Re: All OCSMs need to read this....
Woah. Before someone repped me for something I wrote, I didn't even realize this was a thread, or a thread going on anyway.
Boy, take a few days off the boards and look what I miss.
Don't lump me into the shit heads and their talking points. My conservative viewpoints blow their shit out of the water. Just as an example, gay marriage. There is nothing in the constitution referring to marriage. That is a state decision. Secondly, don't regulate everything. Leave people alone to live their lives. Both are basic conservative stands. The politically right have no business making this into that issue. If someone is labeling me a RINO then they are dead fucking wrong. They are the ones trying to grab the party via social issues based on nothing relating to true conservatism. Like I said, that is only 1 example and there are dozens more.
Well, if more republicans were like you, I would certainly be more fond of them. There's a difference between conservative and liberal. I consider myself a conservative democratic, in the fact that I'm conservative in my beliefs, meaning that I'm not willing to budge on what I believe in, which is freedom of choice and overall equality of rights, so gay marriage, abortion, birth control, stem cell research, porn, etc. I'm conservative considering that I won't tolerate anyone trying to tell me or anyone else that they don't have a right to choose, to make their own decisions, to be treated just as anyone else without judging them for their personal activities.
I shouldn't have said "all" in my quoted post. I'll admit to that, I was wrong for saying all. There are always exceptions to generalizations. Some democrats suck, some republicans suck, some democrats are awesome, some republicans are awesome. Perhaps I should have used the word "most."
You, Bob, are an exception to the typical overly strict, anti-freedom-of-choice republican. I know for a fact that I'm not wrong when I say that most republicans are idiotic, trying to rant and lecture about how they think abortion is so wrong, gay marriage is wrong, sex before marriage is wrong, blah blah blah. You, based on what I've read from some of your posts regarding politics, are a republican with a good head on your shoulders.
See it's my belief that it's all peachy if a republican, or anyone, personally doesn't agree with certain things. Say a republican doesn't like abortion (just using abortion as an example here), so they would never get one themselves and aren't fond of anyone else getting one. What's wrong is to try to make it illegal nation wide or even state-by-state. It should be perfectly legal anywhere in the country, it should be the choice of the people whether or not they want to get an abortion. Not someone else's. Personally, I would never have an abortion myself, but that's my own decision, and if any other woman would ever so desire to have one, that's her choice, not the decision of some control freak douchebag preaching about religion and other bullshit running for congress or president.
But, most republicans are too keen on forcing their opinions down other peoples throats that they're too stupid to see the logic in that, and if they do see the logic in it, they're far too stubborn to admit that they were wrong, so they keep arguing, sounding more and more stupid the more they argue.