Stuff about YOUR country that pisses you off

If this has been said sorry im too lazy too look through the whole thread (another problem the CBA attitude so many of us have) The f'in Chavs in the UK the horror, what most of them do is not go to school, get hooked on drugs, cause crime and violence, get payed by the government for lying on their arse saying they can't work because they're too fat, create more underage sex and teen pregnancy, spread STD's because they havn't got any education in the protective sex area and STILL they do it without a care in the world.

... i seem to be in a ranting mood today.
The fact that my freedom is limited by what others think their freedom should consist of. ie, I can't smoke a fuckin cigarrette OUTSIDE now w/o getting shitty looks.
The fact that my freedom is limited by what others think their freedom should consist of. ie, I can't smoke a fuckin cigarrette OUTSIDE now w/o getting shitty looks.

Thats kind of harsh. Where do you live? Here in Sweden, smoking in restaurants and night clubs and such was outlawed a few years ago, and there was even talk about outlawing (is that a word?) smoking in your own home.
What pisses me off about my country at the moment, is that despite the fact that spring is supposed to be upon us, its snowing like CRAZY. I mean COME ON, snow can be fun for a while, but its been FUCKING ARCTIC for six months now. If I wake up tomorrow, and it´s still snowing, I might just load up my BOOM STICK with rock salt, and shoot the fucking snow back to hell.
Other than that, I´m happy and mellow!
that our men and women die for us and yet we still lose our freedom . i mean like the dude above em posted we cant smoke here or there , we sure has hell done have freedom of speech . now days what you say can start a war and get you killed .
My fellow countrymen and women (U.S.A) who continue to get herded in one direction or another by our government so the government can shove new, dumb laws down our throats under the guise of protection.

It may be a good idea to wear a seatbelt in most cases, but it's not the damned governments place to force you to do so or be fined in a free country.

It may be a bad idea to abuse highly addictive drugs but it's not the governments place to protect me from myself with the threat of fines or jail when I'm only harming myself.

It may be a good idea to insure myself against being sued into ruin by getting liability insurance for my car but it's not the governments place to force me to do so or fine me.

It may be a bad idea to use a cellphone and drive but it's not the government's place to tell me ANYTIME I do it I'm being so irresponsible as to deserve a fine.

It may not be the best, safest lifestyle choice for a consenting adult to rent his or her body soley for sex but it's not the government's place to decide for you by threat of fine and/or jail. We allow the government jurisdiction over our OWN bodies???

Ultimately the goal behind many of these laws is to generate revenue on activity the government knows will occur....not to make you any safer per se.

However, the origins of drug bans and prostitution bans lie in southern racism (believe it or not) see Harrison Tax Act circa 1914. Though not the centerpiece, the southern theme on drugs was that "cocaine crazed negros" gained superhuman strength, used drugs to seduce white women and became defiant to subservance....prostitution some argued among other things, allowed such sacrilege as for "white women to consort with ******s".

You seem to miss the point about these restrictions.They aren't to protect you from yourself, they are to protect others from you.And you from them.
Wearing a seatbelt makes things a lot less unpleasant for the emergency workers, make lower demands on public services and is generally in the public interest.
Drug users need money to feed the habit and it's widely accepted that a vast amount of theft and violence against the person is committed to provide this money.Again, it's in the public interest to restrict addictive drugs.
Anybody using a cellphone isn't paying full attention to their driving and unlike having a conversation with a passenger the caller doesn't see something coming and either shut up or warn you.It's rated as a greater hazard to the public as DUI.
Freedom isn't understood well. It isn't simply about deciding for yourself, it's about weighing the needs of others too. My right to play loud music prevents your right to enjoy sitting outside in your garden in peace.
Gordon Brown and his crew of inept corrupt intellectual pygmies who are supposed to be running the place.
Two ministers have been found fiddling their expenses , the Home Secretary was claiming £106 000 to cover the costs of living in one room at her sister's house on the basis that it was her main residence although she has a family house elsewhere in which her husband and children live and so does she when not in London.What previous Home Secretaries such as Palmerston, the Duke of Wellington and Churchill would have thought about the present incumbent having her snout in the trough I can't imagine.The Works Minister claimed £60 000 to live with his parents even though he only lived 11 miles from his work.
That we (America) are the g'damn "police" of the world. Also, our imperialist agenda. Our open borders and the liberal (and neo-con) agenda to FLOOD the American market with cheap labor so us regular Americans get absolutely sodomized financially. The rampant multi-culturalism.

More to come later...
You seem to miss the point about these restrictions.They aren't to protect you from yourself, they are to protect others from you.And you from them.
Wearing a seatbelt makes things a lot less unpleasant for the emergency workers, make lower demands on public services and is generally in the public interest.
Drug users need money to feed the habit and it's widely accepted that a vast amount of theft and violence against the person is committed to provide this money.Again, it's in the public interest to restrict addictive drugs.
Anybody using a cellphone isn't paying full attention to their driving and unlike having a conversation with a passenger the caller doesn't see something coming and either shut up or warn you.It's rated as a greater hazard to the public as DUI.
Freedom isn't understood well. It isn't simply about deciding for yourself, it's about weighing the needs of others too. My right to play loud music prevents your right to enjoy sitting outside in your garden in peace.

Wow...I don't know where to begin...but where do you have the right as a paramedic to have your job be "less unpleasant"??? A person NOT wearing a seatbelt can never directly cause an accident so it should be their right to decide when it's best for them to wear one. And you DAMN SURE shouldn't be fined for not wearing one. There was an accident I saw one time where a man literally burned alive because the seatbelt jammed between the door during an accident trapping the guy.

Your proximate cause assumptions just don't cut it and you're mixing circumstances that are not analogous. Your freedom to enjoy your music loud doesn't preclude MY right to peaceful enjoyment of MY space. So what does that have to do with MY position that an individual should enjoy the right to enjoy his or her likings or choices until that enjoyment encroaches on the rights of others??

As far as you understanding of my position on cellphone can actually be ticketed for being on the side of the road on a phone even if your car is in park and off but merely with the key in the ignition?? There is no rational explanation for that to be a part of the statute even if I agree that the statute has merit, which I don't. Further, what's the greater hazard, a person simply answering a phone and saying, "Yep, I'll be there in 5 minutes" or some cop taking his eyes off the road to peer in someone's car trying to determine if they are actually on the phone or merely holding it??

I don't even buy the fact the cellphone users cause as many accidents as attributed to them. I mean, didn't accidents happen before cellphones?? Personally I believe there are many people who are unsafe drivers who have accidents in ANY event but blame being on the cellphone for lack of a better excuse..that shit gets back to the NTSB then the legislators get their bean counters to figure out how much revenue can be confiscated by making some dumb, new law.

At the end of's the point, you don't accept the government trying to protect people from themselves because where does it stop, in regulating how many cheeseburgers you can have in a week? And you don't accept that the government makes laws that will protect you from every eventuality because at some point your freedoms will be so diminished that you will no longer live in a "free" society.

People steal for a variety of reasons, sometimes to supply a drug habit..uh, so what. I imagine there are people who use drugs who don't steal...So in every case that it's determined that a person stole to support some habit or lifestyle, etc. we should ban what they were stealing for??

In a "free" society the individual is not "free" unless they enjoy jurisdiction over their most basic and personal of their property..themselves.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't like how my country (USA) is viewed as being the bad guy and that we are scum, but...everybody moves here? I hate our lack of immigration control and our open policy to accepting almost everybody into this country, whether they're legal citizens or not.


Re: Stuff about YOUR country that pisses you off

AAA Archives of American Art
AAD Access to Archival Databases
AAPC Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee
AAS Office of Airport Safety and Standards
ABMC American Battle Monuments Commission
ABPP American Battlefield Protection Program
ACC Air Combat Command
ACD Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence
ACDA United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ACE Automated Commerical Environment
ACES Active Community Environments Initiative
ACF Administration for Children and Families
ACFR Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
AcqNet AcqNet
ACQWeb Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
ACSFA Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance
ACSL Alternate Crops and Systems Lab (changed to CSGCL)
ACYF Administration for Children, Youth, and Families
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act (Text of ADA legislation)
ADC Program Against Digital Counterfeiting of Currency (changed to ACD)
ADD Administration on Developmental Disabilities
ADDS Aviation Digital Data Service
ADF African Development Foundation
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
AFC American Folklife Center
AFCARS Adoption and Foster Care Reporting and Analysis System
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children (defunct; see history)
AFIS American Forces Information Service
AFML Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section
AFRC Air Force Reserve Command
AFRH Armed Forces Retirement Home
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
AFRTS Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
AFS Air Facility System
AFSC Armed Forces Staff College (replaced by JFSC)
AFSIC Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
AFSPC Air Force Space Command
AGDC Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinhouse
AGRICOLA Agricultural OnLine Access
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (changed to AHRQ)
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AHS American Housing Survey
AID Agency for International Development
AILO American Indian Liaison Office
AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System (changed to AFS)
AMES Ames Laboratory
AML Abandoned Mine Lands
AMS Agricultural Marketing Service
Amtrak National Railroad Passenger Corporation
ANA Administration for Native Americans
ANG Air National Guard
ANL Argonne National Laboratory
AO Administrative Office of U.S. Courts
AOA Administration on Aging
AOC Architect of the Capitol
AOML Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
APH American Printing House for the Blind
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
APIS Advanced Passenger Information System
APLAA Office of Asian Pacific, Latin American, and African Analysis
APP Office of Airport Planning and Programming
ARB Administrative Review Board
ARBA Army Review Boards Agency
ARC Archival Research Catalog | Arctic Research Commission
ARIS Air Resources Information System
ARL Air Resources Laboratory | Army Research Laboratory
ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
ARNet Acquisition Reform Network (changed to AcqNet)
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARS Agricultural Research Service
ASC Appraisal Subcommittee
ASL Assistant Secretary for Legislation
ASPR Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
AT/FP Antiterrorism Force/Protection Directorate
ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
ATO Air Traffic Organization
ATP Advanced Technology Program
ATS Automated Targeting System
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AWC Aviation Weather Center
AWIC Animal Welfare Information Center

BARC Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
BAU Behavioral Analysis Unit
BBG Broadcasting Board of Governors
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis
BECON Biomedical Engineering Consortium (defunct as of 11/08)
BEP Bureau of Engraving and Printing
BER Biological and Environmental Research
BERA Business & Economics Research Advisor
BES Basic Energy Sciences
BEST Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends
BFRL Building and Fire Research Laboratory
BHPr Bureau of Health Professions
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIE Bureau of Indian Education
BIMAS BioInformatics Molecular Analysis Section
BIS Bureau of Industry and Security
BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance
BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (changed to MDA)
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory
BNQP Baldrige National Quality Program
BOP Federal Bureau of Prisons
BOR Bureau of Reclamation
BPA Bonneville Power Administration
BPD Bureau of the Public Debt
BPHC Bureau of Primary Health Care
BRB Benefits Review Board
BRD Biological Resource Division
BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
BRS Biotechnology Regulatory Service
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease)
BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics
BVA Board of Veterans Appeals
BXA Bureau of Export Administration (changed to BIS)

CA Bureau of Consular Affairs
CAB Climate Analysis Branch
caBIG Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid
CACFP Child and Adult Care Food Program
CAGE Commercial and Government Entity
CAOC Chief Acquisition Officers Council
CAP Civil Air Patrol
CAPPS II Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System
CASMIRC Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investigative Resources Center
CB Children's Bureau
CBCA Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
CBD Commerce Business Daily (changed to FBO)
CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
CBI Center for Biological Informatics
CBIAC Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (changed to CBRNIAC)
CBO Congressional Budget Office
CBP Customs and Border Protection
CBRNIAC Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Defense Information Analysis Center
CCB Child Care Bureau
CCC Commodity Credit Corporation
CCDO Community Capacity Development Office
CCEHIP Coordinating Center for Environmental Health and Injury Prevention
CCHIS Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service
CCID Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases
CCR Commission on Civil Rights
CCTP U.S. Climate Change Technology Program
CDBG Communi . . . .

Stuff about YOUR country that pisses you off
Bureaucracy, Generally.
Oh did I mention acronyms ? Cute crafty acronyms ?
The aforementioned list is only the A's, B's and a tiny portion of the C's

Wow...I don't know where to begin...but where do you have the right as a paramedic to have your job be "less unpleasant"??? A person NOT wearing a seatbelt can never directly cause an accident so it should be their right to decide when it's best for them to wear one. And you DAMN SURE shouldn't be fined for not wearing one. There was an accident I saw one time where a man literally burned alive because the seatbelt jammed between the door during an accident trapping the guy.

Your proximate cause assumptions just don't cut it and you're mixing circumstances that are not analogous. Your freedom to enjoy your music loud doesn't preclude MY right to peaceful enjoyment of MY space. So what does that have to do with MY position that an individual should enjoy the right to enjoy his or her likings or choices until that enjoyment encroaches on the rights of others??

As far as you understanding of my position on cellphone can actually be ticketed for being on the side of the road on a phone even if your car is in park and off but merely with the key in the ignition?? There is no rational explanation for that to be a part of the statute even if I agree that the statute has merit, which I don't. Further, what's the greater hazard, a person simply answering a phone and saying, "Yep, I'll be there in 5 minutes" or some cop taking his eyes off the road to peer in someone's car trying to determine if they are actually on the phone or merely holding it??

I don't even buy the fact the cellphone users cause as many accidents as attributed to them. I mean, didn't accidents happen before cellphones?? Personally I believe there are many people who are unsafe drivers who have accidents in ANY event but blame being on the cellphone for lack of a better excuse..that shit gets back to the NTSB then the legislators get their bean counters to figure out how much revenue can be confiscated by making some dumb, new law.

At the end of's the point, you don't accept the government trying to protect people from themselves because where does it stop, in regulating how many cheeseburgers you can have in a week? And you don't accept that the government makes laws that will protect you from every eventuality because at some point your freedoms will be so diminished that you will no longer live in a "free" society.

People steal for a variety of reasons, sometimes to supply a drug habit..uh, so what. I imagine there are people who use drugs who don't steal...So in every case that it's determined that a person stole to support some habit or lifestyle, etc. we should ban what they were stealing for??

In a "free" society the individual is not "free" unless they enjoy jurisdiction over their most basic and personal of their property..themselves.

The idea that I own my own body is risible .As long as others depend upon me or simply love me I have an obligation to do whatever I can to remain intact.There are cases-a very tiny minority of accidents-in which the use of a seat belt traps an individual and they then die.Whether they would have been killed anyway without a belt is another matter which depends on the individual accident but the reason our road toll has fallen so sharply over recent years is largely the result of seatbelt legislation.In 1928 there were half a million cars and over 8000 annual road deaths, now there are 30 million cars and under 3000 annual road deaths in the UK. Every road death costs the economy a million pounds by the way and a lot of road congestion because the road is closed while investigations take place.
So I can play loud music in my garden and you can still enjoy peace and quiet next door.Only if you are deaf.
Drugs are acknowledged by law enforcement agencies to be the biggest single factor in housebreaking and mugging incidents.
I agree with you that it isn't the job of government to protect you against yourself once you are an adult.So take up skydiving , mountaineering or horseriding by all means , nobody is trying to stop you.
in the UK.

Well, that explains it ....the UK and Europe in general seem to be far more accepting of paternalism from the government.

You guys appear allot more willing to accept such paternalism as it's handed to you...our legislators here at least have to lie and trick us into this stuff.

Seatbelt legislation here is more about the insurance lobby flexing their influence to increase their profits. But how they sell it to us is "it's a good idea" for everyone to wear a seatbelt so we'll make it a law. The average constituent doesn't see the con in that statement though. It being a good idea and making it a law are two different things that they sell as being one.

The goal of the legislation was to increase the profits of the insurance lobby and increase the state revenue under the guise of "making you safer". I say that because in it's inception, it was offered that it would be a nominal fine (which is absurd enough to me) and it wouldn't reflect on your driving record. It's easy to get people to go for that...Once it was in place, it took 1 year for them to up the fines and report it on your driving record thereby increasing your insurance premiums for each incident.

I hate that my fellow countrymen and women are that gullible.