is any one in SoCal, thats played it at FFA, and yeah cant wait to get SF4 gonna use Cammy and just maybe keep on using Rufus:2 cents:
If you needed anpther reason to buy the game, folks.
What are the chances Best Buy still has a Chun-Li controller?
I went to two different Best Buy stores looking for the Chun-Li controller but couldn't find it. At the second store all they had left was one Ryu and one Blanka so I just took the Ryu controller because I probably wouldn't be able to find it again and I drove a long way to get the controller. The Fight Pads and Fight Sticks have been selling out every where.
That sucks. Guess I waited too late.
Planning on buying it today. Probably play it the first time through with Sakura. What character will you guys use first?
You're gonna have to play as Ryu if you want to unlock Sakura. The Alpha characters aren't available at the start without beating arcade mode with a certain character.
It is looking AMAZING. You can even set the language for each character: if you want Ryu to speak Japanese and Guile to speak English for example,
Every where I go people are saying the XBOX controller is shit for SFIV, why?