did not deliver. And for numerous reasons. His film, in my estimation, mirrors Ang Lee's HULK in many ways. But most noticeably, for the fact that both films essentially split the audience right down the middle. Some people like HULK, alot felt it was boring. And the same goes for Superman Returns.

Thankfully, WB has decided to spare us of another 2+ hours of Superman and his annoying son battling the never ending battle with land swindler Lex, and "Mrs Kitty" or whatever the hell her name was. I look forward to the casting rumors and such that will no doubt be popping up in the coming months, weeks, or perhaps days. Hopefully, in this go around, the age of the cast will compliment the story that is given the green light. Which I felt was certainly NOT the case with Superman Returns.

Lets get it right this time WB. :nanner:
I have just three words to add to this thread....

Christopher Reeve Rocked ! :nanner:
If they were smart,what they would do is when Smallville ends this upcoming season(even though it's been going for about 2 to 3 seasons too long) just use Tom Welling as Superman and expand with that telling of Supes.

I would also have him join up with Oliver Queen and the rest of the makeshift Justice League and go from there.They made hints on the show the General Zod was coming to earth but he never made it,so either have him or Doomsday as the main villain in the movie and have Lex somewhere on the side manipulating the whole thing.

If they got a different director and a huge budget,I think that it could actually be good.
If they were smart,what they would do is when Smallville ends this upcoming season(even though it's been going for about 2 to 3 seasons too long) just use Tom Welling as Superman and expand with that telling of Supes.

I would also have him join up with Oliver Queen and the rest of the makeshift Justice League and go from there.They made hints on the show the General Zod was coming to earth but he never made it,so either have him or Doomsday as the main villain in the movie and have Lex somewhere on the side manipulating the whole thing.

If they got a different director and a huge budget,I think that it could actually be good.

Tom Welling does not want to play Superman because he does not want to where the suit. It's one of the reasons there was a "No Flight's, No Tights" rule in place (now I believe it's just "No Tights"). He's afraid that he'll be typecast. What the stupid idiot doesn't realize is that he's been playing "Superman" or rather a whiny "I love Lana" version for 8 damn years. Maybe his mind will change when this season (and hopefully the last) ends but as of right now he won't do it. Hell, it's just a struggle trying to figure out if he'll be coerced into wearing a suit for the final episode.:dunno: You should visit We have a lot of opinions about Smallville and I actually like the show.:dunno:
"Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes -- known as "Batman vs. Superman" -- after the $215 million "Superman Returns," which had disappointing box-office returns, didn't please executives. "'Superman' didn't quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to," says Mr. Robinov. "It didn't position the character the way he needed to be positioned." "Had 'Superman' worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009," he adds. "But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all."

This is good news, while I like Superman Returns as a whole there were serious flaws in it. Like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, Frank Langella as Perry White, the fact the Superman has a son, the fact that Lex Luthor is the villain again and the fact that Bryan Singer was basically paying homage to Superman the Movie instead of making a sequel like we were told. I do hope they keep Brandon Routh though, he was good as Clark Kent and Superman.

I have one question. Why couldn't superman have a son?
I have one question. Why couldn't superman have a son?

Human and Kryptonian dna's are not compatible to each other. DC Comics' Genetics are weird. :D

This is the most awesome news of 2008! Because Singer's Superman concept sux, Phelps' Speedo owns Singerman's suit. :D
Tom Welling does not want to play Superman because he does not want to where the suit. It's one of the reasons there was a "No Flight's, No Tights" rule in place (now I believe it's just "No Tights"). He's afraid that he'll be typecast. What the stupid idiot doesn't realize is that he's been playing "Superman" or rather a whiny "I love Lana" version for 8 damn years. Maybe his mind will change when this season (and hopefully the last) ends but as of right now he won't do it. Hell, it's just a struggle trying to figure out if he'll be coerced into wearing a suit for the final episode.:dunno: You should visit We have a lot of opinions about Smallville and I actually like the show.:dunno:

I had heard that the reason that Clark wouldn't ever wear the suit on the show was because they had never got the green light to do so from the powers that be.Now I don't know how true this is and furthermore,I don't know who exactly they would have to get permission from considering that WB owns the rights to Superman and all of DC Comics.Either way,I kinda understand where he is coming from,but doing two Cheaper By The Dozen movies,I'm sure,isn't necessarily a career builder.

I've been watching Smallville since the very first episode and I think that I've only missed one,maybe two episodes during it's entire run.I really thought it was pretty good in the beginning,even though I don't consider myself a huge Superman fan,but the show has really gotten long in the tooth over the past few seasons.

I wouldn't mind if he never wore the tights on the show,but I think that it would be kinda cool if the last shot of the series was Clark standing in front of the suit,looking at it and about to put it on for the first time.
Human and Kryptonian dna's are not compatible to each other. DC Comics' Genetics are weird. :D

Yeah, Superman can't have children with humans and that's one of the reasons that Maxima has been trying to make him her husband. On her planet Superman would be able to have children with her because he's a genetic match with her. In fact Maxima is going to be in episode four of this seasons Smallville.