New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
He's dissing you, not conservatives. Of course there's that "all" thing you have such comprehension problems with, again.
Woah. Before someone repped me for something I wrote, I didn't even realize this was a thread, or a thread going on anyway.
Well, if more republicans were like you, I would certainly be more fond of them. There's a difference between conservative and liberal. I consider myself a conservative democratic, in the fact that I'm conservative in my beliefs, meaning that I'm not willing to budge on what I believe in, which is freedom of choice and overall equality of rights, so gay marriage, abortion, birth control, stem cell research, porn, etc. I'm conservative considering that I won't tolerate anyone trying to tell me or anyone else that they don't have a right to choose, to make their own decisions, to be treated just as anyone else without judging them for their personal activities.
I shouldn't have said "all" in my quoted post. I'll admit to that, I was wrong for saying all. There are always exceptions to generalizations. Some democrats suck, some republicans suck, some democrats are awesome, some republicans are awesome. Perhaps I should have used the word "most."
You, Bob, are an exception to the typical overly strict, anti-freedom-of-choice republican. I know for a fact that I'm not wrong when I say that most republicans are idiotic, trying to rant and lecture about how they think abortion is so wrong, gay marriage is wrong, sex before marriage is wrong, blah blah blah. You, based on what I've read from some of your posts regarding politics, are a republican with a good head on your shoulders.
See it's my belief that it's all peachy if a republican, or anyone, personally doesn't agree with certain things. Say a republican doesn't like abortion (just using abortion as an example here), so they would never get one themselves and aren't fond of anyone else getting one. What's wrong is to try to make it illegal nation wide or even state-by-state. It should be perfectly legal anywhere in the country, it should be the choice of the people whether or not they want to get an abortion. Not someone else's. Personally, I would never have an abortion myself, but that's my own decision, and if any other woman would ever so desire to have one, that's her choice, not the decision of some control freak douchebag preaching about religion and other bullshit running for congress or president.
But, most republicans are too keen on forcing their opinions down other peoples throats that they're too stupid to see the logic in that, and if they do see the logic in it, they're far too stubborn to admit that they were wrong, so they keep arguing, sounding more and more stupid the more they argue.
Well, if more republicans were like you, I would certainly be more fond of them. There's a difference between conservative and liberal. I consider myself a conservative democratic, in the fact that I'm conservative in my beliefs, meaning that I'm not willing to budge on what I believe in, which is freedom of choice and overall equality of rights, so gay marriage, abortion, birth control, stem cell research, porn, etc. I'm conservative considering that I won't tolerate anyone trying to tell me or anyone else that they don't have a right to choose, to make their own decisions, to be treated just as anyone else without judging them for their personal activities.
You know what I like about this? This is a discussion between reasonable adults. Kudos to the both of you.I know what you meant by all republicans. The loud mouths that try to control people with their personal social beliefs. On the abortion issue, I teach my daughter that sex before marriage is bad. There is a risk of getting pregnant. Don't have a baby until you are ready to care for it. That being said, I can't control what she does. Hopefully she uses good judgment and protection will be used. There are many people that use abortion as a form of birth control and that is just not right. The assholes that preach no abortions but allow it for danger to the mother are just contradicting themselves. If what they believe is the same as I explained above then more people might listen to them. It's the same thing but they want to take a holy then thou attitude toward it and lose the message. They frustrate the shit out of me.
To be fair, I was 'dissing' georges. But Philbert, you confused my reason why. I'm not 'dissing' conservative; I'm dissing stupid (please refer to my signature) that just happens, in that case and yours, to be conservative. As you can see bob here is conservative but you'll never see me dissing him. I'll let you figure that one out.He's dissing you, not conservatives. Of course there's that "all" thing you have such comprehension problems with, again.
While your 'I know you are but what am I' antics are as amusing and clever as your misuse of the President's name, I can see that you don't and likely won't have anything substantive or useful to add here. Much like Worm and Sam, you are a waste of time, and so much like them, I'll be ignoring you from here on out. But you have yourself a nice life, ya?You're really leaving? Good...a last gesture.
:wave:Bye bye.
You and XFire...hmmm. You who claims the Republican party takes away your membership (you never said how, of course) if you support gay marriage or are prochoice; in spite of concurrent posts and threads about Republican congressmen who now support gay marriage.
And idiot closet gay Xfire who thinks the use of 3 dots in a sentence makes me a fag and a drag queen, and claims to follow An n Coulter as a spiritual guide. Even though I am here on a porn industry site, and he's never seen me over at his gay threads.
You two are a real pair, if I gave a damn. I've been a member since 2006, have been here over the years I stopped posting, and you actually can't check the posts of Will and myself to see when we post...yet can be ok suggesting 2 very dissimilar people are the same.
Lame is not a strong enough term to describe your silliness. Don't respond if you really don't give a damn. I may have to trounce you some more
I know what you meant by all republicans. The loud mouths that try to control people with their personal social beliefs. On the abortion issue, I teach my daughter that sex before marriage is bad. There is a risk of getting pregnant. Don't have a baby until you are ready to care for it. That being said, I can't control what she does. Hopefully she uses good judgment and protection will be used. There are many people that use abortion as a form of birth control and that is just not right. The assholes that preach no abortions but allow it for danger to the mother are just contradicting themselves. If what they believe is the same as I explained above then more people might listen to them. It's the same thing but they want to take a holy then thou attitude toward it and lose the message. They frustrate the shit out of me.
The same goes with the gun issue. We all should be able to have them but we must be responsible with them. They are dangerous when put into the wrong hands. Go ahead and run my checks and register and track them. When that is done then I am protected in case it gets lost or stolen and something bad happens. I don't know what those loonies want with their wanting them sold like from vending machines. That makes no fucking sense at all.
She was when she was alive, you asshole.
Do you even know which whore your mother was?
Vending machines? Oh my goodness. Yeah that's taking it too far. I personally don't care for guns, but if other people want to have them then by all means, have them, people just need to be responsible about it. I do agree with the idea of doing the background checks and whatnot for anyone who wants to buy one. I think that's reasonable. I mean if you think about it, anyone who isn't willing to do a background check or whatever other legal work needs done in order to purchase a gun, then that person probably has poor intentions about the gun. Anyone who is ok with it is a reasonable person. If someone gets so mad about having to go through legal matters, then clearly that someone isn't very mature or mentally stable.
The guns that I do agree with banning are anything that isn't a pistol or used for hunting (shotguns and rifles). There's certainly no need for anyone to go walking around with weapons similar to what the military uses. Pistols are plenty protection, and rifles and shotguns are of course used in a civil manner, for hunting or shooting the bunnies that keep eating from your vegetable garden.
Some people use abortion as birth control? That's a bit crazy. I wonder if those people are religious, that they don't believe in birth control because it's against their religion. But so is sex before marriage. And abortion. That's a whole lot of contradictory right there.
My god I hate when teens hijack daddies computer. Make good clear arguments, quit being a troll, or find a high place to fall from.
How nice, you've got such man-lust for me that you have to bring politics into non-political threads. As I've already said, you being a fag isn't about your love for cock, its about you being an effeminate sissy. The only gay threads I post in are ones that you fag up with your drama-queen three-dot salutes. Seriously, why don't you go hang yourself in your mom's basement, we don't need another Will E. Worm.
I'm latino with lots of random tattoos of Jesus and La Raza, fat and still living in a rathole with a big flatscreen tv. I'm the legendary Right wing asshole bigot type.
Big shock.
xfire said:I'm latino with lots of random tattoos of Jesus and La Raza, fat and still living in a rathole with a big flatscreen tv. I'm the legendary Right wing asshole bigot type.
There, I fixed it for you. Don't you feel better telling the truth?
You lose...
I like how you double post. Hey, no ellipsis. You're improving, but 1997 called, they want their trolling techniques back.
I have no doubt 1997 has your number...and calls you regularly. Your outdated homophobia fits in well with the "before" times.
You and your homies (also known as likeminded cretins) cruise the streets looking for little gay boys to beat on as a group, huh? You fit the profile perfectly. 3 or more and you're a tough ass avenger.
Unless there's more than 1 gay boy, or longhair... I'll bet you still call'em hippies .
Major pussy.
I really don't need a transcript of the things you say to your boyfriend.