One thing you won't find ANYWHERE here, even among the most conservative right wing is argument against state sponsored health care...In fact many Americans were markedly less free than their counterparts over here.
If it comes at the expense of the government directing my most basic, individual decisions at the threat of fine....then no thanks.
As I said before, if the impetus behind a government deciding such things as you wearing a seatbelt or not because the taxpayer is on the hook for your medical expense...explain how you haven't extended to them the right to decide any other circumstance that involves you and a potential hazard to your health??
Back when I worked for companies, they shouldered most of the expense for my health care but I couldn't imagine them saying to me because we do so we're going stipulate that you not drink in excess, wear a seatbelt at all times and only eat certain foods....because of course, WE'RE on the hook for your health care.
We are not the freest and we don't have a patent on freedom but what we do have is a constitution and BORs that are a direct result of our disagreement with aspects of British rule. Writs of Assignment (for example) which were in effect open ended search warrants handed down by The British as a means of confiscating wealth and taxes were the primary reason for our revolt.
Our laws are based on our constitution and our BORs....which defines the limits of their power and responsibilities. Their powers and responsibilities are limited to the articles contained therein. That's what I go by and that's what my fellow countrymen and women should be doing as well. I don't know what your government's laws, powers and responsibilities are derived from....that kind of stuff COULD actually be written into it and if that's the case that could explain the difference in your perspective and mine.
The closest thing we have in our constitution that suggests anything like you believe is Art. I Sec. 8 where the government is to "promote the general welfare". That is a far cry from ensuring "the general welfare" as your posts seem to suggest.
You say that you enjoy freedoms we may not...and that certainly may be so. However, if you've convinced yourself that government intervention in your personal decision making is the way to go then I'm not sure how long you will enjoy such freedoms. Government by it's nature seeks more and more control...and the more you giveth...the more it takes.